June 8, 2012
To: All School Board Members
From: Devin Embray, Superintendent
Voting Orders:
Dave Blum - At-Large ' 13
Henry Clark - At-Large ' 13
Ann Staiert - At-Large ' 13
Craig Patzer - At-Large ' 15
Theresa Rornens - At-Large ' 15
Re: Regular Meeting - Monday, Ju ne 11, 2012 - 7:00 p.m.
Pacific Junction Methodist Church, Pacific Junction, IA 51561
Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
A. Call to Order
A. We wil l recognize Kerry Newman for being a State Final ist for Principal of the Year. Congratulation , Kerry!
A. Kevin Farmer will present a Power Point and recognize three gentlemen who contributed their time and knowledge during 6th Grade Science Camp. Those bing recognized are Jared Getter, of the Mills County Conservation Board; Mark Coucher of DNR Fisheries; and Bryan Hayes , also from the DNR.
A. Approval of Minutes Motion 4.A.
I am seeking approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 14, 2012, the Special Meeting and the Super Board Meeting, both held on May 29, 2012.
B. Approval of agenda Motion 4.B.
I am seeking approval of the agenda.
C. Approval of Board Policies - Second Readings
There are no second readings this month
I am seeking approval of the above policies' second readings.
D. Approval of Board Policies - First Readings
There are no first readings this month
I am seeking approval of the above policies' first readings.
E. NEW HIRES Motion 4.E.
Jeff Janssen
Assistant High School Boys Basketball
Curt Schulte
Head Middle School Football - 7th Grade
Kristine Wilson
High School Yearbook (Sharing position with Belinda Bessey)
$1 ,430.00
Kristine Wilson
Rambler Newspaper
Marcella Dunn
6, 7, 8th Grade Vocal Music Programs
Sarah Hardcastle
Child Care Associate at Kid 's Place
$7.25 per hour
Samantha Mallow
Child Care Associate at Kid 's Place
$8.23 per hour
Shelby Oliphant
Child Care Associate at Kid 's Place
$7.25 per hour
Sophia Ringsdorf
Assistant Softball
Jennifer Brammer
Bus Associate (formerly substitute bus associate)
$10.43 per hour
Lauren Snyder
First Grade Teacher
$36,642.39 (Includes TSS)
Larry (Matt) Malskeit
Second Grade Teacher
$45, 192.39 (Incl udes TSS)
Steven Cook.
4th Grade Special Education
$36,642.39 (I ncludes TSS)
Christopher Visser
High School Math
$42,702 .39 (l ncludes TSS)
Christopher Visser
Assistant High School Football
Brent Douma
Assistant Middle School Football
Gordon Woodrow
Auditorium Sponsor
Adam Buthe
Assistant High School Football
Brad Asche
Assistant High School Football
Rebecca Griffin
Transitional Kindergarten Teacher
$36,642.39 (In cludes TSS)
Carla Wiese
Northeast Media Associate
$8.29 per hour
Teresa Barker
West Media Associate
$8.29 per hour
I am seeking approval of the above new hires.
F. Transfers
I am seeking approval of the above transfers within the district.
G . RESlGNATlONS Motion 4 .G.
I am seeking approval of the above termination.
I. Open Enrollments
I am seeking approval of the above open enrollment applications for Therron H. and Grace L.
J. Approva l of Financial Repo1ts
1. Approval of Bills - Director Blum wil have reviewed the bills.
2. Vendor Report
3. Board Report
K. Fundraising Requests
L. Out of State Travel
M. Overnight Stay requests
N. Grant Requests Motion 4 .N .
I am seeking approval of the above grant requests.
A. Comments from Public
B. Comments from Board
C. Presentations - Technology Comm ttee Update
Building Administrator Reports
High School
Middle School
West Elementary
Northeast Elementary/Early Childhood Center
Building Bridges Leaming Center
Activities Director Report
Kid 's Place Director 's Report
Technology Report
Food Service Report
Transportation/Building & Grounds Report
Print Shop
School Improvement Report
A . Legislative Resolutions Discussion
B. Approval of Renewal of the Best Care Assistance Program
I am seeking approval to renew the Best Care Assistance Program from the 2012-2013 school year.
C. Approval of Year End Expenditures
I am seeking approval to pay year end expenditures, contingent upon funds.
D. Approval of IAEP Contract for Food Service
I am seeking approval of the contract contingent upon pricing that will be received later in June.
E. Approval of Food Service Agreement with West Central Community Action GIenwood Head Start I & II
I am seeking approval of the Food Service Agreement with West Central Community Action Glenwood Head Start I & II for purchase of meals.
F. Approval of Food Service Agreement with Kid 's Place Daycare Motion 8.F.
I am seeking approval of the Food Service Agreement with Kid's Place Daycare.
G. Approval of Data Compromise Coverage (Identity Theft) Motion 8.G.
EMC Insurance Companies is now offering Data Compromise Coverage for students, staff and board member information. After discussion I will ask for a Motion.
H. Approval of Software Unlimited Inc.'s Web Link Module Motion 8.H .
I am seeking approval of the Web Link Module in the amount of $1,145 along with the annual maintenance fee of $300.
I. Approval of Resolution Motion 8.1.
I am seeking approval of the Resolution Opting Out of Environmentally Preferable Cleaning Products Pursuant to Iowa Code 8A.318(c). The Resolution states that we will not participate in the Environmentally Preferable Cleaning Mandate, but we will use such products when it is financially feasible and in the best interest of students and staff in the district.
J. Approval of SAI's Administrator Mentoring and Induction Program Motion 8.J.
I am seeking approval of SAI's Administrator Mentoring and lnduction Program for Rick Nickerson, the district's new Associate High School Principal.
K. Approval of Revised Cooperative Agreement with University of Northern Iowa Motion 8.K.
I am seeking approval of the revised Cooperative Agreement with the University of Northern Iowa. The primary change is an increase in the cooperative teacher stipend from $200 per full semester student teaching placement to $400 for the full semester payment.
L. Approval of High School Wireless Project Motion 8.L.
I am seeking approvalfor the lowest, reasonable and responsible quote for the High School wireless project
M. Fire Marshal Remodel Project for the Northeast Elementary Classroom Pod Motion 8.M.
I am seeking approval of the remodel project at Northeast Elementary. This motion is to approve the architect's proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost; setting the bid security amount at 5%; advertising to bid and public notice of hearing on plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost. Depending on the bids it may be split over two years.
N. Approval of Revised Proposal(s) for Baseball/Softball Bleachers Motion 8.N.
I am seeking approval of the revised proposal(s) for the BaseballI/Softball Bleachers.
O. Approval of Phase III of the Radio Plan Motion 8.0.
I am seeking approval to move to Phase III of the Radio Plan for our buses, making them FCC compliant with narrow banding.
P. Approval of the Working Draft of the Math Curriculum Motion 8.P.
I am seeking approva of the working draft of the Math Curriculum for the 2012-2013 school year.
Q. Approval of the Working Draft of the Business/Computer Curriculum Motion 8.Q.
I am seeking approval of the working draft of the Business/Computer Curriculum for the 2012-2013 School Year.
R. Approval of the Working Draft of the Fine Arts Curriculum Motion 8.R.
I am seeking approval of the working draft of teh Fine Arts Curriculum for the 2012-2103 school year.
S. Closed Session Motion 8.S.
"I move that we hold a Closed Session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevetn needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session."
T. Return to Open Session
1. Action on the Superintendent 's evaluation, salary and benefits for 2012-2013