Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future
Devin Embray - Superintendent Kristi Buman - Director of Finance
103 Central, Suite 300 * Glenwood, IA 51534 * 712-527-9034 * Fax 712-527-4287
November 22, 2017
To: All School Board Members Voting Order:
Greg Schultz - At-Large ‘21
From: Devin Embray, Superintendent Michelle Bahr- At-Large ‘21
Ann Staiert - At-Large ‘21
Curt Becker - At-Large ‘19
Theresa Romens - At-Large ‘19
Re: Board Work Session- Monday, November 27, 2017 - 6:00 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room, 103 Central, Third Floor, Glenwood
Special Board Meeting
1. Approval of Mid-Term Graduate Motion
I am seeking approval of the Mid-Term Graduate contingent upon completion
of all requirements.
2. Approval of SBRC Application for LEP Allowable Costs Motion
I am seeking approval of the SBRC application for LEP allocable costs in the amount
of $9,414.24.
3. Approval of Bills Motion
I am seeking approval for payment of the attached bills.
Board Work Session
1. Financial Recommendations Discussion
2. Student Achievement Data
3. Fall Activity Surveys
Student Athlete Survey
Parent Survey
Coaches Survey
Charted Data
4. Board Input: Requested future work session / board meeting topics