Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future
Devin Embray Superintendent Kristi Buman Director of Finance
103 Central, Suite 300 * Glenwood, IA 51534 * 7125279034 * Fax 7125274287
May 26, 2015
To: All School Board Members Voting Order:
Dave Blum At-Large ‘17
From: Devin Embray, Superintendent Michelle Bahr At-Large ‘17
Ann Staiert At-Large ‘17
Craig Patzer At-Large ‘15
Theresa Romens At-Large ‘15
Re: Public Hearing re School Calendar Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:15 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room, 103 Central, Third Floor, Glenwood
Special Meeting & Work Session Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:30 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room 103 Central, Third Floor, Glenwood

1. Pledge of Allegiance
A. Call to Order
2. New Business
A. New Hires
Rachel Lefeber
7th Grade Math
$38,041 (20152016)
Contingent upon background checks & receipt of official transcripts.
Emily McDaniel
High School Social Studies
$40,891 (20152016)
Contingent upon background checks & receipt of official transcripts.
Ralph Blackey
Part Time Mechanic / Sub Bus Driver
$9.30 per hour & $15.33 (w/ 2 hr min.)
Destiny DeLashmutt
Substitute Teacher
$122 per day
Shelbie Congdon
Child Care Associate at Kid’s Place
$8.67 per hour
Jordan Bueltel
7th Grade Math to Gateway to Technology
No Change
Diane VonTersch
2nd Grade to Level I Special Education
No Change
Lisa Leu
1st Grade to Title I
No Change
Donny Kates
Bus Driver to Building Custodian
$10.34 per hour
Lisa Stivers
Teacher Associate to Substitute Teacher Associate
$9.98 (20152016 Wage)
Amber Farnan
Captionist to Print Shop Associate
$9.06 (Training)
$9.39 (Beginning July 1)
Kathy Konigsmark
4th Grade Teacher / Head Girls Golf Coach
End of 201415 SY Release from contract is contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.
Shane Keeling
Head 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach
End of 20142015 SY
Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement
Brandee Blackey
Teacher Associate
May 12, 2015
Brett Zeski
Special Ed Teacher Assoc.
End of 20142015 SY
Miranda Smith
Preschool Teacher Associate
End of 20142015 SY
D. Approval of 2015-2016 School Calendar Motion
E.Approval of Expansion of Kid’s Place Motion
I am seeking approval to expand Kid’s Place by adding ½ of the 4th floor, based on numbers.
F. Approval to Pay Bills June 30,2014 Motion
I am seeking approval for the Central Office to pay any outstanding invoices on June 30, 2015, contingent upon the availability of funds.
G. Approval of Revised 5 Year Plan Motion
I am seeking approval of the Revised 5Year Plan. Dave will be in attendance to answer any questions.
1. Board Goal Setting with Presentation
2. Community Relations - Administrators and Counselors
3. Adjournment
UPCOMING MEETINGS: Monday, June 8, 2015 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Board