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Minutes for May 24, 2021 - Special Meeting & Work Session

Glenwood Community School District

Special Meeting & Work Session of the Board of Directors

Central Office, 103 Central

May 24, 2021 - 6:00 p.m.


Call to Order

President Becker called the special meeting & Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Becker, Ann Staiert, Greg Schultz, Elizabeth Richardson, and Tim Becker. 

Special Meeting - Business Items

A.         Approval of New Hires

Greg Schultz made a motion to approve the hiring of Jasey Segebrecht, Teacher, and

Angie Thomas, Coordinator of Kid’s Place Daycare.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion. 

All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.

B.         Approval of 2021-2022 BackPack Program

            Elizabeth Richardson made a motion to approve the BackProgram for the 2021-2022

            school year.  Greg Schultz seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.

C.         Approval of Agreement

            Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement between the GCSD, She Plays,

            Inc., and Erica Douglas for an event for female athletes on Sunday, August 15, 2021. 

            Tim Becker seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.

D.         Approval of Agreement

            Tim Becker made a motion to approve the agreement between the GCSD and

            Instructional Coaching Group, LLC., for professional development training on

            August 10-11, 2021.  Elizabeth Richardson seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. 

            Motion carried.

E.         Approval of Bread Bid

            Greg Schultz made a motion to approve the bread bid from Pan O Gold for the

            2021-2022 school year.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion


F.         Approval of Renovation for part of Central Office

            Tim Becker made a motion to approve the renovation for part of the Central Office. 

            Elizabeth Richardson seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.


Work Session

Strategic Initiatives - Superintendent Devin Embray & School Improvement Director Chad Lang reported on, and discussion was had, around professional development, PBIS, PLC, Teaching & Learning, Monitoring Learning and Engagement Wellbeing.


Kid’s Place Update - An update was given on the status of Kid’s Place Daycare.


Greg Schultz left the meeting at this time.



As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Tim Becker and seconded by Elizabeth Richardson to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.



____________________________________         ___________________________________

Curt Becker, Board President                                  Devin Embray, Board Secretary Pro Tem