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March 22, 2021 - Special Meeting & Work Session

Glenwood Community School District

Work Session of the Board of Directors 6:00 P.M.

Central Office 103 Central

Monday, March 22, 2021

Call to Order

President Becker called the special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Roll Call

Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Becker, Greg Schultz, Ann Staiert, Elizabeth Richardson, and Tim Becker. 

New Business

  1. Approval of New Hire – Contingent upon completion of pre-employment requirements

            Name                                            Position                                               Salary                                  

            Paula Carmen                              Teacher                                              $58,496.40 (2021-2022)

                                                                Head Volleyball Coach                        $5,985 (2021-2022)                     

      Greg Schultz made a motion to approve the consent agenda item.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried. 

      B. Approval of Internet Service and Purchased Services Agreements

          Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreements with Western Iowa Networks.  Tim Becker seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion                carried. 

Work Session

The board heard from Northeast Principal Herron, West Principal O’Grady, and Middle School Principal Stanley on the FAST Benchmark scores from each building.

Superintendent Embray and Finance Director Meckna then presented the board with future bonding information and a presentation of the Aid and Levy for the budget recommendation that will be coming to the board in April for approval.



As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Greg Schultz and seconded by Elizabeth Richardson to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:43 p.m.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.


_______________________________                                             __________________________________

Curt Becker, Board President                                                             Kristi Meckna, Board Secretary