Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future
Devin Embray Superintendent Kristi Buman Director of Finance
103 Central, Suite 300 * Glenwood, IA 51534 * 7125279034 * Fax 7125274287
August 15, 2016
All School Board Members
Voting Order:
Greg Schultz AtLarge ‘17
Devin Embray, Superintendent
Michelle Bahr AtLarge ‘17
Ann Staiert AtLarge ‘17
Curt Becker AtLarge ‘19
Theresa Romens AtLarge ‘19
Re: Super Board Meeting - August 16, 2016 - 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Glenwood City Hall - 5 North Vine Street
City Report:
1. Pool
2. RAGBRAI Wrap up
3. Pink Out
4. Other
School Report:
1. New School Year
A. New Hires
B. New Administrators
2. Feasibility Study of Stadium Project
A. Report - Wednesday, September 7 - High SChool Auditorium.
3. Discussion regarding the idea of Bridge Clean-up
4. Discussion regarding a sidewalk to Glenwood Lake Park and Pool.
5. Other
County Report:
1. Economic Development
2. Comprehensive Plan
3. Other
Set Date of Next Meeting
Thank you all for your time and service to this community!