June 10, 2011 Voting Order:
To: All School Board Members Dave Blum – At-Large ´13
Henry Clark – At-Large ‘13
From: Devin Embray, Superintendent Dave Warren – At-Large ‘13
Linda Young – At-Large ‘11
Theresa Romens – At-Large ‘11
Re: Closed Session on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. and the Regular Meeting on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center, 504 East Sharp Street, Glenwood
Closed Session – 6:00 p.m.
2. MOVE TO CLOSED SESSION: The Board will move into Closed Session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
A. Action if necessary
Regular Meeting – 7:00 p.m.
A. Call to order
A. We will recognize Andrew Schoening for his commitment and dedication to the Glenwood Schools Daktronic equipment and for the awesome team he has built to support and maintain it. We will also recognize Boys and Girls Track and Boys and Girls Soccer for their fantastic accomplishments this year!
A. We will recognize Pamida for a $2,000 donation made to the school for student needs.
A. Approval of Minutes of the Work Session and the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 9, 2011.
I am seeking approval of the minutes.
B. Approval of agenda
Motion 4.B.
I am seeking approval of the agenda.
C. Approval of Board Policies – Second Readings Motion 4.C.
I am seeking approval of the above policies’ second readings.
C. Approval of Board Policies - First Readings

H. Approval of Financial Reports
1. Approval of Bills - Director Young will have reviewed the bills
2. Vendor Report
3. Board Report
I. Fundraising Requests
A. Comments from Public
B. Comments from Board
C. Presentations
A. Building Administrator Reports 6.A.
1. High School
2. Middle School
3. West Elementary
4. Northeast Elementary/Early Childhood Center
5. Building Bridges Learning Center
B. Activities Director Report 6.B.
C. Kid’s Place Director’s Report 6.C.
D. Technology Report 6.D.
E. Food Service Report 6.E.
F. Transportation/Building & Grounds Report 6.F.
G. Print Shop
H. School Improvement Report 6.H.
A. None
A. Approval of IAEP Food Contract for 2011-2012 Motion 8.A.
I am seeking approval of the IAEP Food Contract for 2011-2012. IAEP was formerly IEC. |
B. Approval of Bread Bid Recommendation
Motion 8.B.
I am seeking approval of the bread bid from Sara Lee/Old Home for the 2011-2012 school year as presented in the board packet.
C. Approval of Milk Bid Recommendation
Motion 8.C.
I am seeking approval of the milk bid from Robert’s Dairy for the 2011-2012 school year as presented in the board packet.
D. Approval of Dishwasher Bid Recommendation Motion 8.D.
I am seeking approval of the dishwasher bid from Buller Fixture Company, in the amount of $19,855.30.
E. Approval of SAI Mentoring and Induction Program Agreement Motion 8.E.
I am seeking approval of the SAI Agreement for Administrator Mentoring and Induction. We do not have any administrators in the program at this time but SAI advised us to sign the agreement anyway.
F. Approval of GIS License Agreement & Data Sharing Policy Motion 8.F.
I am seeking approval of the GIS License Agreement & Data Sharing Policy. With this our transportation department will be able to download land and cadastral data into a digital graphic and tabular database.
G. Approval of Lease Agreement with West Program Central Community Action Head Start Motion 8.G.
I am seeking approval of the Lease Agreement with Head Start for a total of $9,750. The Lease will run August 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012.
H. Approval to Year End Expenditures
Motion 8.H.
I am seeking approval to pay year end expenditures, contingent upon funds.
I. Approval of Tentative Agreement with Teamsters (Bus Drivers) Motion 8.I.
I am seeking approval of the Tentative Agreement with the Teamsters Union. The total package increase is 2.93% for the 2011-2012 school-year and includes a 33 cent raise.
J. Approval of Tentative Agreement with United Electrical (Custodians, Food Service and Teacher Associates)
I am seeking approval of the Tentative Agreement with the UE Union. The total package increase is 2.94% for the 2011-2012 school-year and includes a 25 cent hourly raise.
K. Approval of Classified Non-Union, Directors and Administrators Wage Increases
I am seeking approval of wage increases for the 2011-2012 school-year for the above mentioned employees. I am proposing 29 cents per hour for classified non-union employees and $600 per year for directors and administrators.
L. Approval of IASB Dues
Motion 8.L.
I am seeking approval of the IASB Dues for 2011-2012 in the amount of $5,916.00.
M. Approval of Parent-Student Handbook Changes for 2011-2012. Motion 8.M.
I am seeking approval of the changes for the 2011-2012 Parent-Student handbooks.
N. Approval of Mentoring / Volunteer Coordinator Motion 8.N.
I am seeking approval of hiring a Mentoring/Volunteer Coordinator. Mentoring for Heart did not get funded through a grant that had been in place for the previous five years. I would like to allocate At-Risk Modified allowable growth dollars to support this position as a categorical position. The wage would be approximately $10-$12 dollars per hour with up to 30 hours per week for approximately 10 months. Freemont Mills in interested in keeping a partnership with us and will help contribute dollars toward it.
O. Approval of Baseball/Football Concession Stand Motion 8.O.
I am seeking approval of this concession stand and the lowest responsible proposal pending fire marshal approval. We would like to start on this project ASAP.
P. Legislative Action Priorities Discussion
I am seeking Board discussion on the Legislative Action Priorities for 2011-2012. The priorities are due August 12.
Q. Approval of PreschoolTuition Motion 8.Q
I am seeking approval to raise preschool tuition rates as presented in the board packet.
R. Red Cross Emergency Shelter Agreement Motion 8.R
I am seeking approval of the agreement to offer the Red Cross Emergency Shelter if needed.
S. Best Care Agreement
Motion 8.S
I am seeking approval of the Best Care agreement for employee assistance for the 2011- 2012 school year.
T. Supplemental Contracts
Motion .T
I am seeking approval of the supplemental pay schedule for the 2011-2012 school year with the noted changes to certain contracts and the additional contracts that were added. The GEA leadership along with the district administration re-tooled the schedule to reflect a more fair and balanced schedule as well as address certain areas that needed more support.
U. Revenue Purpose Statement Discussion
I am seeking discussion of the Revenue Purpose Statement. It was suggested to be placed back on the agenda for further discussion.
July 11th – High School Media Center, 504 East Sharp Street, Glenwood