August 6, 2010
To: All School Board Members Voting Orders:
Dave Blum – At-Large ‘13
From: Devin Embray, Superintendent Henry Clark – At-Large ‘13
David Warren – At-Large ‘13
Linda Young – At-Large ‘11
Theresa Romens – At-Large ‘11
Re: Working agenda for the regular meeting on Monday, August 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the
High School Media Center, 504 East Sharp Street, Glenwood, Iowa
A. Call to order
A. Girls Soccer; Mr. Arkfeld will present
B. Baseball; Mr. Arkfeld will present
We would like to honor the accomplishments of our Girls Soccer and Boys Baseball teams for their state level accomplishments.
A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting on July 12, 2010, and the public hearing & special meeting on July 26, 2010.
I am seeking approval of the minutes.
B. Approval of agenda
Motion 3.B.
I am seeking approval of the agenda.
1. | 1004.2R1 | Regulations Concerning the Use of School Faciltities |
2. | 1004.3R2 | Fees for Use of School Facilities |
3. | 1004.4R1 | Community Use of School Facilities |
I am seeking approval of the above policies' second readings.
First Readings
I am seeking approval of the above policies' first readings.
E. RESIGNATIONS | Motion 3.E. |
Kimberly Brehm High School Math – Pre-Algebra and Geometry July 30, 2010
I am seeking approval of the above resignation(s).
G. Approval of Financial Reports Motion 3.G.
1. Approval of Bills – Director Young will have reviewed the bills
2. Vendor Report
3. Board Report
A. Comments from public
B. Comments from Board
C. Presentations
A. Building Administrator Reports (Verbal for August) 5.A.
1. High School
2. Middle School
3. West Elementary
4. Northeast Elementary/Early Childhood Center
5. Building Bridges Learning Center
B. Activities Director Report 5.B.
C. Kid’s Place Director’s Report 5.C.
D. Technology Report 5.D.
E. Food Service Report 5.E.
F. Transportation/Building & Grounds Report 5.F.
G. Print Shop
A. Approval of Purchase of Suburbans
Motion 6.A.
This was an item that to my knowledge was tabled at a previous meeting. Now that the facility, grounds, transportation, technology plan has been discussed and agreed upon by Dave, Kyle, Shirley and myself, we feel confident that this is a wise purchase. I am seeking approval.
A. Approval to Hire Engineering Firm to Design, Spec., and Bid Football Lights/Baseball Lights.
According to my conversations with Dave and Scott, the lights at our baseball and football field are in a very bad condition and could even be a safety issue. I am seeking approval to this firm to develop specs and bid information to seek new lighting at these two complexes.
B. Approval to Hire Engineering Firm to Design, Spec., Bid Renovation of Northeast Elementary Office
I am seeking approval to hire this firm to spec and develop bid information for the office renovation at Northeast Elementary.
C. Approval for Review of all Board Policies Motion 7.C.
Enclosed you have two quotes from two organizations that do policy review and suggested revisions to board policies. We are in need of updating our board policies in totality and then annually we need to review policies that will get us through the entire policy book within a five year time frame. I am seeking approval to move forward with hiring one of these firms. Both are reputable.
D. Approval of Five Year Plan
Motion 7.D.
Dave, Kyle, Shirley and myself sat down and discussed the funding available for the projects we need to accomplish as well as planned out what we feel will need to be accomplished for each of the next five years. Due to things that come up each year, we will sit down and modify the plan annually, but will always be adding a fifth year to it. Shirley and myself feel comfortable with reserving an amount that can be used should a catastrophic situation occur in our district that would need dollars available immediately. We feel this amount should be no less than $500,000.
E. Legislative Action Priorities
I would like the board to engage in conversations as to which legislative priorities will be the ones that we will agree on send in to IASB.
F. Approval of Legislative Action Priorities
I would like the board to determine which five legislative priorities we will send to IASB to possibly ratify during the delegate assembly of IASB in November.
G. Fund Raising Requests
Motion 7.G.
H. Approval of Increase in Tuition for Kid’s Place
Motion 7.H.
Based on the data provided on previous years and the needs that Kids Place has currently, I am seeking approval of increasing the tuition at Kids Place by 10%.
I. Approval of Continued Use of Assessment Solutions
Motion 7.I.
I am seeking approval to continue the use of Assessment Solutions for the 2010-2011 school year.
J. Approval of Additional School Attorney
Motion 7.J.
I am seeking approval of adding Lynch Dallas to our list of attorneys for the district.
K. Approval of Fiber Optic Bids
Motion 7.K.
I am seeking approval for Communication Innovators to install our Wide Area Network to Northeast, West and the Print Shop for a total bid of
$140,000 to include a performance bond.
L. Approval of Contract with Holiday Inn
Motion 7.L.
This is a new one for me. In the past we have never had to sign a contract with a hotel vendor to reserve rooms. The contract has an opt out clause for canceling rooms, but we will need to be very observant of the dates in order to not have to pay for rooms we may not need.
M. Approval of Iowa Educators Consortium
Motion 7.M.
I am seeking approval to participate in the IEC.
N. Approval of Non-Union Salaries
Motion 7.N.
I am seeking approval of the non union salaries. Please see the attachment showing our revenues and cost estimates on salaries.
O. Approval of Alternative High School Handbook
Motion 7.O.
I am seeking approval of the Alternative High School Handbook
Monday, September 13 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street Monday, October 11 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street Monday, November 8 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street Monday, December 13 – Regular Board Meeting – High School – 7:00 p.m. – 504 East Sharp Street