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January 14, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
January 14, 2008
President Linda Young called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Nancy Krogstad, Theresa Romens, Bill Agan. Absent: Frank Overhue.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Romens to approve the agenda and consent agenda including the minutes of December 10, 2007, the bills and financial statements. Ayes- Krogstad, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Public Forum:  None
Good News Reports:
Members of the Glenwood High School Dance Team reported on their participation at the Cotton Bowl this year.
What’s Happening In The Classroom:
Kerry Newman, Robin Hundt and Amy Abler presented strategies aimed at meeting the district’s annual reading goal which focuses on improvement of comprehension at the 10th grade level.
Bill Eich presented data regarding proficiency levels in math and reading.
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve the 2006-2007 audit as presented. Ayes-Krogstad, Romens, Agan, Young. Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Board policies 502.6 and 502.7 were tabled until the February meeting.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Agan to approve a 5% increase in tuition fees for Kid’s Place effective Monday, February 4, 2008.  Ayes-Krogstad, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Krogstad to approve application for a Mills County Endowment Fund Grant in the amount of $2,000 for Kid’s Place.   Ayes-Krogstad, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Agan to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m.
After adjournment the Board met in a Negotiations strategies session which is exempt per provisions of the Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3).