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February 11, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
February 11, 2008
President Linda Young called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present:  Nancy Krogstad, Frank Overhue, Theresa Romens, Bill Agan.  Absent:  None.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve the agenda and consent agenda including the minutes of January 14, 2008, the bills and financial statements, as well as the Letter of Resignation and request for the retirement incentive from Director of Food Services Jo Hodnett, effective December 31, 2008; Middle School Secretary Karen McCallan, effective June 30, 2008; and Business Manager/Board Secretary Judy Picker, effective December 31, 2008.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays- None.  Motion carried.
Public Forum:  None
Good News Reports were given.
What’s happening in the Classroom:
Bill Eich went over the Science Curriculum purchases estimated at $160,000 with the Board and informed them that he would probably be asking for approval to purchase the curriculum items at the March Board meeting.
Shirley Frederickson and Wayne Phipps were present to answer any questions that the Board might have concerning the wind turbine study.  Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve the pre-application to the Office of Energy Independence for Wind Turbine for the Glenwood Community School District.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Rob Simmon and  Dan Hardcastle were present to answer questions and ask the Board to approve an application regarding the Science Research and Innovation Center.  Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to approve application for a grant in the amount of
$1.6 million for fiscal year 2009 for the Science Research and Innovation Center.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Romens to approve the resolution to support the State Wide Penny Sales Tax where as it supports our local schools, provides equity for our students and lowers the burden of our property tax payers.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of School Bonds in the amount of not to exceed $1,425,000, and levying a tax for the payment thereof.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve the 28E Agreements with Iowa Western Community College for two students attending their Blast program second semester.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve the second readings of Board Policy 502.6 “Academic Eligibility Requirements” and 502.A “Participation in Non- School Sponsored Activities”.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays- None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Agan to approve application for the Iowa Engineering Society’s Math and Science Grant in the amount of $250.00 to purchase measuring devices for all middle school math programs.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Administrative Reports were given.
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to move into closed session regarding the Superintendent’s Evaluation according to Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Open Meetings Law.
Into closed session at 8:42 p.m. Out of closed session at 9:55 p.m.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to extend Superintendent Sibley’s contract by one year to 07/01/2011. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
After adjournment the Board met in Negotiations strategies session which is exempt per provisions of the Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3).