Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
December 10, 2007
President Linda Young called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 4:15 p.m. with the following members present: Nancy Krogstad, Theresa Romens, Bill Agan. Absent: Frank Overhue.
The Superintendent asked that the agenda be amended by adding Personnel Item to accept the resignation of Katrina Krashin, Middle School Resource Teacher, effective January 25, 2008 and Mike Kros from DLR under Administration Reports. Motion by Krogstad and second by Romens to approve the amended agenda and consent agenda to approve the letter of resignation from Joyce Endicott, effective the end of the 2007-2008 school year, and the resignation of Katrina Krashin, Middle School Resource Teacher, effective January 25, 2008, and the open enrollment application in to the Glenwood District. Ayes-4 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Public Forum: None
Good News Reports:
Lisa Bartusek, Associate Executive Director for Board Development presented the Better Boardmanship plaque to the Glenwood Board of Education.
What’s Happening in the Classroom:
Tami Bertini, Laura Lambert, and Julie McMullen, Northeast Elementary teachers, reported on the Jolly Phonics Program being used at the Kindergarten and First Grade levels.
Frank Overhue arrived at 4:40 p.m.
Business Items:
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the list of 13 mid-term graduates as presented, contingent upon completion of all requirements. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve the renewal lease with the Glenwood Resource Center for the use of Bldg 102, Bldg 103, the Meyer Bldg (Middle School), and Bldg 212 for 18 month period beginning July 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009. Ayes-
5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve participation in the Iowa Select Provider Program for Workers Compensation claims starting January 1, 2009. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Krogstad to approve the application for Allowable Growth in the amount of $661,582 for the 2008-2009 school year. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Three bids were received for the Softball Lighting project: Ardent Lighting in the amount of $61,760; however, they did not meet the bid requirements, ABC Electric $67,748 and Bluffs Electric $77,955.85. Motion by Agan and second by Overhue to approve ABC Electrical Contractors LLC for the Softball Field Lighting Project in the amount of $67,748.00 including the 10 year warranty contingent upon meeting all requirements. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Agan to approve the purchase of 501 Tyson Street for the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) and authorize staff to execute all necessary documents subject to a Title Opinion. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to approve first reading for the new Board Policy 502.7A “Participation in Non-School Sponsored Activities” and 502.6 “Academic Eligibility Requirements.” Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Bill Agan left at 5:20 p.m.
Motion by Romens and second by Krogstad to approve out-of-state travel for the high school dance team to Dallas, Texas to perform during the pre-game and half-time of the Cotton Bowl, with the stipulation that Mr. Arkfeld, Activities Director, Mrs. Newman, High School Principal and the dance team sponsors work on a process for attending out- of-state competitions in the future. Ayes-4 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Mike Kros of DLR Architects explained to the Board the process for selecting the auditorium chairs.
The Board/Student Council luncheon will be held at the high school on January 23, 2008.
Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to adjourn the meeting and move into Negotiations Strategies session which is exempt per provisions of the Iowa code Chapter 20.17(3).
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.