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1003.3E2 GHS & West Auditorium Facility Usage Request Sheet

Group/Organization Name: _______________________________________________


Contact Name:______________________________   Phone: _______________________


Contact Email:_________________________________________________________


Date(s) and Time(s) of Auditorium Usage:         ___________________________________



Practice/Rehearsal Time: ________________________________________________

Doors Opening/ Closing: ________________________________________________

Please check all that you will need for your presentation/production:

□ Lights

□ Sound

□ Microphone #___

□ Podium

□ Pre-Show Music

□ Curtains

□ Scenery

□ Sound Effects

□ Box Office

□ Ushers

□ Sound Shells

□ Risers #___

□ Music Stands #___

□ Dressing Room

□ Videotaping


Please be aware that the GHS & West Auditorium does not have a fly system OR Spot Lights.        

Fees:  (reference – Board Policy 1004.3)

____ $35/hour for Custodian     

____ $35/hour for set-up & teardown

____ $30/hour for each cook needed (must be used when kitchen is open)

____ $30/hour HS Auditorium (Nonprofit)(4 hr min)

____ $60/hour HS (Profit - 4 hr min)

____ $20/hour West Aud. (Non-profit)(4 hr min)              

____ $50/hour West (Profit -4 hr min)

____ $50 for use of West kitchen (less than 4 hours)                  

____ $100 for HS kitchen (4 hours plus)

____ $70 for opening and closing                                     

____ $35 for use of a room or cafeteria


____TOTAL AMOUNT        


*Reviewed:  11/09/15

*Revised: 09/12/16

*Revised: 09/14/20