Glenwood Community School District Minutes of the Public Hearing
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 7:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, February 13, 2012
Call to Order
President Romens called the public hearing meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present: President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
The public hearing was over at 7:00 p.m. and the regular meeting started at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4L with the following items pulled out: 4C Item 10 Board Policy 405.2; 4C Item 11 Board Policy 405.2R; 4D Item 2 Board Policy 406.1; 4D Item 8 Board Policy 407; and 4D Items 16-19 Board Policies 408.4, 409, 409.1, 4091R. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the work session on January 4, 2012; work session and regular meeting on January 9, 2012; special meeting and work session on January 23, 2012 and the Super Board meeting held on January 31, 2012.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Staff Personnel Leave
Staff Personnel Family and Medical Leave
Family and Medical Leave Regulations
Family and Medical Leave Definitions
Family and Medical Leave Notice
Family and Medical Leave Request Form
Staff Personnel Reporting
Child Abuse Reporting
Child Abuse Reporting Regulations
Staff Personnel Complaints
Student School Transportation for Extracurricular Activities
Purchasing and Bidding
Checklist for Project Consideration
Purchasing and Bidding Flowchart
Process for Competitively Bidding Projects Costing Over $125,000
Debt Management Policy
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Staff Personnel Health and Safety
Universal Precautions
Substance-Free Workplace
Use of Tobacco products by Employees
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Personnel Operating District Vehicles
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Personnel Operating District Vehicles Regulations
Staff Personnel Use of District Credit Cards
Staff Personnel Use of Cell Phones
Staff Personnel Use of Cell Phones Acceptance Form
Staff Personnel Conflicts of Interest
Staff Personnel Conflicts of Interest
Gifts to Staff Personnel
Student Attendance Regulations
Truancy Regulations
Letter to Parent/Guardian(s) Regarding Attendance
4E – New Hires
Casey Borcyk
Substitute Teacher
$113 per day
Judy Isadore
Substitute Associate (Print Shop)
$9.29 per hour
Dana Jewett
Admin. Assistant to the Director of Finance – Payroll
$13.25 per hour
Alison Neal
Substitute Teacher
$113 per day
A.J. Pruiss
Assistant Boys Soccer Coach
Ethan Watkins
Substitute Bus Associate
$10.43 per hour
4F – Resignations
Beverly Bare – Retirement
Special Education Teacher Associate
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
ErnestLee Brent – Retirement
Special Education Teacher Associate
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Terri Cashatt
Substitute Bus Associate
December 7, 2011
Dan Dosen
High School Art Teacher
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Nancy Dashner – Retirement
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Lynnette Dunn – Retirement
Special Education Teacher
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Kelsey Henze
Middle School English Teacher
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Barbara Jones – Retirement
Bus Associate / Print Shop Associate
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Rita Narron – Retirement
Bus Driver
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Sharon Reid - Retirement
Special Education Teacher
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Rebecca Petty – Retirement
Middle School Vocal Music
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Andrew Schoening
Tech Assistant / Video Board
January 17, 2012
Mark Starner
Assistant High School Football Coach
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Jedd Taylor
Assistant High School Football Coach
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
Carol Tedder – Retirement
Kindergarten Teacher
End of 2011-2012 School Yr.
The employees designated as retiring are requesting the leave incentive. The coaching positions are contingent up finding suitable replacements.
4G - Open Enrollments
The open enrollment requests were approved for Savannah, Kiley, Jessica and Brodie. The open enrollment request for Benjamin was denied due to our district being unable to provide the appropriate program.
4H – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of January 31, 2012 were approved.
4I – Fundraiser Requests
Girls Basketball
T-shirt Sales
Awards, Plaques, Game balls
Key Club
March Madness Dance
Make-A-Wish Iowa Foundation
Builders Club
March Madness Dance
Activity Night /American Heart Donation
Community Breakfast
Give back to the community
MS Student Council
Concession Stand
Common Area Furniture
Tip Night Pizza Ranch
Adopt a Troop/Speaker at HS
Marketing Class
T-shirt Sales
Furniture; Bleachers; Big Screen; Shades
Marketing Class
Merchandise Raffle
Library Needs; Bleachers
Marketing Class
50/50 Raffle
Library Needs; Bleachers
Marketing Class
Ticket Sales - Lancers
Televisions & Monitors
Marketing Class
Advertising Sales
Library Needs; Bleachers
4J – Out of State Travel
Lewis & Clark Museum
Nebraska City, NE
Lynnette Dunn & Students
Math Olympiad Contest
Maryville, MO
Lori Carter/Craig Trager & Students
4K – Overnight Travel Requests
State Leadership Conference
Des Moines, Iowa
Janis Moore/FCCLA members
4L – Grant Requests
Mills County Community Foundation
Supplies and equipment to update two rooms and to meet safety standards and a Sheltering Kit to be a part of Kid’s Place emergency response plan.
The Board discussed 4C Item 10 Board Policy 405.2 and 4C Item 11 Board Policy 405.2R. Following discussion, Dave Blum made a motion to approve Board Policies 405.2 and 405.2R as presented. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. Patzer, Romens, Blum and Staiert voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
The Board discussed 4D Item 2 Board Policy 406.1; 4D Item 8 Board Policy 407; and 4D Item 16-19 Board Policies 408.4, 409, 409.1, 4091R. Following discussion, Henry Clark made a motion to approve Board Policies 406.1, 407, 408.4, 409, 409.1, 4091R as presented. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda.
Comments from Board
Craig Patzer reported on the Boost for Families meeting he attended.
Henry Clark requested to read the following into record.
I believe as an organization we have come to a critical point on Safety. One where it is not a discussion of degrees, but where we are far over the line. This issue has existed or started over the last five years. Normally this would be a building level or administration level of responsibility. Having reached the severity and length of time currently, with the improvement arrow not pointed upward, this becomes a Board level responsibility. I recommend the following actions:
1. Have the insurnace company and our Attorney's hold sessions with the Board and explain to us, our group and individual responsibilities and liabilities.
2. Curtail all external relationships and engagements to our immediate school resources and systems for the next two years until we have developed, implemented and curtailed all employee and student safety issued to a manageable level.
3. Learn fromthe past and the future. Have all Employee and Student incident reports above a level "x" from the last two years and going forward, brough before the board on a timely basis for it's review. This will allow more timely identification and response to any required Board Policy, resource and Goal setting steps required.
4. The Safety committee which it is my understanding has not met this school year should report out every month to the board in a "structured" fashion. Since this committee has not met this last year, I would recommend the leadership of that committee be changed to reflect the urgency and skill sets needed to move this forward.
5. Our newer Board members may still think this a "degree" question. I would recommend they be brought up to speed on all Worker Safety issues by a review of the claims report for the last 5 years. I would also recommend they be brought up to speed on all the Student incident reports for the last two years and also sensitive "closed" meeting actions for the last two years.
It is not a question of degrees anymore, it is a question of leadership. Why is this urgent? Because our number one product to the community is Safety. Without getting past Safety we cannot effectively address Education. If we can't trust our organization with our children's Safety, then we can't trust us with their money or more importantly their education.
I appreciate the guidance and wisdom of the community leaders who I have sought out their advice on both my assessment of the situation, and, the direction and steps needed to move forward. Thank you.
Following Henry Clark’s comments, Dave Blum commented that safety is an ongoing plan of the Board and spoke on discussions the Board has had regarding safety.
Theresa Romens spoke on how the community has put their trust into the Glenwood School Board of Directors by passing the Revenue Purpose Statement. She also reported on the Super Board Meeting between the City Council and County Board of Supervisors. There is a legislative coffee scheduled for Saturday, February 18 at the engineers’ office from 9-10 am. A Super Board Meeting of school districts will be held in Corning, Iowa on March 29th. The district will have a Department of Education site visit in April. There will be some interview questions for the Board on April 24th. A work session will be held from 6-8 p.m. on March 26, 2012 in the Central Office board room on safety.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Presentation and Approval of Fiscal Year 2011 Audit
Mary Babinat, auditor from Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, P.C., presented the Fiscal Year 2011 audit to the Board. Following the presentation, Dave Blum made a motion to approve 2010-11 audit report. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.Approval of Approximately $9,000,000 General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, Series 2012 Henry Clark made a motion to approve the consideration of sealed bids opened and reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary of the Board, and the Financial Advisor, as well as approval of a Resolution Directing the Sale of approximately $8,499,865.84 in General Obligation School Refunding Bonds, Series 2012. By refunding the bonds, the district saved $719,535 or 6.93% over the life of the bonds. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
C. Approval to terminate Wells Fargo as the District’s Paying Agent
Dave Blum made a motion to terminate Wells Fargo as the District’s Paying Agent. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D. Approval to hire Bankers Trust as the District’s Paying Agent
Ann Staiert made a motion to hire Bankers Trust as the District’s Paying Agent. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E. Approval of Budget Guarantee
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the following resolution: RESOVLED, that the Board of Directors of Glenwood Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2012-2013 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F. Approval of 2012-2013 Proposed School Calendar
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the school calendar as proposed for the 2012-2013 school year. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
G. Approval of Practicum/Student Teaching Clinical Agreement with Kaplin University
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the practicum/student teaching clinical agreement with Kaplan University for placement of practicum and student teaching students. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
H. Approval of Student Teaching Agreement with Northwest Missouri State University
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the student teaching agreement with Northwest Missouri State University for the Fall 2012 semester. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
I. Approval of Agreement with Distributed Website Corporation for Activity Scheduler
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement with Distributed Website Corporation for rSchoolToday Activity Scheduler. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
J.Approval of Application for Renewal of Cooperative Program Agreement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the renewal of cooperative program agreement with Lewis Central, Atlantic and Red Oak for Boys Swimming at Lewis Central. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
K. Approval of Board Goals
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the Board Goals. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Craig Patzer to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:32 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.

Theresa Romens, Board President Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary
Negotiations strategy session
The board held a negotiations strategy session.