Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
7:00 P.M. St. John Lutheran Church,
620 Main Street, Mineola, IA
Monday, November 9, 2010
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present: President Romens, Dave Blum, Henry Clark, David Warren and Linda Young.
Spotlight on Education
Carlie Cooper was recognized for her achievements at the state girls’ cross country tournament this year. Athletic Director, Scott Arkfeld, presented her a certificate. Coaches, Brad Rasmussen and Eric Rasmussen reviewed about her successful season.
Friends of Education
Joan Crowl presented a Friend of Education certificate to Sharon Agnitsch for voluntary nursing service to the Glenwood Community School District.
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Linda Young made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4K. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the public hearing on October 11, 2010; the regular meeting on October 11, 2010; and work session on October 25, 2010.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Fees for Use of School Facilities
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
4E – New Hires
Tia Bach
Bus Associate
4F – Resignations
Jenna Carnes
Kids Place Child Care Associate
October 26, 2010
4G – Open Enrollments
4H – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of October 31, 2010 were approved.
4I –Fundraiser Requests
Dance Team
All State Fees, hotels, banquets, relay for life, summer dance camp
09/24/10 –
Student Council
Dodge Ball Tournament
Raise money for Operation Bedtime Stories
09/24/10 –
Dance Team
Soup Cook-Off
Outfits for remaining year, fees, hotel, food
09/24/10 –
Northeast Library
Book Fair
Supplies for the library
11/8/10 –
HS Theatre
Free Will Donation for Baked Goods and Drinks
Paint, lighting gels, lumber, building supplies and costume rental for the production
11/5/10 –
MS Student Council
Mr & Ms Middle School
Donation to the United Service Organization
11/16/10 –
Art Club
Button Sales (2nd Time)
Etching Press
11/01/10 to end of school
4J – Out of State Travel
October 16, 2010
MS Football
UNO Football Game, Omaha, NE
Brian Stanley
October 24, 2010
Dance Team
Millard HS, Omaha, NE
Ruth Congdon
October 29, 2010
Cheer Competition, Omaha, NE
Caitlin McIntosh
January 22, 2011
Basketball Game
Conestoga High School, Murray, NE
Curt Schulte
January 14, 15 2011
Wrestling Tournament
Bonner Springs, KS
Matt Dyer
4K – Overnight Travel Requests
October 15,-16, 2010
Iowa Speech Conference
Ames, IA
Bobbie Jo Rohrberg, Devon Monson, Dianne Bentley, Russell Crouch
January 14-15, 2010
Wrestling Meet
Basehore, KS
Matt Dyer and wrestlers
November 17-18, 2010
IASB Convention
Des Moines, IA
Devin Embray and Board members
December 1-3, 2010
Dance Competition
Des Moines, IA
Dance Team
November 12-13, 2010
Boys Basketball Clinic
Storm Lake, IA
Five Coaches
November 18-22, 2010
Vocal All-State
Ames, IA
All-State Competitors
November 6-7, 2010
State Cheerleading Competition
Des Moines, IA
November 13-14, 2010
Honor Squad Practice
Ames, IA
Honor Squad Cheerleaders
November 18-22, 2010
All State Band Festival
Ames, IA
All-State Band
November 19-20, 2010
Honor Squad Cheerleaders
Cedar Falls, IA
February 3-5, 2011
Cyclone Honor Band
Ames, IA
Announcements and Communications
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Dave Blum had attended a meeting on the baseball concession stand.
Brett Nitzschke and Emily Ellingson, Lynch Dallas Law Firm, presented the revised Board Policy Book to the Board.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Print Shop Director and Director of Operations reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
A.Board Goal Statement Discussion
The Board reviewed the Board Goal Statement changes from the October 25, 2010 work session. The Board plans to meet on a quarterly basis to continue developing the Goal Statement.
B. Approval of Board Goal Statement
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the Board Goal Statement with the addendum on the Safety Section. Dave Warren seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
New Business
A.Revised/Updated Board Policy Book Discussion
The Board of Education discussed some of the changes made to the revised Board Policy Book. The school district will receive a list of deleted policies and policies we do not need. At that time the Board will decide if they want to keep the policies and/or put them in a handbook. The board policy book will be color coordinated by policy, regulation, exhibit and forms.
B. Approval Hiring of the Franks Design Group PC
Dave Warren made a motion to approve hiring The Franks Design Group PC for the purpose of designing, creating specifications and bidding the new baseball and visiting football concession stand and restrooms. The fee for the architect is 9.75% of the bid we accept. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C. Approval to Participate in Iowa Qualified Zone Academy Bond Program
Dave Blum made a motion to approve to participate in the Iowa Qualified Zone Academy Bond Program, which provides low or no interest financing for renovating school buildings and purchasing equipment. Linda Young seconded the motion. Young, Romens, Blum and Warren voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
D. Approval of Grant Applications
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the Pamida Foundation Grant application requested by Sharon Hofmann. Money received would purchase laptops to complete Skills Iowa Assessments and Skills Tutor. The grant does not require matching funds from the school district or place the district in a financial obligation. Linda Young seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E. Discussion on the 801 Series of the Board Policy Book
Henry Clark requested Item 8M be moved to Item 8E. The Board discussed the 801 series of the board policy book regarding the budget. Information presented for discussion included the FY 2011 Aid and Levy Worksheet; board minutes from March and April showing budget approval; a March 8, 2010 spreadsheet showing different aid and levy scenarios and each board policy noting what was done to meet all the requirements of the budget process.
F. Approval to Apply for the Iowa Demonstration Construction Fire Safety
Dave Warren made a motion to approve the application to apply for an Iowa Demonstration Construction Fire Safety Grant in the amount of $100,000. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
G.Resolution to Consider Participation in the Instructional Support Program
Linda Young made a motion to pass a resolution to consider participation in the instructional support program. Dave Blum seconded the motion. Young, Romens, Blum and Warren voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
H. Set Date and Time of Public Hearing for the Instructional Support Program
Dave Warren made a motion to set the date and time for the public hearing on the instructional support program. The public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on December 13, 2010 at the Pacific Junction United Methodist Church, 604 Lincoln Avenue, Pacific Junction, IA. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
I. Approval of Student Teaching Agreement with College of Saint Mary
Dave Warren made a motion to approve the student teaching agreement with the College of Saint Mary. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
J. Approval of Student Teaching Agreement with Iowa State University
Henry Clark made a motion to approve to the student teaching agreement with Iowa State University. Dave Warren seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
K. Approval of SBRC Application for Allowable Growth
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the SBRC application for allowable growth for increasing enrollment, open enrollment out and excess LEP costs in the amount of $215,208. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
L. Approval of SBRC Application for Negative Special Education Balance
Linda Young made a motion to approve the SBRC application for allowable growth for the negative special education balance in the amount of $265,585.53 for the 2010-2011 school year. Dave Warren seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
M. Approval of Special Rates Agreement with Goodwin Tucker
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the special rates agreement with Goodwin Tucker for food service equipment repairs. Dave Warren seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Linda Young and seconded by Dave Warren to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:01 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.

Theresa Romens, Board President Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary