Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Directors
Central Office Superintendent Office
6:00 P.M. Monday, November 23, 2015
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting and work session to order at 6:10 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Michelle Bahr, Ann Staiert, and Curt Becker.
New Business
A. Approval of First Reading.
Michelle Bahr made a motion to approve the first reading of board policy 500.11 – Compulsory Attendance. Ann Staiert seconded the motion with verification of grammar and spelling. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Work Session
The board had a legislative discussion with State Senator Mark and State Representative David Sieck. The discussion on board goals and the ISFIS video were tabled for the evening.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time a motion was made by Curt Becker and seconded by Michelle Bahr to adjourn the special meeting and work session at 9:10 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.

Theresa Romens, President Kristi Buman, Board Secretary
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