Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting and Board work Session 6:00 P.M. Central Office Third Floor
Monday, March 28, 2016
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Dave Blum, Ann Staiert, Michelle Bahr, and absent was Curt Becker.
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
A– New Hires
Russell Fuller
Part Time Custodian
$10.62 per hour
Brad Shain
Substitute Teacher
$127 per day
Martha Smith
Substitute Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.98 per hour
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the new hires as listed above. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Work Session
Board Worksheets- the board worked on and discussed topics prompted by an ASBO about evaluations and goals.
National Honor Society- the board discussed the application and selection process. Superintendent Embray is to look into the application and selection process and bring the results to the board in order for the board to discuss if a new process needs to be created and followed.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Michelle Bahr and seconded by Dave Blum to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:08 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.

Theresa Romens, Board President Kristi Buman, Board Secretary
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