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July 14, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Board Meeting
July 14, 2008
President Linda Young called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: Nancy Krogstad, Frank Overhue, Bill Agan. Absent: Theresa Romens.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve the agenda and consent agenda including the minutes of  June 16, 2008, the bills and financial statements.  Also approve the letter of resignation from Northeast 2nd Grade Teacher Lynda Thomas, effective the end of the 2007-2008 school year, as well as the open enrollment application into the Glenwood District.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion
Public Forum:  None Good News Reports:
Dave Greenwood gave an update on the storm damage at the Northeast Elementary and the Industrial Building at the High School.
What’s Happening In the Classroom:
Registration for classes will be July 31st and August 1st.
Business Items:
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve the reappointment of Judy Picker as the Board Secretary/ Treasurer for the 2008-2009 school year until her retirement on December 31, 2008, at which time Shirley Lundgren will replace Judy in the Board Secretary/ Treasurer position.  Ayes-Krogstad, Agan, Young.  Nays-Overhue.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve a depository limit of $5.2 million at the Glenwood State Bank, First National Bank and Tier One Bank for the 2008-2009 school year.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the appointment of Bill Agan as the IASB Legislative Action Network Member. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young. Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Agan to approve the list of Level 1 Investigators as presented (on file in minute book).  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve a two year agreement (total package increase of 4.56%) for all staff covered under the UE Contract, with the first year (2008- 2009) including a .35 cent per hour increase across the board for all staff, as well as one paid Holiday (Christmas Day) for building associates and kitchen staff. The paid Holiday excludes associates at Kid’s Place.  The second year (2009-2010) to include a .35 cent per hour wage increase across the board depending on insurance cost, as well as one additional paid holiday (New Year’s Day) for all building associates and kitchen staff. This paid Holiday also excludes staff at Kid’s Place. Ayes-Krogstad, Agan, Young.
Nays-Overhue.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the Board Resolution approving the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement and approve the District joining the State of Iowa sponsored 403(b) plan. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Overhue to approve a change in the Board Directed Annuity Company from Equitable to Security Benefit starting in September 2008. . Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve the proposed changes to the Northeast Elementary Handbook as presented.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young. Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve the new job description for the position of Assistant Director of  Food  Service as well as the revisions presented for selected employee benefit sheets. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None. Motion carried.
A date and time for the Annual Board/Administrative Goal Workshop will be set at the August meeting.
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the Administrator Mentoring and Induction Program Agreement with School Administrators of Iowa (SAI). Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve the Beginning Teacher Mentoring and Induction Program Plan for 2008-2009.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young. Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve the application renewal to participate in the National School Breakfast/Lunch Program and to use the “offer versus serve” plan.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve staff to apply for a Mills County Endowment Grant in the amount of $2,000 for Kid’s Place.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Administrative Reports were given including the Annual Report of All Funds, Instructional Support Levy issues and timelines and discussion on the Legislative Priorities for 2009.
Superintendent Sibley and President Linda Young will be attending the Fiscal Management Conference on Wednesday in Ames.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to move into closed session as approved in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Open Meetings Law to discuss the Superintendent’s Evaluation.
Into closed session at 8:30 p.m. Out of closed session at 9:10 p.m.
The Board accepted the Superintendent’s proposal to retain all current contract provisions, including salary and benefits at his 2007-2008 level in light of the financial condition of the district.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.