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Evaluation of licensed personnel on their skills, abilities, and competence shall be an ongoing process supervised by the building principals and conducted by approved evaluators. The goal of the formal evaluation of licensed personnel, other than administrators, but including extracurricular personnel, shall be to improve the educational program, to maintain licensed personnel who meet or exceed the board's standards of performance, to clarify each licensed employee's role, to ascertain the areas in need of improvement, to clarify the immediate priorities of the board, and to develop a working relationship between the administrators and other District personnel.

The formal evaluation criteria shall be in writing and approved by the Board. The formal evaluation shall provide an opportunity for the evaluator and the licensed employee to discuss the past year's performance and the future areas of growth. The formal evaluation shall be completed by the evaluator, signed by the licensed employee and filed in the licensed employee's evaluation file.

This policy supports and does not preclude the ongoing informal evaluation of the licensed personnel's skills, abilities and competence.



*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Revised: 12/13/21