Whenever it seems advisable, the Board may appoint a temporary Citizens’ Advisory Committee for specific or general purposes. The duties of such a committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment. Recommendations and reports from a citizens' advisory committee shall be distributed via the office of the Superintendent of Schools. All recommendations and reports will be advisory in nature, with final decision-making authority retained by the Board.
Membership and Appointment
Final selection of the members of a Citizens’ Advisory Committee shall be approved by the Board as a whole. Committee representation should cut across as many segments of the community population as possible.
Each Citizens’ Advisory Committee shall elect a chairperson. The chairperson of the Citizens' Advisory Committee shall convene meetings of the membership and proceed with the work to be done. The chairperson shall maintain liaison with the Superintendent of Schools and shall be responsible for the preparation of a final report to be presented to the Board.
When appropriate, a report to the Board should contain the findings of the committee and may make suggestions or recommendations for consideration of the Board.
*Revised: 10/22/90
*Revised: 12/08/97
*Revised: 12/13/99
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Revised: 10/10/11
*Reviewed: 07/11/16
*Revised: 07/12/21