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500.16 Truancy-Unexcused Absences

Regular attendance by the students at school is essential for students to obtain the maximum opportunities from the education program. Parents and students alike are encouraged to ensure an absence from school is a necessary absence. Students shall attend school unless excused by the Principal/designee of their attendance center.

Truancy is the failure to attend school for the minimum number of hours established in the school calendar by the Board. Truancy is the act of being absent without a reasonable excuse. These absences without a reasonable excuse shall include, but not be limited to, absence for the following reasons: tardiness, shopping, hunting, concerts, preparation or participation in parties and other celebrations, and employment. Truancy will not be tolerated by the board.

Students are subject to disciplinary action for truancy, including but not limited to, detention, retention, alternative placement, suspension, expulsion, and release to human services, guidance counselor, School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer, intervention team or other appropriate third parties. The Principal/designee shall notify the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer when a student is truant. The School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer, principal or other school official will investigate the cause for a student's truancy and attempt to ensure the student's attendance.

The District designees will work with students and families to increase the likelihood that a student struggling with attendance will improve in this area. Each situation will be treated as unique. If a pattern of poor attendance exists, the District designee will:

* Follow the District's current guidelines for attendance

*Meet with families and create and carry out plans to intervene and improve the situation * Contact families about improvement or lack thereof regarding attendance.

If any more unexcused absences occur, a recommendation for mediation with the County Attorney (or their representative) will occur. The Superintendent/designee will represent the District in mediation. In the event mediation is required, the district designee will request a formal mediation meeting with the family and County Attorney.

A recommendation for an Attendance Cooperation Agreement will occur if the child is age 12 or under. In addition to an Attendance Cooperation Agreement, a Mediation Agreement may be created. A Mediation Agreement will be enforceable under lowa Law until the child turns 16 on or before September 15 of that year or until the end of the school year if child turns 16 after September 15.

Upon expiration of an Attendance Cooperation Agreement, no further intervention is required.

Upon violation of an Attendance Cooperation Agreement, a Mediation Agreement will be enacted if the student has two (2) or more unexcused absences after the Attendance Cooperation Agreement is signed. The District will monitor the student's compliance with the Mediation Agreement and will report violations of the Mediation Agreement to the County Attorney for possible prosecution.

In case of a student's refusal to attend school, the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer may take the student into custody. A student taken into custody will be placed within the custody of the Principal. The School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer shall attempt to contact parents of a student taken into custody. If the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer, principal or other school official is unable to secure the truant student's attendance, the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer, principal or other school official should discuss the next step with the Superintendent. If after administrative action, the student is still truant, the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer, principal or other school official will refer the matter over to the County Attorney for students of compulsory attendance age.

*Adopted: 03/12/12
*Reviewed: 08/11/14
*Revised: 09/14/15
*Revised: 11/14/16
*Revised: 05/08/17
*Revised: 04/12/21
*Revised: 07/17/23
*Revised: 03/25/24