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Attendance in school is considered extremely important for the success of students in their academic work. Students will be required to be in school a minimum number of days. This number will be no less than 160 days. The following action will take place with absences that are considered as truant from school.

The School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer/school administrator will contact the parent/guardian of a student who has missed five (5) cumulative days at their respective attendance center and has not had previous mediation for truancy. Contact will be made only if the student has reached five (5) absences by the end of the first semester.

If the student reaches ten (10) absences, the building principal will send a letter and/or the School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer will contact the parent/guardian and the student regarding the absences. An Attendance Cooperation meeting will take place between the parent, School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer and building principal/designee, and student as appropriate, when the student has missed fifteen (15) unexcused days of school, as determined by the building principal and/or School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer. At this meeting a detailed student specific Attendance Cooperation Agreement will be developed. This Agreement will include such terms as consequences for breach of the Agreement up to and including referral to the County Attorney for formal Mediation Contract development which may happen upon the student missing the twentieth (20) unexcused days of school.

The School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer will be responsible for the attendance of students in kindergarten through 16 years of age. (Students who turn 16 years of age during the school year after September 15 must complete that year under compulsory attendance law.) The School Officer Liaison/Truancy Officer will do the following:

- Monitor daily attendance w/assistance from building secretaries;

- Mediate at required parent conferences;

- Refer parents to the County Attorney;

- Investigate and monitor persons referred to the County Attorney;

- Represent the Glenwood Community School District in any court proceedings.

*Adopted: 03/12/12

*Revised: 05/14/12

*Revised: 08/11/14

*Revised: 09/14/15

*Revised: 11/14/16

*Revised: 11/11/19

*Revised: 07/17/23