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The District will implement a protocol to respond to life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).  The school will maintain the medication necessary to apply the protocol in each facility. This protocol would apply to any individual present in the facility both while school is in session and during any school-sponsored extracurricular activities.

The District school nurse or other trained and authorized personnel may administer an epinephrine auto-injector from the school’s supply to a student or other individual if reasonably and in good faith believe the student or individual is having an anaphylactic reaction.  Individuals authorized to administer the epinephrine will complete the appropriate medication training and be signed off by the school nurse.

The District will obtain and keep on file a prescription and standing order for the stock epinephrine from a licensed health care professional.  A new prescription will be obtained annually.

The District will store the epinephrine auto-injectors in a secured, room temperature area that remains accessible in an emergency within each school building.  The medication will be checked monthly to ensure stability and effectiveness.

In the event of the stock epinephrine being used, the “Report of Stock Epinephrine Administration” form will be filled out and submitted to the state of Iowa.

*Adopted: 01/09/17
*Reviewed: 01/10/22