Glenwood Community School District
Minutes of the Work Session 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
7:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, February 8, 2010
Call to Order
President Romens called the Work Session to order at 6:02 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present: President Romens, Henry Clark, Dave Blum, David Warren and Linda Young.
Work Session
A Board work session on the Fiscal Year 2011 budget was held. Business Manager, Shirley Lundgren, shared financial projections based on several different what ifs. How much will have to be cut from the FY 11 budget was discussed. The board and administrators submitted ideas on how to make the necessary cuts. A preliminary budget will be presented at the March meeting.
The regular board meeting started at 7:00 p.m.
Approve Agenda
On a motion made by Dave Blum and seconded by Linda Young the Board unanimously approved the minutes of January 11, 2010 and January 25, 2010, the bills and financial statements as well as seven incoming open enrollment applications and four outgoing open enrollment application for. Also approved were the letters of resignation and requests for the early retirement incentive from Elizabeth Wanning, associate, and Cathy Stone, secretary, effective at the end of the 2009-10 school year.
Public Forum
During the public forum Susan Reed addressed the Board regarding the cut the state made in Teacher Salary Supplement funds. Margo Young presented the Board with GEA’s ideas for cutting costs in the district. Students Ericka Schwanke and Ali Lunning addressed the Board expressing their disappointment that the Instructional Support Levy did not pass. Karen Bueltel also expressed her disappointment that the ISL did not pass and thanks the ones who voted for the ISL. She promised that she and others will continue to do their best to teach with limited resources.
Good News Reports
Dance Team members in attendance, Danelle Newman, Shelby Cronk, Jordyn Peterson and Shelbie Congdon along with the coaches, Sue Collins and Ruth Congdon, were recognized for their accomplishments which include a team academic award and 4th and 5th place showings at state dance competition. Several students are currently participating in the All Southwest Iowa Band. West K-Kids raised over $1,700 for Haiti relief. Middle School students Caitlin Brown and Emma Gray had art work chosen for the Youth Art Month Gallery. All 16 students participating in large group speech contest received Division I ratings. West students exceeded their reading goal by reading over 854,500 pages this year.
What’s Happening In The Classroom?
Joan Crowl, Northeast Elementary Principal, and teachers Tami Bertini, Julie McMullen, Karen Hansen, Ann Aldrich, Dawn Hillyer and Diane Von Tersch presented a power point on the co-teaching program.
Business Items
The Board delayed action on Approval of the Canvass of Votes for the February 2, 2010 special election until the March meeting as the canvass of votes was not ready.
Following discussion, Dave Warren made a motion to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Glenwood Community School District will levy property tax for the fiscal year 2010-2011 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Linda Young seconded the motion. Dave Warren. Linda Young, Dave Blum and Theresa Romens voted yes. Henry Clark voted no. Motion passed.
On a motion made by Dave Blum and seconded by Dave Warren, the board unanimously approved the timeline for the Superintendent selection process that was developed during the work session.
Following discussion, Dave Warren made a motion to not approve the renewal of Ray & Associates contract for bargaining services with the UE and with the GEA effective June 30, 2010. Dave Blum seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
Administrative Reports
Iowa Youth Survey
Kevin Farmer presented an overview of the 2008 Iowa Youth Survey, including the format of the survey and how the report is used by staff.
B. Snow Make Up Policy
Dr. Sibley, Superintendent, provided a memo from the Director of the Iowa Department of Education which outlined how school districts may make up snow days.
C. Calendar
The Board was informed that staff is working on the 2010-11 school calendar.
Glenwood Community School District will host the AEA Super Board meeting on April 14, 2010. A legislative coffee will be held on February 20, 2010. There is an ABLE meeting regarding the Iowa Core Curriculum in Red Oak on March 23, 2010. The Teen Serve proposal will be presented to the Board at the March meeting.
Next Meeting
A long list of items to be put on the March 8, 2010 was in the board packet. Some of them include: Canvass of Votes, Teen Serve Proposal, preliminary budget presentation, approval of the budget publication, set time for budget public hearing, and approve renewal of coop agreements,
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum seconded by Henry Clark to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:45 p.m. The motion was unanimously approved.

Theresa Romens, Board President Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary