The Superintendent of schools shall present and make recommendations to the Board of a master site acquisition plan to meet the needs and purposes of the District in future years.
The master site acquisition plan shall be subject to periodic review and updating. The Superintendent/designee may request the assistance of an architect, a real estate committee, the zoning commission, the urban planning organization and any other person or persons needed in making the master site acquisition plan.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish a priority calendar for the acquisition of various sites. The Board may meet in closed session to discuss potential purchases of sites.
All requirements specified by Iowa law shall be followed in negotiating for and acquiring sites.
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Revised: 03/12/07
*Reviewed: 04/12/10
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 06/08/15
*Revised: 06/08/20