The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance with respect to drug and alcohol testing of District employees who drive a type II school vehicle (i.e., Suburban or similar vehicle) in a safety-sensitive position; who drive a vehicle transporting sixteen (16) or more persons, including the driver, requiring a commercial driver's license; and who drive vehicles weighing over 26,001 pounds requiring a commercial driver's license. For purposes of the drug and alcohol testing program, the term "employees" includes applicants who have been offered a position to operate a school vehicle.
The employees operating a school vehicle as described above perform safety-sensitive functions and are subject to pre-employment drug testing and random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident drug and alcohol testing. Employees operating school vehicle shall not perform a safety-sensitive function within four (4) hours of using alcohol.
Employees governed by this policy shall be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program beginning the first day they operate or are offered a position to operate school vehicles. They will continue to be subject to the drug and alcohol-testing program as long as they may be required to perform a safety-sensitive function as it is defined in the administrative regulations. Employees with questions about the drug and alcohol-testing program may contact the school district's Director of Operations at 601 Railroad Avenue, Glenwood, Iowa 51534.
Alcohol and drug testing of employees and applicants shall be conducted in accordance with state and federal law. Refusal by an employee to submit to alcohol or drug tests shall result in immediate suspension and shall be grounds for termination. Any employee of the District who tests positive for alcohol or drug use in violation of District policies and procedures may, on the first offense, be subject to discipline, including termination, and/or may be referred for substance abuse evaluation and rehabilitation. The employee shall not return to work until released by a licensed substance abuse professional approved by the District and until all other requirements are met. A second offense will result in immediate termination of the employee’s employment with the District.
The Superintendent/designee will publicize and disseminate this policy and its supporting administrative regulations to all employees operating school vehicles. The Superintendent/designee shall inform applicants of the requirement for drug and alcohol testing in notices or advertisements for employment.
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent/designee to develop administrative regulations to implement this policy in compliance with the law.
*Adopted: 3/10/97
*Revised: 5/10/99
*Reviewed: 05/13/02
*Revised: 12/11/06
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Revised: 03/12/12
*Revised: 09/16/13
*Reviewed: 4/10/17
*Reviewed: 4/11/22