101 Educational Philosophy
The Board of the District is committed to a philosophy of service to children. The objective of this philosophy is to help each child develop into a mature individual and a contributing member of society. The Board believes this objective can best be met through a school program wide enough in scope to encompass the intellectual, physical, civic, social, and aesthetic education of children.
The Board realizes an effective public school program must be directed toward common needs of all children; however, the Board believes the emphasis must lie always on the unique needs of each individual child.
The Board recognizes the guardianship of public education is a trust and an obligation - the goals of education and the goals of democracy are fundamentally the same. For that reason, the Board considers its philosophy and objectives can best be realized when the educational program is directed through written Board policies, policies based on the Constitution, the state statutes, federal and state regulations, and the specific needs of this District.
The mission of the District is to develop in all students the knowledge and competencies required of responsible citizens in a global society.
*Revised: 10/22/90
*Revised: 05/13/02
*Revised: 12/13/04
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 08/15/11
*Revised: 02/18/16
*Revised: 01/11/21