School owned vehicles will be used and driven by school employees to transport students who participate in school sponsored activities and/or equipment for school sponsored activities, unless the administration considers it best to use a private vehicle.
If a private vehicle is used to transport students and/or equipment for school sponsored activities to school sponsored activities, it must be driven by a school employee and/or another individual specifically approved by the Superintendent, and approved in advance by the Superintendent or Principal.
If a private vehicle is used, the rate of reimbursement to the owner shall be the rate per mile established by the State of Iowa. The district is not required to provide reimbursement to staff who elect to provide transportation in lieu of agency-provided transportation.
The person whose vehicle is being used must provide evidence that the vehicle has valid insurance with coverage and limits deemed acceptable by the District (which is determined to be $20,000 bodily injury coverage limits for any one person in any one accident and $40,000 bodily injury coverage limits for two or more persons in any one accident).
The driver of the vehicle must provide evidence that the individual: (1) has a valid driver’s license; (2) has a driving record with minimal violations (i.e. fewer than two (2 moving violations in the previous twelve (12) month period; (3) has valid insurance with coverage and limits deemed acceptable by the District (which is determined to be $20,000 bodily injury coverage limits for any one person in any one accident and $40,000 bodily injury coverage limits for two or more persons in any one accident); and (4) has submitted to and passed a volunteer background check.
The school is not responsible for student safety in any instances when students ride in private vehicles driven by anyone but an authorized school employee and/or another individual specifically approved by the Superintendent. Parents may be asked to provide transportation for school related activities, but shall not be required to do such.
*Adopted: 02/12/07
*Revised: 06/14/10
*Revised: 10/05/10
*Revised: 05/13/13
*Revised: 08/12/13
*Reviewed: 11/10/14
*Reviewed: 11/11/19
*Revised: 02/10/25