Approved open enrollment requests into the District as an alternative receiving District shall be effective the following semester break or at the beginning of the next school year. It shall be within the discretion of the Board to make the open enrollment request into the District as an alternative receiving District effective immediately based upon the circumstances of the open enrollment request and with the mutual agreement of the Board of the District the student is attending. The Superintendent shall notify the parents of the effective date of the open enrollment into the District as an alternative-receiving District within fifteen (15) days of the mutual agreement.
Attendance center assignments, athletic eligibility and transportation of students open enrolling into the District as an alternative receiving District shall be handled in the same manner as students open enrolled into the District as a receiving District.
*Revised: 01/10/94
*Revised: 02/12/07
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 04/09/12
*Reviewed: 06/12/17
*Revised: 06/13/22