March 23, 2015 Special Meeting and Work Session Agenda

Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future
Devin Embray ­ Superintendent            Kristi Buman ­ Director of Finance
103 Central, Suite 300 * Glenwood, IA 51534 * 712­527­9034 * Fax 712­527­4287
March 20, 2015
To:       All School Board Members                                       Voting Order:
                                                                                        Dave Blum ­ At-­Large ‘17
From:  Devin Embray, Superintendent                                  Michelle Bahr­ At-­Large ‘17
                                                                                        Ann Staiert ­ At­-Large ‘17
                                                                                        Craig Patzer ­ At-­Large ‘15
                                                                                        Theresa Romens ­ At-­Large ‘15
Re:      Special Meeting & Work Session ­ Monday, March 23, 2015 ­ 5:30 p.m.
Central Office ­ 103 Central, Third Floor, Glenwood, Iowa 51534
1. Pledge of Allegiance
A. Call to Order
Julie Hengstenberg
Lower Elementary Level II/III ­ BD
$51,051.00 (2015­2016)
Contingent upon background checks & receipt of official transcripts.
Dani Woodman
2nd Grade
$48,021.00 (2015­2016)
Contingent upon background checks & receipt of official transcripts.
B. 2015-­2016 School Calendar                                                         Discussion/Motion
These calendars are being brought back to the board for clarification on Parent Teacher conferences. If clarity doesn’t change anything on the calendars they do not need to be approved again. However, should something change with the conferences, then they would need to be approved by the board again.
1. Presentation by Band Parents
2. Presentation by 6­-12 Counselors
3. Board Goals
3. Adjournment
Monday, April 13, 2015
7:00 p.m. ­ Regular Meeting of the Board