December 4, 2014 Exchange of Initial Proposals Agenda

Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future
Devin Embray ­ Superintendent             Shirley Lundgren ­ Director of Finance
103 Central, Suite 300 * Glenwood, IA 51534 * 712­527­9034 * Fax 712­527­4287
December 3, 2014
To:       All School Board Members                                       Voting Order:
                                                                                        Dave Blum ­ At­-Large ‘17
From:  Devin Embray, Superintendent                                  Michelle Bahr­ At-­Large ‘17
                                                                                        Ann Staiert ­ At­-Large ‘17
                                                                                        Craig Patzer ­ At-­Large ‘15
                                                                                        Theresa Romens ­ At-­Large ‘15
Re:       Exchange of Initial Proposals ­ Thursday, December 4, 2014 ­ 4:00 p.m.
Glenwood Education Association and Glenwood Board of Directors
Central Office Conference Room ­ 103 Central, Third Floor, Glenwood
A. GLENWOOD EDUCATION ASSOCIATION - ­Initial Bargaining Proposal to the Glenwood Board of Directors
B. GLENWOOD BOARD OF DIRECTORS - ­Initial Bargaining Proposal to the Glenwood Education Association
C. Negotiations to begin at approximately 4:30 p.m. in exempt session