April 14, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
April 14, 2008
President Linda Young called the budget hearing to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 6:45 p.m. with the following members present:  Nancy Krogstad, Frank Overhue, Theresa Romens, Bill Agan.
Hearing no comments on the proposed budget for 2008-2009 President Linda Young closed the hearing at 7:02 p.m.
The regular Board Meeting was then called to order whereas Superintendent Sibley informed the Board that two items needed to be added to the consent agenda:  Approve the letter of resignation from Gary Schoening and approve the withdrawal of resignation and request for early incentive pay from Dee Fenske.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Agan to approve the amended agenda to approve the minutes of March 10, 2008, the bills and financial statements as presented.  Also approve the letters of resignation from High School Language Arts Teacher and Yearbook Sponsor Amy Abler, Middle School Social Studies Teacher and Assistant High School Boys Basketball Coach, Assistant Middle School Boys Basketball Coach and Assistant Middle School Football Coach Patrick Bryan, and Northeast Elementary Special Education Teacher Laura Lambert, and PMIC Instructor Gary Schoening, all effective at the end of the 2007-2008 school year.  Approve the hiring of Belinda Bessey to fill a position which will be determined at a later date; Jana Litz to fill the Middle School Family & Consumer Science position, Bobbie Jo Rohrberg to fill the Elementary ELL position, and Joan Crowl to fill the Northeast Elementary Principal position, as well as the open enrollment application into the Glenwood District.  Approved Dee Fenske’s request to rescind her letter of resignation and request for early incentive pay.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Public Forum:
Grace Kirk addressed the Board regarding the proposed “School Structure” change moving from 8 periods to 7 periods a day and presented a petition signed by fellow students asking that the change not be made.
Good News Reports: Wrestling State Qualifiers
Coach of Year Honors Matt Dyer
Large Group and Individual Speech Students
Marsha Van Ness Demonstration Tape on Vocabulary Structural Analysis
What’s Happening in the Classroom:
High School Principal Kerry Newman answered questions the Board had concerning the change from an 8 to 7 period day.
Business Items:
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve the certification of the 2008-2009 Budget as published in the Opinion-Tribune on Wednesday, April 2, 2008.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to table the bid from Weathercraft Enterprises for $55,800 for the 1977 High School Shop roof for 30 days.  Approve RL Craft for $79,254 for the 1986 addition roof at the West Elementary and for $59,447 for the 1986 addition roof at the High School, and Deck Restoration for the metal decking work. Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to authorize the Board Secretary to sign a new five (5) year contract with Bro Business for the print shop copier.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve extending the Leave Incentive Deadline for retirees for the 2007-2008 school year to May 1, 2008.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve the First Reading of Board Policy
605.4 “Graduation Requirements”. Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young. Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Agan to approve deletion of the Kids Place Federal ID Number as day care will be under the Glenwood Community Schools number.  Ayes- Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-0.  Motion carried.
Administration Reports were given regarding the Facilities Plan, Board Policy Revision
& Review, and the IASB Agreement for Actuarial Services. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
After adjournment the Board will go into an exempt Negotiations strategies session per Chapter 20.17(3) of the Iowa Code.