March 10, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
March 10, 2008
President Linda Young called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present:  Nancy Krogstad, Frank Overhue, Theresa Romens, Bill Agan.  Absent:  None.
Superintendent Sibley amended the agenda by adding KPE Engineering under Business Items.  Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the amended agenda and consent agenda including the minutes of February 11, 2008, the bills and financial statements, as well as the letters of resignation and request for the retirement incentive from High School Language Arts Teacher Marrianne Driml and 4th and 5th Grade Science Teacher Donna Dee Fenske, effective the end of the 2007-2008 school year, and the letter of resignation from Northeast Principal Ron Giller, effective June 30, 2008.  Also approve the letter of resignation from Becky Ruth from her 8th Grade Girls Basketball
coaching position, as well as the eight open enrollment applications into the Glenwood District.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Public Forum:  John Nebel asked the Board to consider allowing the Wrestling Club to add onto the current building.  Superintendent Sibley informed the Board that Dave Greenwood and himself would be meeting with the Wrestling Club Tuesday night.
Good News Reports were given concerning Math Counts, Wrestling State Qualifiers, and Coach of the Year honors for Matt Dyer, Hawkeye-10 All Academic Team, Large Group Speech, FFA District winners and K Kids at West Elementary.
What’s Happening in the Classroom:  High School Principal Kerry Newman asked the Board to consider moving to a 7 period day at the high school next year.  This would allow for slightly longer class periods while allowing for a “seminar” period at the end of the school day.  The seminar period would allow for credit recovery, participation in on- line enrichment courses, remediation, or structured study halls.
Business Items:
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to approve the science curriculum purchase as presented in the amount of $151,000.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young. Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Krogstad and second by Overhue to approve the 2008-2009 School Calendar as presented.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Overhue to officially approve the 2008-2009 estimated budget as presented and direct the Board Secretary to publish the estimated budget.  Also approve that a public hearing be set for 6:45 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2008 in the Glenwood Community School District Boardroom at 103 Central. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Krogstad to approve application to participate in the Summer Food Service Program for the summer of 2008.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to authorize the Transportation Director, Dave Greenwood, to seek bids for one new 65 passenger school bus, two suburbans and one used maintenance van.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays- None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Romens to authorize the renewal of the Co-op Agreements for Boys and Girls Swimming with Lewis Central and Girls Soccer with Sidney for 2008-2009.  Discussion was held where Overhue voiced his concerns pertaining to the Glenwood students suffering from the increased number in girl’s soccer from allowing Sidney to participate.  President Young called for the vote.  Ayes- Krogstad, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-Overhue.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Krogstad to approve the job description for the new Network/Server Specialist position. Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young. Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Krogstad to approve the Purchasers Agreement with Lincoln Farm & Home, Jim Hughes Real Estate, and Glenwood State Bank for said purchase of Daktronics scoreboard/message board and related equipment in concept upon receiving opinion by Attorney Rick Franck.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Romens to approve KPE Engineering for Design & Bid Specs on two roofs at the high school and one roof at West Elementary for
$18,940.00.  Ayes-Krogstad, Overhue, Romens, Agan, Young.  Nays-None.  Motion carried.
Motion by Romens and second by Agan to adjourn at 9:47 p.m.
After adjournment the Board met in an exempt Negotiations strategies session.