Glenwood Community Schools
Regular Board Meeting
October 13, 2008
President Theresa Romens called the meeting to order in the Central Office Boardroom at 7:00 p.m. with the following Board members present: David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan. Absent: None.
The agenda was amended by adding item (E.) Set Future Meeting. Motion by Overhue and second by Agan to approve the amended agenda and the consent agenda including the minutes of September 15, 2008, the bills and financial statements. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion carried.
Public Forum: Ron Wheeler addressed the Board regarding the baseball facility.
Good News Reports:
Guidance Counselor Bill Magnuson introduced the Foreign Exchange Students and the host families that are attending the Glenwood High School. Akane Amano from Shizuoka-shi , Japan; Aisha Mohamed from Tanzania, Zanzibar Island; Farha Kamalia from Java, Indonesia and Ai Nishimoto from Iwakuni, Japan that was not present
Janiece Kinzle recipient of the State Art Educator of Special Need Students award demonstrated how she teaches the visually impaired students to draw and showed some of the equipment she uses in her classroom.
Mark Starner and Kerry Newman gave an update on the P.E. Grant and the three all-girl weightlifting classes at the high school.
Business Items:
Motion by Agan and second by Young to approve application for a Calendar Waiver for the 2009-2010 school year. Ayes-David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Overhue and second by Warren to approve Janis Moore and students to attend the FCCLA Cluster Meeting in Dallas, Texas on November 20-22, 2008. Ayes-David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Young and second by Overhue to approve the Food Service Agreement between Head Start and the Glenwood Food Service for period November 1st thru June 30, 2009. Ayes-David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Agan and second by Warren to approve application for the Iowa School Age Care Alliance (ISACA) grant in the amount of $500.00 to be used at Kid’s Place. Ayes- David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Motion by Young and second by Warren to set October 21st from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. as the Board and Administrator Workshop to be held at Kauffman Hall at the Holy Rosary Church. Ayes-David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Facility Reports were given on the new high school building including cafeteria options, furnishings and the upcoming bid openings, athletic complex long range plan, mainly the baseball field area, and the middle school renovations. Motion by Overhue and second by Agan directing Dave Greenwood to bring back plans and timelines regarding the proposed renovations of the current high school. Ayes-David Warren, Frank Overhue, Linda Young, Bill Agan, Theresa Romens. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Superintendent Sibley handed out an Instructional Support Levy Timeline Draft.
Bill Eich went over the Annual Progress Report Goals in Reading, Math and Science.
Motion by Agan and second by Overhue to move into closed session for Superintendent Evaluation Process as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Open Meetings Law.
Into closed session at 10:20 p.m.
Out of closed session at 11:10 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 11:12 p.m.