All School Board Members
Voting Order:
Greg Schultz - At-Large ‘17
Devin Embray, Superintendent
Michelle Bahr- At-Large ‘17
Ann Staiert - At-Large ‘17
Curt Becker - At-Large ‘19
Theresa Romens - At-Large ‘19
Closed Session - The Board will enter into Closed Session, pursuant to
Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j) - To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate
Roll Call
only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the
price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the
price the governmental body would receive for that property. The minutes and
the audio recording of a session closed under this paragraph shall be available
for public examination when the transaction discussed is completed.
Return to Open Session
A. Action if needed
Roll Call