2012 - 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2013 Special Meeting and Work Session Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Directors Central Office Board Room
7:00 P.M. Monday, April 22, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting and work session to order at 7:10 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Dave Blum, Ann Staiert, and Craig Patzer. Henry Clark arrived at 7:33 p.m.
New Business
A.Approval of Special Education Program - Apex
Following discussion, Dave Blum made a motion to approve the 28E Agreement with Apex for a regional special education program. The regional program will be located in West Elementary for grades PK-6. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval of 28E for Trap Club
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the revised 28E Agreement between Glenwood Community Schools, Southwest Iowa Sportsman’s Club, Glenwood Police Dept and Mills County Agricultural Extension District for a Trap Club at the high school. Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.               Approval of Glenwood Student to Study Abroad
Following discussion, Ann Staiert made a motion to approve a Glenwood student to study abroad next year. The student will live in Germany with a host family and attend school there. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of School Calendars
Following discussion, Dave Blum made a motion to approve the proposed school calendar B with a start date of August 26, 2013 for the FY2013-14 school year. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. Clark, Patzer, Romens, and Staiert voted yes. Blum voted no. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Board Policy 702.3
Following discussion, Dave Blum made a motion to approve Board Policy 702.3 Student School Transportation for Extra-Curricular Activities.  Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
Chapter 5 – Leadership for Student Learning
Craig Patzer was the facilitator for Chapter 5 of the book and workbook Leadership for Student Learning. Chapter 5 was on the Effective Use of Data for Accountability and Improvement. This book is based on widely accepted practices of school improvement and original, objective research, this book identifies the key roles of school boards that can have a positive impact on student achievement.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time the special meeting and work session a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Henry Clark to adjourn the special meeting at 8:59 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

April 8, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 6:45 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, April 8, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the public hearing to order at 6:45 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
Public Hearing
At 6:45 p.m. a public hearing was held to approve the budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year.  There were no stated objections, written or oral, to the budget for fiscal year 2013-2014.
The public hearing was over at 7:00 p.m.
Spotlight on Education
Several students were recognized for their accomplishments at the state level.  Groups recognized included the Wrestling Team, Large Group Speech Students, Individual Speech Students, All State Students and Swim Team.
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 3A through 3M. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. Blum, Patzer, Romens, and Staiert voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the Special Meeting on March 8, 2013; the Regular Meeting on March 11, 2013, the Special Meeting and Work Session on March 25, 2013.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Student Records Access and Use
Student Records Access and Use Regulations
Student Records Request Form for Students and Parents
Student Records Request form for Non-Students or Non-Parents
Release of Student Records Authorization
Transfer of Student Records Notification Form
Hearing Regarding Correction of Student Records Request Form
Student Records Notice
Student Directory Information
Student Directory Information Notice
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Student Retention and Promotion
Student Retention and Promotion Regulations
Student Progress Reports and Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences
Class or Group Gifts to School
Graduation Requirements
Early Graduation
Foreign Study
4E – New Hires
Substitute Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
Substitute Teacher
$114 per day
High School English Teacher
West Elementary Principal
Assistant Baseball Coach
Assistant Baseball Coach
Assistant Baseball Coach
Substitute Teacher and Substitute Bus Driver
$114 per day and $29.06 per route
Substitute Teacher
$114 per day
Substitute Food Service Worker
$8.58 per hour
4F – Transfers
MS Asst Kitchen Manager to NE Asst Kitchen Manager
MS Cook to MS Asst Kitchen Manager
$10.50 per hour
Sub Food Service Worker to Regular Cook
$9.58 per hour
4G – Separation From District
MS Play Director & HS Asst Play Director
End of 2012-13 SY
Bus Driver
Bus Driver
Substitute Teacher
Teacher Associate
Teacher Associate
4H – Open Enrollments
Glenwood Community School District
Lewis Central Community School District
Council Bluffs Community School District
Glenwood Community School District
Lewis Central Community School District
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of March 31, 2013 were approved.  Bills as presented were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
MS Student Council
MS Dance
Teacher Appreciation Homecoming, Furniture
4L – Out of State Travel
Winter Drumline/Guard Championship
Firth, NE
Pete Jacobus
National FCCLA Convention
Nashville, TN
Janis Moore
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
Boys Soccer Tournament
AJ Pruss & Shane Keeling
Waverly, Iowa
Iowa Jazz Championship
Pete Jacobus & Dan Schoening
Des Moines, Iowa
Band Convention
Pete Jacobus
Des Moines, Iowa
M.S. State Math Bee
Becky Ruth
Fort Dodge, Iowa
National FCCLA Convention
Janis Moore
Nashville, TN
4N – Grant Requests
Health Care Connection
To excite & teach about careers in health care through simulated experiences and networking with professionals.
STEM Advisory Council
Funding for CASE Institute (Summer 2014). The outcome/goal is to upgrade the agriculture curriculum to National Standards with CASE curriculum.
$2,500 -
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
The work session on April 22, 2013 will start at 7:00 p.m. Craig Patzer will be the facilitator. Dave Blum and Craig Patzer will sit on the high school principal interview team. Theresa is going to see if the Super Board Meeting date can be changed.
Safety and Security Committee members, Dave Greenwood, Terry Marlow, Kim Payne and Scott Miller, updated the Board on what the committee has been doing. Following a presentation by Dave Greenwood the Board discussed the safety and security measures being taken.
Dr. Ray Burke presented an overview of the proposed regional special education program, APEX, to the Board. He went over a power point explaining the mission, vision and purpose of the program as well as the services offered, classroom structure, transitional planning and evaluation. Following the presentation the Board asked question of Dr. Burke, Mark Draper, Green Hills AEA special education coordinator and Kelli Berke, Green Hills AEA director.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.         Approval of FY2014 Budget
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the budget for the 2013-2014 school year as published. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.          Approval of Two Proposed 2013-14 School Calendars
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve Calendar A for the 2013-2014 school year. If the state legislation changes so schools cannot start early, then the district would use Calendar B. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried. Henry Clark voted no because he does not feel we have enough accountability on student achievement to justify the Wednesday early outs as we did not gain enough on standardized testing.
C.               Approval of FY12 Special Education Deficit
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the state adjustment to the special education deficit due to high cost claim expenditures. The final FY12 special education deficit is $143,269.38. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of District Wide VOIP Phone System
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve a district wide VOIP phone system at a cost not to exceed $100,000. The district will advertise for competitive quotes. If the project cost is under $100,000 we will move forward with the VOIP Phone System. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Project to Install Bullet Resistant Film
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve installing bullet resistant film in the schools at a cost not to exceed
$50,000. The district will advertise for competitive quotes. If the project cost is under $50,000 the district will move forward with the bullet proof film installation. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.                Approval of New Safety Equipment
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve installing new safety equipment at the main entrances of each school building at a cost not to exceed $35,000. If quotes are under $35,000 the district will move forward with the new safety equipment.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
G.               Approval to Interior Doors and Locks
Henry Clark made a motion to approve new interior doors and locks at Northeast, West and Middle School at a cost not to exceed $65,000. The district will advertise for competitive quotes. If the project cost is under $65,000 the district will move forward with the new interior doors and locks. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
H.               Approval to Auditor Bid
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the audit bid from Nolte, Cornman and Johnson for audit services for Fiscal years 2013, 2014 and 2015.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
I.                 Approval of Mower Bid
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the low mower bid from Evans Equipment Company for two zero turn 72 inch mowers of $12,707 each for a total cost of $25,414. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
J.                 Approval of Van Bid
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the low van bid from McMullen Ford for a 2013 eight passenger van in the amount of $24,468. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Craig Patzer to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:59 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

August 20, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 7:00 P.M. St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mineola, IA
Monday, August 20, 2012
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Dave Blum, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Ann Staiert.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4N. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the regular meeting on July 9, 2012 and the special meeting held on July 18, 2012.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Appropriate Use of Computer, Computer-Like Equipment, Computer Network Systems, and the Internet
4E – New Hires
Alisa Winquist
Jump Start Summer School Teacher
$19 per hour
Zachary Harper-Blunt
Audio Visual Tech – Video Board
Willis Ballinger
Substitute Bus Driver
$14.53 (2 hr minimum)
Tim Riley
High School English Teacher
$37,652.39 (Includes TSS)
Betty Davis
Special Education Teacher Associate
$8.29 per hour
Andrea Morrison
Preschool Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
Patricia Mitchell
Preschool Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
Allison Codney
Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
4F – Transfers
4G – Resignations
Gina Christofferson
Kid’s Place Child Care Provider
July 23, 2012
Rachel Lammert
Substitute Teacher
July 30, 2012
Brenda Rumery
Substitute Teacher
August 1, 2012
Rachel Shirley
Substitute Teacher
August 8, 2012
Bob Thaller
Bus Driver
July 31, 2012
Judy Isadore
Substitute Associate
July 16, 2012
Maria Cadena
Food Service Cook
August 14, 2012
Steve Tornquist
Substitute Teacher
July 12, 2012
Alexa Schoening
Kid’s Place Child Care Provider
August 16, 2012
4H – Open Enrollments
Angel E.
Treynor Community School District – Continuation after move
Izabella H.
Treynor Community School District – Continuation after move
Lucy H.
Treynor Community School District – Continuation after move
Lulu L.
Treynor Community School District – Siblings attend Treynor
Effie M.
Lewis Central Community School District – Siblings attend Treynor
Lila M.
Lewis Central Community School District – Kindergarten Student
Blake C.
Lewis Central Community School District – Continuation after move
Kalvin C.
Lewis Central Community School District – Continuation after move
Alexandra R.
Council Bluffs Community School District – New District of Residence
Manuel R.
Council Bluffs Community School District – New District of Residence
Caleb S.
Glenwood Community School District – Transitional Kindergarten Student
Kirstie S.
Glenwood Community School District – Change in District of Residence
4I – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of July 31, 2012 were approved.
4J – Fundraiser Requests
Summer Camp
Flexbone Association to Teach Offense
Boys Cross Country
Fried Chicken Dinner
Shirts, equipment, state, cookout, uniforms
Ad Sales
Cost of yearbook, equipment, supplies
Book Sales
Cost of yearbook
Ad Sales
Equipment, conference, software
Yankee Candle Sales
Travel to conference
MS Student Council
Ram Beads
Love Tree
MS Student Council
Lee National Denim Day
Breast Cancer Research
HS Band
Traveling Lawn Ornament
Cost of trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
Color Guard
Band Raffle
Expenses for Marching Band Show
Color Guard
Photo Booth
Uniforms and Equipment
Paint student car windows
Camps, competitions, state hotel rooms
Sell tattoo stickers
Camps, competitions, state hotel rooms
Paint business windows
Camps, competitions, state hotel rooms
Community Service
Pay for Flexbone training
Black/Gold Scrimmage
Pay for Flexbone training
4K – Out of State Travel
4L – Overnight Travel Requests
New Administrator AD Workshop
Boone, IA
Jeff Bissen
SAI Pre-Conference
Des Moines, IA
Kerry Newman
4M – Grant Requests
Mills County Community Foundation
Purchase fireproof shades for all child care groups. Mats and a portable play yard with a swing gate for the infant room.  The swing gate will help with staff not having to lift or step over the gate.
Mills County Community Foundation
Purchase aquarium sensors so students will gain graphing experience while using aquarium sensors to test the water.
$ 390
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. Karen Bueltel thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend the Professional Learning Communities at Work conference in San Antonio, TX. Spiral Communications talked about what they have been doing and wondered how the Board thought things were going.
Comments from Board
The August 27, 2012 board workshop has been cancelled. There is a September 9, 2012 ISFIS meeting on finance at Lewis Central from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Super Board meeting with the city and county will be held September 24, 2012 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Theresa will meet with the city and county and set up an agenda. An ABLE meeting will be held in Red Oak on October 9, 2012. School Board Convention is November 14-15, 2012 in Des Moines.
Paul Kruse, representative for Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust, explained the ISJIT program to the Board.   The ultimate goal of ISJIT is to get every school the best rate possible on investments.
Each administrator presented information on the proficiency for their building. Results from the state standardized assessments tests was discussed.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
  1. Approval of Renewal
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the renewal invoice with Reliance Communications, Inc for the School Messenger notification service at a cost of $4,889.25. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.         Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with IWCC
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Iowa Western Community College for one student attending the Blast program for the 2012-13 school year. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.         Approval of Agreement with Iowa Lakes Community College
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the Agreement with Iowa Lakes Community College for three students to attend the SAVE program for the 2012-13 school year. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.         Approval of Agreement with ISFIS
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement with Iowa Schools Finance Information Services to participate in the Skills Iowa Program. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.          Approval of Contract for Mentoring With Heart Services
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the contract for the Fremont Mills Community School District to share Mentoring With Heart Services with the Glenwood Community School District at a cost of $3,000 per year. Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Ann Staiert to adjourn the regular meeting 9:14 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Theresa Romens, Board President                                                               Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

December 10, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 5:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, December 10, 2012
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:   President Romens, Ann Staiert, and Dave Blum.  Henry Clark arrived at 5:58 p.m. Craig Patzer was absent.
Spotlight on Education
The following students were recognized for their achievements: State Cross Country Qualifier–Jeff Reeve; All State Choir-Evan Gammon, Ebon Hackett, Sydney Embray and Sam Kalhorn; All State Orchestra-John Pena and Opus Honor Choir-Drew Wallace.
Friends of Education
Mike Schmidt and Marrianne Driml were recognized for their excellent long term subbing in the English Dept.
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4N.  Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the regular meeting on November 12, 2012 and the work session on November 26, 2012.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Appropriate Use of District Technology, Network Systems and Internet Access
Laptop Computer and/or Tablet Policy - Delete
Consent to Student Use of the District’s Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access
Staff Acceptance Form and Consent Use of the District’s Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access
Implementation of Technology Protection Measurers Regarding Use of the District’s Technology, Network Systems, and Internet Access
App Procedures
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
4E – New Hires
Chase Sowers
Auditorium Lighting Tech
$7.25 per hour
Brian West
Substitute Teacher
$114 per day
Denise Jacobsen
Authorized Substitute Teacher
$104 per day
Carol Tedder
Substitute Teacher
$114 per day
Elizabeth Cooper
Child Care Associate at Kid’s Place
$7.25 per hour
Stefanie Bartles
Child Care Associate at Kid’s Place
$8.23 per hour
Silvia Lopez
Child Care Associate at Kid’s Place
$7.25 per hour
Chris Visser
Assistant Boys Track Coach
Jeff Janssen
Assistant Girls Track Coach
Ethel Minchew
Substitute Food Service Worker
$8.58 per hour
Ayla Fritz
Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
Marietta Nelson-Bittle
Substitute Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
4F – Transfers
4G – Resignations
Jackie Johnson
Substitute Bus Driver/Special Ed Teacher Associate
November 21, 2012
Tina Ossman
Food Service
November 30, 2012
Wendy Bales
Special Ed Teacher Associate
December 14, 2012
4H – Terminations
4I – Open Enrollments
Dylan E
December 5, 2012
Korey E
December 5, 2012
Amber E
November 11, 2012
Desirea E
November 13, 2012
Piper B
Glenwood 2013-2014
November 14, 2012
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of November 30, 2012 were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
Culinary Arts Class
Cost of Groceries
Marketing Class
Marketing Project
Improvements for School
March 2013
HS Student Council
Winter Dance
Pep Bus State Wrestling; Tests
Key Club
Collect Change
Donation to UNICEF
4L – Out of State Travel
Wrestling Tournament
Basehor, KS
Adam Buthe
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
FFA Leadership Conference
Ames, IA
Jessica Miller
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Eric Rasmussen
Wrestling Tournament
Basehor, KS
Adam Buthe
Des Moines, IA
Devin Embray
Des Moines, IA
Shirley Lundgren
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Brad Rasmussen
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Chris Visser
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Mitch Rew
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Mark Starner
Iowa Track and Field Clinic
Ames, IA
Todd Peverill
4N – Grant Requests
Reach for the Stars-Booster 4 Families
Purchase Books for 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s Rooms
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. Margo Young spoke on the comment made by a Board Member at the last board meeting regarding the Early Retirement Incentive.  She felt his comment was very hurtful.
Comments from Board
Ann Staiert reported on the IASB State Convention and on the Google trip.
Janiece Kinzle presented a power point on the Public Art Tree Sculpture which was a collaborative public art project spearheaded by the two artists-in-residence.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Approval of Modified Allowable Growth Application for Drop Out Prevention
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the Modified Allowable Growth Application for Drop Out Prevention in the amount of $356,581. Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               IASB Board of Directors
Ann Staiert made a motion to vote for Bill Grove from the Council Bluffs Community School District to fill the vacancy on the Iowa School Board of Directors for a three year term ending January 2016. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.               Approval of Contract
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the contract for services from Kristi Rooney, Independent Certified Braillist, for transcription services for the 2012-13 school year. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of Trap Shooting Club
Dave Blum made a motion to  approve  a trap shooting club for the Glenwood School District.   Ann  Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval to Adjust Long Range Curriculum Plan
Ann Staiert made a motion to adjust the implementation of the math long range curriculum plan by one year. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.                Severance Package Policies for 2013-2014
This was postponed to the January 14, 2013.  A work session will be held at 6:00 p.m. on January 14, 2013 to discuss the severance policies.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Dave Blum to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:04 p.m.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

February 11, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 7:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, February 11, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4M.  Craig Patzer seconded the motion. Patzer, Romens, Blum and Staiert voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the Work Session and Regular Meeting on January 14, 2013; the Super Board Meeting on January 17, 2013 and the Special Meeting and Work Session held on January 28, 2013.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Student Injury or Illness at School
Student Injury or Illness at School Incident Report Form
Student Insurance
Student Use of Motor Vehicles
Student Work Permits
Emergency School Closings
Emergency Plans and Fire/Tornado/Disaster Drills
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
4E – New Hires
Tabitha Evans
Substitute Child Care Provider at Kid’s Place (Floater)
$8.23 per hour
Amy Benson
Head Girls Soccer Coach
Mary Finn
Substitute Teacher
$114.00 per day
4F – Transfers
Kelly Chambers
Full Time Food Service Dishwasher to Food Service Substitute
$8.58 per hour
Ethel Minchew
From Substitute Food Service to Full Time Food Service
$9.58 per hour
4G – Separation From District
Kevin Farmer
Retirement - Requesting Leave Incentive
June 30, 2013
Willis Ballinger
Sub Bus Driver
February 8, 2013
Chris Martin
Part-time Custodian
January 28, 2013
Karen Hansen
Retirement – Requesting Leave Incentive
End of 2012-2013 SY
Janet Bradley
Food Service
December 15, 2011
4H – Open Enrollments
Brennan A.
Glenwood – Kindergarten Student for 2013-2014
January 14, 2013
Kaylee T.
Treynor – Remain after move to new district
January 22, 2013
Klara T.
Treynor – Remain after move to new district
January 22, 2013
Donavan A.
Glenwood - 2013-2014
January 22, 2013
Samantha P.
Council Bluffs – Change in District of Residence
January 15, 2013
Jerran B.
Glenwood – Change in District of Residence
January 25, 2013
Nadia G.
Glenwood – 2013-2014
February 1, 3013
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of January 31, 2013 were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
West Library
Book Fair
Library Books
Key Club
March Madness Dance
Backpack Program
School Dist.
Hosting Justo Lamas Concert
Collect concert admission from other schools
Builders Club
March Madness Dance/Game
American Heart Donation; Flag; Act Night Equip
MS Student Council
Hat & Jean Day
Special Olympics Donation
4L – Out of State Travel
Braille Tactile     Removed from Agenda
Baltimore, MD
Lory Lewellyn
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
All State Speech Festival
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Bobbi Jo Rohrberg
State FCCLA Leadership Conference
Des Moines, Iowa
Janis Moore
Football Convention
Jefferson, Iowa
Brad Asche
Football Convention
Jefferson, Iowa
Cory Faust
Football Convention
Adam Buthe
Football Convention
John Woodrow
Football Convention
Jerad Kruse
Football Convention
Michael Joyner
Football Convention
Alex Williams
Football Convention
Chris Visser
Football Convention
Barry Loeffelbein
Volleyball Coaches Clinic
Ames, Iowa
Caitlyn McIntosh
Braille Tactile Conference Removed from Agenda
Baltimore, MD
Lory Lewellyn
Volleyball Coaches Clinic
Ames, Iowa
Maria Jacobus
Spring IASBO Conference
Ames, Iowa
Shirley Lundgren
ISBMA Academy
Ames, Iowa
Shirley Lundgren
Volleyball Coaches Clinic
Ames, Iowa
Mary Pat King
4N – Grant Requests
Mills County Community
To purchase materials for Kid’s Place art centers in all rooms, a CD/Cassette
player for the 2’s room, Stacker Pegs for the 4’s room, a paper rack and cubbie trays, mats for the infant room and blinds.
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. Karen Bueltel wanted to publically express her gratitude and thanks to Mr. Farmer for all of his hard work and for the opportunities he has given kids, staff and Karen.
Comments from Board
Henry reported on a legislative session he recently attended. Henry also thanked Mr. Farmer for all of his hard work and dedication to the district.
Laurie Weekly, Marcia Van Ness and Jennifer Tallmon presented on the 4th grade PLC. They shared their success in increasing student proficiencies with multiplication and division strategies.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Revision to Leave Incentive Policies
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve extending the deadline on the Leave Incentive policies from February 15th to March 1st for the 2012-13 school year only. The second reading of policies 401.7 and 403.5 was waived. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Mills County Public Health
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Mills County Public Health for the use of the high school and middle school should the facilities be needed as a treatment site in the event of a disaster. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.               Approval of School Funding Resolution
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the School Funding Resolution stating the Glenwood Community School District Board of Education requests that the Iowa Legislature set a 4% allowable growth rate for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years prior to consideration of educational reform measures. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of “Glenwood Night with the Huskers” Contract
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the “Glenwood Night with the Huskers” contract in the amount of $1,700. This amount includes a $200 gasoline allowance and a $150 fee for each Husker Hoops player that participates. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Video on Demand Training Series Contract
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the six part Google Video on Demand Training Series.  A total payment of
$9,000 will be paid upon the delivery of all codes and login information for all six courses of the training. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.Approval of Budget Guarantee
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the following resolution: RESOVLED, that the Board of Directors of Glenwood Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2013-2014 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
G.               Approval of Quote for Soccer Complex Bleachers
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the quote for the soccer complex bleachers from Seating and Athletic Facility Enterprises, LLC, in the amount of $31,415.00. The quote includes Bleachers, an Announcer and Scorer Table Notch and for an 8’ x 12’ Press Box Understructure with Landing. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
H.               Approval of Summer Food Service Application
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve filing the summer food service program application. Middle School and Kid’s Place will be sites to serve breakfast and lunch during the summer. If needed, West Elementary will be a site to offer students breakfast and lunch during the Jump Start summer school program. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
I.                 Approval of Speaker Agreement 2013
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement between the Glenwood Community School District, Green Hills AEA and Mr. Joseph Du Fore. Mr. Du Fore has agreed to present at the Summit 2013 Midwest Google Education Summit sponsored by the Glenwood Community School District and the Green Hills AEA. Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
J.                 Approval of Rental Agreement with Kaufman Hall
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the rental agreement with Kaufman Hall for the use of the facility on March 23, 2013 for curriculum vendor day.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Henry Clark and seconded by Craig Patzer to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:52 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

February 12, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
Central Office Superintendent’s Office
4:00 P.M. Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Dave Blum and Craig Patzer.
Evaluation of Administrative Employee - Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(l)(i) Ann Staiert made a motion to move into closed session as provided in Iowa Code  Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board moved into closed session at 4:03 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Henry Clark made a motion to move out of closed session. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board returned to open session at 5:50 p.m.
Possible Action on Administrative Employee’s Contract
Henry Clark made a motion that the Board issue a notice of consideration of termination of administrator contract to Kerry Newman, administrator, for the following reasons:
  1. Inappropriate Relationship with District Employee
  2. Unprofessional Conduct
  3. Poor Judgment
  4. Inappropriate Use/Misuse of District Resources
  5. Poor and Ineffective Role Model
Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Dave Blum to adjourn the special meeting at 5:53 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

February 26, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
Central Office Superintendent’s Office 6:00 P.M. Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting to order at 6:13 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Dave Blum and Craig Patzer.
Closed Session
Henry Clark made a motion to move into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board moved into closed session at 6:15 p.m.   Henry Clark left the closed session at 7:17 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move out of closed session. Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board returned to open session at 8:12 p.m.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Craig Patzer to adjourn the special meeting at 8:12 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.


Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

February 6, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
Central Office Superintendent’s Office
8:15 P.M. Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Dave Blum and Craig Patzer.
Closed Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board moved into closed session at 8:16 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Dave Blum made a motion to move out of closed session. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board returned to open session at 10:25 p.m. No action was taken.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Dave Blum to adjourn the special meeting at 10:25 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

January 14, 2013 Work Session and Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Work Session of the Board of Directors 6:00 P.M. Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 7:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, January 14, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
Leave Incentive
The Board held a work session to discuss Board Policy 401.7 Leave Incentive of Licensed Staff and Board Policy
403.5 Leave Incentive – Classified Staff board policies. The board discussed the current leave incentive policies and if the district should continue to offer a leave incentive. Also discussed, were different leave incentives options and when and how to discontinue the leave incentive.
The work session was over at 6:50 p.m.
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4M with Board Policy 502.1R pulled out. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the first reading of board policy 502.1R with the change for ineligibility from a failing grade to a D grade.  Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  All voted “nay”. Motion failed.
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the first reading of board policy 502.1R with the policy reverting back to the way it was originally presented at the November board meeting and to waive the second reading. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the regular meeting on December 10, 2012.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Student Injury or Illness at School
Student Injury or Illness at School Incident Report Form
Student Insurance
Student Use of Motor Vehicles
Student Work Permits
Emergency School Closings
Emergency Plans and Fire/Tornado/Disaster Drills
Student Participation in School Sponsored Events - Regulations
4E – New Hires
Nancy Blum
Substitute Food Service Worker
$8.58 per hour
Richard Draper
Substitute Special Education Teacher Associate
$9.29 per hour
Karlye Groom
Authorized Substitute
$104.00 per day
Diana Crouch
Authorized Substitute
$104.00 per day
Mark Starner
Core Weight Training – Middle School
Brian Stanley
Core Weight Training – Middle School
Jordan Bueltel
Middle School Girls Track
Leverne Rohrberg
Substitute Bus Driver
$14.53 per hr
4F – Transfers
4G – Separation From District
Dan Jones
Substitute Bus Driver
December 3, 2012
Steve Sylvester
Substitute Bus Driver
December 6, 2012
Jim Thrane
Substitute Bus Driver
December 28, 2012
Ethan Watkins
Substitute Bus Associate
December 4, 2012
Kristine Wilson
Assistant High School Volleyball Coach
December 7, 2012
Sharon Stanley
Substitute Food Service Worker
December 1, 2012
Jennifer Decker
Substitute Food Service Worker
December 1, 2012
Renee Carney
Teacher Associate
February 1, 2013 or before if replacement found
4H – Open Enrollments
Briseis K.
Clayton Ridge – Iowa Virtual Academy
Dacia K.
Clayton Ridge – Iowa Virtual Academy
William C.
Connor G.
James K.
Sidney K.
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of December 31, 2012 were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
MS Student Council
Mr & Mrs Middle School
United Service Organization Donation
MS Student Council
Winter Activities Night
Common Area Furniture
MS Student Council
Candy Grams
American Heart Donation
Community Breakfast
Change Containers
Mentors choice of supplies at West
Student Council
Coffee Shop
Pay for 30% of students AP exam
Valentine Sales
State Conference
Dance Marathon
Children's Miracle Network
Marketing Class
Raffle 50/50
Curricular Project KN
Spring 2013
Marketing Class
T Shirt Sales
Curricular Project KN
Spring 2013
Marketing Class
Curricular Project KN
Spring 2013
Marketing Class
Raffle Merchandise
Curricular Project KN
Spring 2013
Marketing Class
Ticket Sales
Curricular Project KN
Spring 2013
4L – Out of State Travel
International Reading Convention
San Antonio, TX
Nancy Wright
AASA National Board Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Devin Embray
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
International Reading Convention
San Antonio, TX
Nancy Wright
All State Speech Festival
Cedar Falls, IA
Russell Crouch
All State Individual Speech
Cedar Falls, IA
Devon Ashby
XC Conference
Grinnell, IA
Todd Peverill
ISU Cyclone Honor Band
Ames, IA
Pete Jacobus
National Board Convention
Los Angeles, CA
Devin Embray
Supt. Legislative Retreat
Des Moines, IA
Devin Embray
Executive Leaders
Ankeny, IA
Devin Embray
4N – Grant Requests
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
There will be a Super Board Meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2013, at the Engineer’s Office from 6:00-7:30 p.m. A special meeting and work session will be held on January 28, 2013 at the Central Office Board Room starting at 5:30 p.m. On January 22, 2013 at 4 p.m. the GEA will present their negotiation proposal to the Board in the Central Office Board Room. A Board social will be held on February 2, 2013 at the home of Theresa Romens. Board members need to advocate to the legislators the BOEE requirement change for Superintendents.
Ted Rogers and Chad Wagner, Auditors from Nolte, Cornman & Johnson, P.C., presented the Fiscal Year 2012 audit to the Board. The auditors showed a power point showing financial highlights for the year and answered questions from the Board.
Justin Hornberger, Spiral Communications, gave an update on their tech support purchased services for the last six months. Kim Payne, Tech Coordinator, spoke on the 1:web initiative the school district is doing. She showed the board the tablets and laptops the district is purchasing for students and teachers. They also updated the Board on the recent switch of the district to Gmail and the training that will available for Gmail and Google Chrome.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Approval of Leave Incentive Policies
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the current leave incentive policies 401.7 and 403.5.  Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “nay”. Motion failed.
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve a four year leave incentive policy.  Under the new leave incentive policy
401.7 , teachers and administrators who are 55 years or older and who have worked 15 or more consecutive years in the district will receive 80% of the difference between their teaching salary and the beginning BA salary in fiscal years 2012/13; 2013/14 and 2014/15. Teachers and administrators who have worked 13 consecutive years will receive 13/15 of 80% and teachers and administrators who have worked 14 consecutive years will receive 14/15 of the 80%. In fiscal year 2015/16 the leave incentive amount will be zero. Under the new leave incentive policy 403.5, classified staff who are 55 years or older and who has worked 15 or more consecutive years in the district will receive 38% of their gross earnings in fiscal years 2012/13; 2013/14 and 2014/15. Classified staff who has worked 13 consecutive years will receive 13/15 of 38% and classified staff who has worked 14 consecutive years will receive 14/15 of the 38%. In fiscal year 2015/16 the leave incentive amount will be zero. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval of FY12 Audit Report
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the 2011-12 audit report. Henry Clark seconded the motion.   All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.               Approval of Mid Term Graduates
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the list of mid-term graduates as presented, pending completion of all requirements. Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of Facilities Rental Agreement with Creighton University
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the Facilities Rental Agreement with Creighton University for the use of Morrison Soccer Stadium on April 12, 2013 for the Glenwood vs Harlan soccer game. Harlan will pay half of the total rental amount of $1,610. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Bus Camera
Henry Clark made a motion to accept the quote from Hoglund Bus Co. in the amount of $51,475.80 for bus cameras. Spiral Communications withdrew from the original bus camera contract and will refund the money paid to them for bus cameras. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.                Approval of Contract for Use of Wrestling Building
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the contract with the Wrestling Club to use the wrestling building for indoor pitching for baseball and softball. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Craig Patzer and seconded by Henry Clark to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:48 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

January 17, 2013 Super Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Super Board Meeting of the Board of Directors Glenwood Engineer’s Office
6:00 P.M. Thursday, January 17, 2013
The  Glenwood  Community  School  Board  of  Directors  held  a  Super  Board  meeting  with  the Glenwood City Council and the Glenwood County Supervisors.
Mark Ford was the mediator for the Super Board meeting that started at 6:00 p.m. After the welcome and introductions Larry Winum gave a report on the I-29/Highway 34 Corridor Master Plan. Each entity gave a report. The school reported on the 1: web initiative; school safety and security and the school district’s facility plan. The county reported on the courthouse remodel project, the jail plans and Live Healthy Iowa. The city reported on the pool project, the library remodel and the new 34 exit/entrance.
The next meeting will be held in the school district at the courthouse on May 16, 2013 from 6:00- 7:30 p.m.
The Super Board meeting was over at 7:37 p.m.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

January 28, 2013 Public Hearing, Special Meeting and Work Session Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Public Hearing, Special Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Directors Central Office Board Room
5:30 P.M. Monday, January 28, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the public hearing, special meeting and work session to order at 5:30 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present:   President Romens, Dave Blum, Ann Staiert, Craig Patzer and Henry Clark.
Public Hearing
At 5:30 p.m. a public hearing was held on the bids for the Soccer Field Lighting.   There were no stated objections, written or oral, to the bids received for the soccer field lights.
The public hearing was over at 6:00 p.m.
New Business
Approval of Bid for Soccer Field Lighting
The Board discussed how the soccer field lighting project could be accomplished without tearing up the landscaping due to the warmer weather we are having and the cost of repairing the ground when the project was completed. Following discussion, Henry Clark made a motion to reject all bids for the lighting project at the soccer field due to weather. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Chapter 3 – Leadership for Student Learning
Dave Blum was the facilitator for Chapter 3 of the book and workbook Leadership for Student Learning. The board reviewed the chapter on Setting Clear and Focused Goals. Discussion centered on how to set goals, what has to happen to meet a goal, when to review the goals, how to align goals, etc. The Board will review their goals in the future.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time the public hearing, special meeting and work session was adjourned Sine Die at 7:57 p.m.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

July 18, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors Central Office Board Room
7:00 A.M. Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present:  President Romens, Dave Blum via phone, Ann Staiert, and Henry Clark. Craig Patzer was absent.
New Business
A.   Approval of Good Conduct Rule
Following discussion, Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the good conduct rule as presented.  Henry Clark seconded the motion. Blum, Romens and Staiert voted yes. Clark voted no. Motion carried.
Henry requested the following statement go on record: This code of conduct encompasses 24 hours a day and 365 days a year for students participating in extracurricular activities. Of the 10 cited violations, nine of them already carry legal penalties within our society. No formalized moral or societal training will be provided by the School Board as part of the school curriculum. I view this application of the code to be regressive in nature. The code should cover all students and only during school related functions and on school property. We are an educational institution, yet we allow students the potential to have all D’s to continue to participate in extracurricular activities and would penalize an A student for a lapse in judgment for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. If the School Board wishes to become the pre-dominant moral purveyor, then I recommend a forum with the community to discuss a Parochial, military or club oriented application. Looking back at my youth about half the students participated in extracurricular events and half did not. Why are we only implementing a resource that only covers half of the student population, that already is engaged in societal and moral endeavors and leaving the non- participating group behind. The community selected us as School Board members serving all student’s interest, including the non-participating students. My recommendation is for the School Board to develop a moral/societal education forum first, before developing a regressive penalty program which is already covered by our legal system, leaving out half of our student population.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded by Henry Clark to adjourn the special meeting at 7:07 a.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

July 9, 2012 Work Session and Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Work Session of the Board of Directors 5:00 P.M. Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 7:00 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, July 9, 2012
Call to Order
President Romens called the work session to order at 5:04 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, and Dave Blum. Craig Patzer was absent. Henry Clark arrived at 5:07 p.m.
Representatives from DLR showed a power point that presented information on our school buildings regarding enrollment capacity, evaluation of enrollment capacity, different grade configurations for our buildings, and ways to expand existing buildings. The group also discussed how the Highway 34 Bridge could affect the school district and options to explore.
The work session ended at 6:31 p.m.
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present: President Romens, Dave Blum, Henry Clark, and Ann Staiert. Craig Patzer was absent.
Spotlight on Education
Students and coaches for the Girls Track Team, Boys Track Team, Girls Soccer and Girls Tennis were recognized. Jeff Bissen, Activities Director, presented a certificate of congratulations to the students and coaches for their outstanding performances. Coaches shared highlights of the season.
Friends of Education
The Loess Hills Harley Davidson dealership was recognized for the generous donation of $12,000 to the school district.
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 5A through 5N. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the regular meeting on June 11, 2012 and the special meeting held on June 29, 2012.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment, Non-Retaliation
Equal Educational Opportunity
Equal Educational Opportunity Program
Multicultural/Gender Fair Education
Appropriate Use of Computers, Computer-like Equipment, Computer Network Systems, and the Internet
Laptop Computer and/or Tablet Policy
Consent to Student Use of the District’s Computers, Computer-Like Equipment, Computer Network Systems and Internet Access Consent Form
Staff Laptop Computer and/or Tablet Acceptance Form and Consent to Use of the District’s Computers, Computer-Like Equipment, Computer Network Systems, and Internet Access
Implementation of Technology Protection Measures Regarding the Use of the District’s Computers, Computer-Like Equipment, Computer Network Systems, and Internet Access
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
4E – New Hires
Mary Barrett
MS Media Associate
$8.29 per hour
Carrie Harrison
High School BD Teacher
$41,392.39 (Includes TSS)
Karen Sinner
Preschool Teacher
$45,192.39 (Includes TSS)
4F – Transfers
Bobbi Jo Rohrberg
From Preschool/ELL to Shared Visions Preschool/ELL
No Change
4G – Resignations
Lindsay Jacobus
Child Care Provider
May 31, 2012
Adria Skarnulis
Child Care Provider
June 21, 2012
Brad Silvey
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
June 29, 2012
Lois Prather
Substitute Teacher
October 25, 2011
Curt Kaufman
Assistant Baseball Coach
End of Post Season Play 2012
Sherie Hollander
Substitute Teacher
June 14, 2012
4H – Open Enrollments
Lila M
Council Bluffs CSD
4I – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of June 30, 2012 were approved.
4J – Fundraiser Requests
Student Council
T Shirt Sales
Winter dance and concession coupons
Food Sales
National Convention; camera
HS Band
Bake Sale
Trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
HS Band
Car Wash
Trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
HS Band
Sand Volleyball Tournament
Trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
HS Band
Bake Sale
Trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
HS Band
Traveling Lawn Ornament
Trip to Chic Fil A Bowl Atlanta GA
4K – Out of State Travel
National FFA Leadership Convention
Indianapolis, IN
Jessica Miller
4L – Overnight Travel Requests
National FFA Leadership Convention
Indianapolis, IN
Jessica Miller
Iowa DE Special Ed Advisory Board
Des Moines, IA
Joe Giangreco
4M – Grant Requests
Get Bio Tech Smart Supplies
Purchase equipment to better teach biotechnology, including Vernier Sensors and/or a Digital Microscope
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
Henry Clark commented as a parent: He wonders why a student can have an A grade in the classroom and a C grade on the ITEDS. Henry Clark commented as a board member: He wants a monthly update on safety until our workers compensation mod rate reaches 1.21. Henry stated Glenwood is in the top 5% of unsafe schools. Supt Embray clarified that the school district is in the top 5% of the workers compensation mod rate which is different than being in the top 5% of unsafe schools. Henry stated he did not have a matrix so he did not know where we were.
A safety committee status report was in the board packet. The board did not have any questions on the report.
Old Business
New Business
  1. Good Conduct Code
The board discussed the proposed Good Conduct Code. The committee will meet again on Thursday, July 12, 2012 to finalize the policy. The board will meet on July 18, 2012 at 7:00 a.m. in the Central Office Board room to approve the Good Conduct Code Policy.
B.         Consideration of Proposed Modification to Professional Service Agreement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the proposed Modification to Professional Services agreement with Spiral Communications. The modification changed the district contact person from Kyle Eckheart to Devin Embray. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.         Legislative Resolutions
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the following five legislative priorities - #1, #6, #11, #19 and #22. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.         Appointment of Board Secretary
Henry Clark made a motion to re-appoint Shirley Lundgren as the District’s Board Secretary/Treasurer for the 2012-13 school year. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried. Board President, Theresa Romens, administered the Oath of Office.
E.          Appointment of Bank Depositories
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve a maximum depository limit of $12,000,000 at Glenwood State Bank and a maximum depository limit of $5,200,000 at First National Bank for the 2012-13 school year. Henry  Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried
F.          Appointment of Level I Investigators
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the following Level I Investigators for the 2012-13 school year. Northeast Elementary – Kevin Farmer; West Elementary – Joan Crowl; Middle School – Kerry Newman; High School – Heidi Stanley; Kid’s Place – Joe Giangreco and Building Bridges Learning Center – Devin Embray. All investigators will serve as alternates for any other building. School nurses, Roni Score, Shari Gregory and Katie Kelly will also serve as alternates for all buildings. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
G.        Appointment of Facilitator of Teacher Mentoring & Induction Program
Dave Blum made a motion to approve Sunshine Crawford as the facilitator of the Teacher Mentoring and Induction Program plan for the 2012-13 school year. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
H.         Approval of Data Compromise Coverage (Identity Theft)
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the addition of the Data Compromise Coverage to our insurance coverage in the amount of $250,000 at a cost of $1,339. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
I.           Approval of Sub-Lease Agreement with West Central Development
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the sub-lease agreement with WCCA Head Start for the 2012-13 school year. Henry Clark seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
  1. Approval of Cobra Premium Administration Agreement with ISEBA
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the Cobra Premium Administration Agreement with ISEBA. Under this agreement ISEBA will administer the billing and collecting of premiums for the district’s COBRA participants. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
K.         Approval of Agreement with Jostens School Traditions
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the agreement with Josten’s School Traditions products such as class rings, announcement, diplomas, caps and gowns for the next five years. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
L.          Approval of eTrition Master Purchase Agreement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement between eTrition and Kid’s Place for the software license fee and the annual maintenance fee of $675. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
M.       Approval of Application and Contract with Bella Terre Reception Hall & Vineyard
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the application and contract with Bella Terre Reception Hall and Vineyard for Prom 2013 in the amount of $3,500. The fee includes the cost for security, tables, linens, decorations, drinks and candy. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
N.        Approval to Issue Check
Dave Blum made a motion to approve issuing a check to the City of Ogden, Ogden, Iowa if we are the successful bidder on a dump truck. The check would not exceed the amount of our sealed bid. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
O.        Approval of Bus Camera Quote
Ann Staiert made a motion to accept the lowest, reasonable, responsible competitive quote for the bus cameras. The bus cameras will be purchased from Spiral Communication in an amount of $45,628. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
P.         Approval of Consulting Services Agreement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the Consulting Services Agreement with School Administrators of Iowa for the School Administration Manager (SAM) project. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Q.        Approval of Addendum to Flexbone Association LLC Football Camp Agreement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the Addendum to the Flexbone Association, LLC Football Camp Agreement. The terms of the addendum change the camp venue and purchaser from AHST High School in Avoca to Glenwood High School. The camp had been secured by football coach, Cory Faust, prior to him being hired. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Henry Clark and seconded by Dave Blum to adjourn the regular meeting 8:32 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                                               Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

June 10, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
6:45 P.M. United Methodist Church, Pacific Junction, IA Monday, June 10, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the public hearing to order at 6:45 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:   President Romens, Ann Staiert, and Dave Blum.  Henry Clark and Craig Patzer were absent.
Public Hearing
At 6:45 p.m. a public hearing was held on the bids received for the Soccer Field Lighting.  There were no stated objections, written or oral, to the bids received for the soccer field lights.
The public hearing was over at 7:00 p.m. and the regular board meeting started.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 3A through 3M.  Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the Regular Meeting on May 13, 2013, Special Meeting and Work Session on May 23, 2013 and Super Board Meeting on May 23, 2013.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals:
Statement of Guiding Principles for the Educational Program
School Calendar
School Day
Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policy
Student Wellness Policy
Student Wellness Policy - Nutritional Guidelines
Substance-Free Workplace
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Personnel Operating District Vehicles
Drug and Alcohol Testing of Personnel Operating District Vehicles Regulations
Curriculum Development
Curriculum Regulations
Community Use of School Facilities
4E – New Hires
4th Grade Teacher
$37,592.39 (Includes TSS Dollars)
High School Custodian
$9.93 per hour
High School Social Studies
$45,672.39 (Includes TSS Dollars)
4F – Transfers
4th Grade Teacher to 5th Grade Teacher
No Change
Northeast Elementary Sped to High School Sped
No Change
4G – Separation from District
5th Grade Teacher
End of 2012-13 SY
Technology Technician
May 31, 2013
Special Education Teacher
End of 2012-13 SY
Mechanic’s Assistant
May 15, 2013
Food Service
May 3, 2013
Teacher Associate
May 28, 2013
Child Care Associate
April 19, 2013
Child Care Associate
April 29, 2013
Food Service
May 28, 2013
Teacher Associate
May 28, 2013
Teacher Associate
May 28, 2013
Middle School Business Teacher
May 28, 2013
Hearing Interpreter
May 28, 2013
Head Coach - MS 7th Grade Girls Track
End of 2013-14 SY
4H – Open Enrollments
Lewis Central
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of May 31, 2013 were approved. Bills as presented were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
Northeast PE Classes
Jump Rope for Heart
American Heart Donations
4L – Out of State Travel
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
Iowa ASCD Conference
Administrators - Embray, Stephens, Nickerson, Stanley, Wickham, Crowl, Giangreco
Des Moines, IA
National Conference CGI for Math
Robin Albert
Des Moines, IA
Iowa Reading Conference
Laurie Weekly
Ames, Iowa
Iowa Reading Conference
Shelly Murphy
Ames, Iowa
Iowa Reading Conference
Meg Schroeder
Ames, Iowa
Softball Tournament
Tim Stanton, Kylee Stanton, Mark Starner and Team
Boone, Iowa
4N – Grant Requests
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
At the work session on June 24, 2013 the board will review board goals.  President Romens asked the board to read over the legislative priorities before the July 8, 2013 board meeting.
Rick Nickerson, High School Associate Principal, presented data on graduation rates form 2006-2012. The data included trend line data and information on how the district uses the graduation rates to improve programming and offerings. There have been three different state formulas to calculate graduation rates during this time period.  The Glenwood Schools graduation rates are above the state average.
Tim Oswald, representative from Piper Jaffray, presented information on refunding Series 2007 and Series 2009 General Obligation bonds. The market has dropped so this is not a good time refund. The board set a 5.5% savings as the threshold to start the refunding process.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Approval of Financial Service Agreement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the financial service agreement with Piper Jaffray to be the financial service provider in refinancing high school general obligation bonds series 2007 and series 2009. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval to Solicit Credit Rating
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the school district to solicit the school’s credit rating from Moody’s.  Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
C.               Approval to Adopt Resolution
Dave Blum made a motion to adopt the resolution fixing the date of sale, approving electronic bidding procedures, and approving the official statement to refund general obligation bonds series 2007 and series 2009. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion.  Motion carried.
D.               Approval of Soccer Field Lights
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the low bid for the soccer field lights from ABC Electric in the amount of
$195,642. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Final Version of Math Curriculum
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the final version of the math curriculum. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.                Approval of Final Version of Business/Computer Curriculum
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the final version of the business and computer curriculum. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
G.               Approval of Final Version of Fine Arts, Band, Vocal and Drama Curriculum
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the final version of the fine arts, band, vocal and drama curriculum. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
H.Approval of Resource Purchases for Math, Business/Computer and Fine Arts
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the purchase of resources for the math, business and computer and find arts curriculums not to exceed $340,000.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
I.                 Approval of Draft Version of the Foreign Language Curriculum
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the draft version of the foreign language curriculum. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
J.                 Approval of Contract with Green Hills AEA
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the contract with Green Hills AEA to purchase services for a behavior interventionist at Northeast Elementary for the 2013-14 school year. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
K.               Approval of IAEP Coop Contract
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the ware wash and small wares portion of the IAEP Coop Contract for the 2013-14 school year. The ware wash bid was awarded to Martin Brothers and the small wares bid was awarded to Bolton Hayes.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
L.                Authorization to Sell Equipment
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve advertising to sell vehicles and equipment pursuant to Board Policy 902.4. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
M.             Approval of Sell Obsolete Equipment
Dave Blum made a motion to approve advertising to sell obsolete equipment. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
N.               Approval of Administrator Mentoring Program
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement with SAI for the Administrator Mentoring Program for the 2013-14 school year for Shane Stephens and Genie Wickham. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
O.               Approval of New Time Clock System
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the purchase of the new time clock system from Time Clock Plus in the amount of $24,643.25. The price includes software, training and support. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
P.               Approval to Pay End of Year Bills
Ann Staiert made a motion to pay outstanding bill at the end of the fiscal year, contingent upon funds. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
Q.               Approval of Non-Union Staff Salaries
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve salaries as presented for Non-Union Classified Staff, Directors, and Administrators. A stipend for Rick Nickerson and Jeff Bissen was approved as presented. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
R.               Approval of Student Parent Handbook Changes
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the changes to the high school, alternative school, middle school and K-5 student and parent handbook as presented. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
S.                Approval of CACFP Food Service Contract
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the CACFP Food Service contract with Kid’s Place for the 2013-14 school year. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
T.                Approval to Renew IASB Membership
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve renewing the school district’s membership with Iowa Association of School Board for the 2013-14 school year in the amount of $5,823.00. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
U.               Approval to Renew ISFIS Membership
Dave Blum made a motion to approve renewing the school district’s membership with Iowa School Finance Information Services for the 2013-14 school year in the amount of $3,063.34. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
V.Closed Session- Code of Iowa Section 21.5(l)(i)
Ann Staiert made a motion to move into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(l)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session. Dave Blum seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.  The Board moved into closed session at 8:48 p.m.  The Board moved out of closed session at 9:36 p.m.
W.             Action on Employees Wage
Dave Blum made a motion to accept offer of $2.00 per hour increase in lieu of family insurance which will result in a net savings for the district.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
X.               Closed Session- Code of Iowa Section 21.5(l)(i)
Dave Blum made a motion to move into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(l)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session. Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.  The Board moved into closed session at 9:47 p.m. The Board moved out of closed session at 10:13 p.m.
Y.                Action on Superintendent’s Evaluation, Salary and Benefits for 2013-14 school year
Dave Blum made a motion to approve a $6,000 raise for the 2013-14 school year and to extend his contract through 2015-16 school year. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Ann Staiert to adjourn the regular meeting at 10:58 p.m.  All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

March 11, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 6:30 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, March 11, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, and Dave Blum.  Craig Patzer was absent due to a business trip.
Closed Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board. Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board moved into closed session at 6:31 p.m.
Return to Open Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move out of closed session.   Dave Blum seconded the motion.   A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried.  The board returned to open session at 6:59 p.m.
Ann Staiert made a motion to accept Kerry Newman’s March 11, 2013, immediate resignation as Principal for the Glenwood High School. Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed Staiert, Blum and Romens in favor of the motion.  Clark opposed. Motion carried.
Ann Staiert made a motion to withdraw the Glenwood Community School District Board of Director’s February 12, 2013, notice of consideration of termination of Kerry Newman’s employment as Principal for the Glenwood High School. Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed Staiert, Blum and Romens in favor of the motion. Clark opposed. Clark went on record stating I think we should to go to trial.  Motion carried.
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the terms and conditions of the settlement between the Glenwood Community School District and Kerry Newman as agreed between Ms. Newman’s counsel and the counsel for the Glenwood Community School District’s Board of Directors. Henry Clark seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed Staiert, Blum and Romens in favor of the motion. Clark opposed. Motion carried.
Spotlight on Education
Friends of Education
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 4A through 4M.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the Special Meeting on February 6, 2013; the Regular Meeting on February 11, 2013, the Special Meeting on February 12, 2013 and the Special Meeting on February 26, 2013.
4B – Approval of Agenda
4C – Approval of Board Policies
Second Reading Approvals: None
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals: Number:                              Policy Name:
504.1                    Student Records Access and Use
504.1R                 Student Records Access and Use Regulations
504.1RFS             Student Records Request Form for Students and Parents
504.1C                 Student Records Request form for Non-Students or Non-Parents 504.1A Release of Student Records Authorization
504.1NF               Transfer of Student Records Notification Form
504.1F                  Hearing Regarding Correction of Student Records Request Form
504.1N                  Student Records Notice
504.2                    Student DIrectory Information
504.2N                  Student Directory Information Notice
4E – New Hires
Part-/Time Custodian
Head MS Wrestling Coach Substitute Food Service
Substitute Food Service
Substitute Food Service
Seasonal Grounds/Maint. Seasonal Grounds/Maint.
Asst. Girls Soccer Coach
SpEd PK Teacher Assoc.
Information Tech Secretary Substitute Teacher
Substitute Teacher Assoc.
$9.93 per hour
$8.58 per hour
$8.58 per hour
$8.58 per hour
$8.63 per hour
$8.63 per hour
$9.29 per hour
$11.02 per hour
$114 per day
$9.29 per hour
4F – Transfers
Tech. Secy. to Payroll
Sub Teacher to Teacher Assoc
$13.00 per hour
$8.29 per hour
4G – Separation From District
Sub Bus Driver
February 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
Bus Driver
End of 2012-13 school year
End of 2012-13 school year
Sub Bus Driver
February 12, 2013
End of 2012-13 school year
Sub Cook
February 25, 2013
Midday Route Only
February 25, 2013
4H – Open Enrollments
Andrew B.             To Council Bluffs
Elise B.                 To Council Bluffs
Alli B.                    To Lewis Central
Isabella C.             To Glenwood
Savannah C.          To Glenwood
Evan G.                To Glenwood
Kaleb G.               To Glenwood
Paige G.               To Glenwood
Danielle H.            To Clayton Ridge Iowa Virtual Academy
Faith H.                To Clayton Ridge Iowa Virtual Academy
Joshua H.             To Clayton Ridge Iowa Virtual Academy
Sarah H.               To Clayton Ridge Iowa Virtual Academy
Emma J.               To Glenwood
Logan J.               To Glenwood
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of February 28, 2013 were approved. Bills as presented were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
Group:                  Fundraiser:                                           Purpose:                              Amt:                           Dates:
Boys Soccer     Concessions at Creighton Game                Overnight costs; awards       NA                              4/12/2013
School District   Battle of Books                                        Next year's event                 $140                           4/13-5/13
Student Council March Madness Basketball                       AP Exams; Teacher Appreciation  $2,500                 3/15/2013
Choir/Band         Food & Gift Items                                    Chicago Trip                         $8,000                       8/20-09/3/13
MS Book Fair      Coin Challenge                                       Donation to Love Tree              NA                           3/11-15/13
MS Book Fair      MS Book Fair                                        Books for Media Center             NA                           3/18-26/13
Boys Track        Fried Chicken Dinner                               Track Supplies                        5,500                         3/15-4/7/13
Reach/SADD     Pizza Ranch Tip Night                           Red Out wristbands and socks   AMAP                         4/8/2013
Bowling Club       Pie in the Face                                     Dues, tournament fees, T-shirts  $320                          3/15/2013
B & G Track        Chicken Dinner                                   Equipment, Drake Relay Costs     $3,000                       4/7/2013
B & G Track     2013 Event Sponsor Program                   Equipment, Drake Relay Costs    $2,000                      3/11/2013
MS Talent Show Talent Show                                           Iowa Assessment Incentives       $500                        3/21/2013
4L – Out of State Travel
Math Olympiad Contest
Maryville, MO
Lori Carter
Math Olympiad Contest
Maryville, MO
Craig Trager
Field Trip to NWMSU
Maryville, MO
Jessica Miller
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
Girl's Soccer Tournament
Amy Bensen
Adel, Iowa
Girl's Soccer Tournament
Caitlin McIntosh
Adel, Iowa
IAAE Conference
Jessica Miller
Ankeny, Iowa
ICCA Spring Coaches Conference
Dixie Thomas
Altoona, Iowa
Iowa Vocal Jazz Championships
Kay Fast
Huxley, Iowa
ISEA Delegate Assembly
Julie McMullen
Ames, Iowa
ISEA Delegate Assembly
Dianne VonTersch
Ames, Iowa
Safe, Healthy & Caring Environment Workshop
Jeanne Bates
Des Moines, IA
Overnight Travel Requests Continued:
Safe, Healthy & Caring Environment Workshop
Brian Stanley
Des Moines, IA
Safe, Healthy & Caring Environment Workshop
Melanie Howard
Des Moines, IA
Safe, Healthy & Caring Environment Workshop
Jackie Viner
Des Moines, IA
Safe, Healthy & Caring Environment Workshop
Kylee Wilson
Des Moines, IA
4N – Grant Requests
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
Theresa reported on the legislative coffee she attended. There will be an IASB Able Meeting in Villisca on April 16, 2013.
Business Manager, Shirley Lundgren, reviewed the budget process, explained key components of the FY 2014 budget and reviewed the Department of Management’s Aid & Levy worksheets.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Approval of Boys and Girls Swimming Sharing Agreement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the sharing agreement with the Lewis Central Community School District for Boys Swimming and Girls Swimming and Diving. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval of Practicum and Student Teaching Agreement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the practicum and student teaching agreement with Buena Vista University for the 2013-2014 school year. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
C.               Approval of Grant Underground Electric Easement
Dave Blum made a motion to approve an underground electric easement with Mid American Energy Company so they have access to the underground utilities behind the middle school. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of Wireless Project
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the wireless project for Middle School, West Elementary and Northeast Elementary if the competitive quotes are less than $35,000. If the quotes are over $35,000 the project will come back to the Board of Directors for review. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Justo Lamas Concert
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the Justo Lamas Group Concert agreement for the concert on March 8, 2013. The concert will be held in the auditorium with Spanish students from other schools attending. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.Approval of 28E Agreement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the 28E agreement between the Glenwood Community School District, the Southwest Iowa Sportsman’s Club, the Mills County Agricultural Extension Division and the City of Glenwood for our Trap Club. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
G.               Approval to Sell Vehicles
Dave Blum made a motion to approve sell four vehicles.        Henry Clark seconded the motion.   All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
H.               Approval to Purchase Van
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve purchasing one eight passenger van.   Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
I.                 Approval of Agreement with Omaha Paper Co
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve a three year agreement with Omaha Paper Company for cleaning supplies. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
J.                 Approval of School Center Contract
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the contract with School Center our website provider. By approving the contract we are eligible for the 2013-14 E-rate discount. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Henry Clark to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:39 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

March 25, 2013 Special Meeting and Work Session Minutes

Special Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Directors Central Office Board Room
6:30 P.M. Monday, March 25, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting and work session to order at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present:   President Romens, Ann Staiert, Craig Patzer and Henry Clark. Dave Blum was absent.
New Business
Approval of the Preliminary FY14 Budget for Publication
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the preliminary 2013-14 school budget for publication.   Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  Patzer, Romens, and Staiert voted yes.  Clark voted no. Motion carried.
Approval to Set the Date and Time for Public Hearing for the FY 14 Budget
Henry Clark made a motion to set Monday, April 8, 2013 at 6:45 pm at the High School Media Center, 504 E Sharp Street, Glenwood, IA as the date, time and place to hold the public hearing on the 2013-14 school budget. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded Henry Clark to adjourn the special meeting at 6:42 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Following the special meeting the Board of Directors held a work session starting at 6:43 p.m. to review the book and workbook Leadership for Student Learning. Henry Clark was the facilitator for Chapter 4 of the book and workbook Leadership for Student Learning.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Craig Patzer and seconded Ann Staiert to adjourn the special meeting at 8:20 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                                               Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

March 8, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
Central Office Superintendent’s Office 7:00 A.M. Friday, March 8, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present: President Romens, Ann Staiert, Dave Blum and Craig Patzer. Henry Clark attended via telephone.
Closed Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move into closed session in accordance with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board moved into closed session at 7:06 a.m.
Return to Open Session
Ann Staiert made a motion to move out of closed session. Dave Blum seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed all in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The board returned to open session at 7:55 a.m.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Craig Patzer to adjourn the special meeting at 7:56 a.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

May 13, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 6:45 P.M. High School Media Center
Monday, May 13, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the public hearing to order at 6:45 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
Upon roll call the following Board members responded as being present:  President Romens, Ann Staiert, Henry Clark, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum.
Public Hearing
At 6:45 p.m. a public hearing was held to approve the early start school calendar for the 2013-14 school year. There were no stated objections, written or oral, to the calendar for 2013-2014.
The public hearing was over at 7:00 p.m. and the regular board meeting started.
Spotlight on Education
Jazz Band, Jazz Choir and FCCLA were recognized for their accomplishments at the state level.
Friends of Education
Ila Handke was recognized for the time she spends assisting our Kindergarten students.  Superintendent Embray presented certificates to the Board members in honor of School Board Recognition Week.
Consideration of Action on Consent Items
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the consent agenda including items 3A through 3M with item 3B, Approval of Agenda and item 3C, Board Policy 505.1 and 505.1R pulled out. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Following comments from Henry Clark regarding the election and the board, Henry Clark made a motion to approve item 3B, Approval of Agenda. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. Staiert, Blum, Patzer and Romens in favor of the motion.  Clark opposed. Motion carried.
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the Item 3C second reading of Board Policy 505.1.  Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  Staiert, Blum, Patzer and Romens in favor of the motion. Clark opposed.  Motion carried.
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the Item 3C second reading of Board Policy 505.1R.  Craig Patzer seconded the motion.  Staiert, Blum, Patzer and Romens in favor of the motion. Clark opposed.  Motion carried.
4A - Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved for the Regular Meeting on April 8, 2013 and Special Meeting and Work Session on April 22, 2013.
4B – Approval of Agenda – Pulled Out 4C – Approval of Board Policies Second Reading Approvals:
Student Retention and Promotion – Pulled out and voted on separate
Student Retention and Promotion Regulations – Pulled out and voted on separate
Student Progress Reports and Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences
Class or Group Gifts to School
Graduation Requirements
Early Graduation
Foreign Study
4D – Approval of Board Policies
First Reading Approvals:
Statement of Guiding Principles for the Educational Program
School Calendar
School Day
Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policy
Student Wellness Policy
Student Wellness Policy - Nutritional Guidelines
Substance-Free Workplace
Student Code of Conduct - Recommend waive second reading
Possession and/or Use of Weapons - Recommend waive second reading
Student School Transportation for Extracurricular Activities - Recommend waive second reading
Transporting Students in Private Vehicle - Recommend waive second reading.
4E – New Hires
Erin Peterson
Authorized Substitute Teacher
$104 per day
William (Trey) Hughes
Substitute Teacher
$114 per day
Gregory “Shane” Stephens
High School Principal
Hannah Washburn
1st Grade Teacher
$35,692.39 (2013-2014 Salary + TSS)
Amanda Cowell
4th Grade Teacher
$35,692.39 (2013-2014 Salary + TSS)
Delilah (Dee) McIntyre
Substitute Nurse
$114 per day
Bruce Schoening
Substitute Bus Driver
$14.53 per hour
Mary Greiner
Child Care Associate
$8.23 per hour
Jennifer Brammer
Substitute Suburban Driver
$14.53 per hour
Steve Sylvester
Substitute Bus Driver
$14.53 per hour
4F – Transfers
Nancy Blum
Substitute Food Service Worker to Regular Salad Bar/Cook
$9.58 per hour
Ben Wiese
Sub Bus Driver to Regular Bus Driver
$30.42 per route
Kaitlin Koehn
Sub Food Service to Dishwasher
$9.58 per hour
4G – Separation From District
West Elementary Media Associate
May 8, 2013
Middle School Teacher Associate
April 9, 2013
BBLC Teacher Associate
April 9, 2013
Level II Special Education Teacher
End of 2012-2013 SY
Substitute Teacher
April 16, 2013
Judy Kirk
Substitute Teacher
October 13, 2012
Joyce Nelson
Substitute Teacher
July 1, 2012
Clay Lincoln
Authorized Substitute Teacher
July 1, 2012
High School Social Studies, Assist Middle School Volleyball Coach and Assistant Girls Soccer Coach
End of 2012-2013 SY
April 18, 2013
Teacher Associate
May 15, 2013
4H – Open Enrollments
Lewis Central
4J – Approval of Financial Reports
Financial reports as of April 30, 2013 were approved. Bills as presented were approved.
4K – Fundraiser Requests
Salad Luncheon
Motel rooms; equipment; misc expenses
Soccer Concessions
National conference expenditures
5/17 & Tourney
Farmer Market Stand
State and national travel expenditures
Car Wash
Summer Camp; Homecoming; FY14 Expenses
Car Wash
Summer Camp; Homecoming; FY14 Expenses
Window Painting
State Competition Fees
Cheerleading Camp
Winter competition fees
Car Wash
Clinic Tshirts for Squad and Spring Conference
Bag Sale
National conference expenditures
Boys XC
Summer camp
T shirts and end of camp cookout
4L – Out of State Travel
4M – Overnight Travel Requests
IFCSE Conference
Janis Moore
Des Moines, Iowa
STEM Institute
Jessica Miller
Ankeny, Iowa
Trap Club State Competition
Stephanie Bowden & Students
Cedar Falls, Iowa
4N – Grant Requests
Provide hands on opportunities for CC science curriculum to promote student interest in science, technology, engineering and math
Materials plus one day PD
Beef Grant for FCS Foods Classes
Study selection, storage, preparation of beef and beef cuts. Use beef in pasta and rice dishes as the class studies preparation with ground meats.
Up to $100
Announcements and Communications Comments from Public
This time is reserved for patrons and Board members to speak to items not on the agenda and to request to speak to any items on the current agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Comments from Board
Friday, May 17th there will be an Ice Cream social at West in Honor of Kevin Farmer. The Board will meet for graduation at 1:40 p.m. in the foyer. May 20th the GRC students will hold a graduation from 9:30-10:30 a.m. May 23rd the board will hold a work session on the Affordable Care Act at 4:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center. Following the work session there will be a Super Board Meeting with the County and the City. May 28th is the end of school luncheon at 12:45 p.m. in the High School cafeteria. The June 10th regular board meeting will be held in Pacific Junction.
Sherry Huffman from the Green Hills AEA presented information on how to analyze data. She went over different types of scores and utilities that can be used to analyze data.
Building Administrators, Director of Special Education, Activities Director, Kids Place Director, Technology Director, Food Service Director, Director of Operations, Print Shop and School Improvement reported on their respective buildings or areas of assignment.
Old Business
New Business
A.Start Date Waiver Request Resolution
Dave Blum made a motion to approve the start date waiver request resolution which will enable the district to begin classes for the 2013-14 school year prior to the state mandated start date. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
B.               Approval of 2013-14 School Calendar
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the school calendar for the 2013-2014 school year with a start date of August 26, 2013. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. Staiert, Clark, Patzer and Romens in favor of the motion. Blum opposed. Motion carried.
C.               Approval of Tentative Graduates
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the list of tentative graduates, contingent upon completion of all requirements. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
D.               Approval of Project Proposal with Perspective Consulting Partners
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the proposal with Perspective Consulting Partners to provide benefit consulting services for the “Pay or Play” mandate of the Affordable Health Care Act. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
E.                Approval of Agreement with EBS
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the renewal with Employee Benefit Systems as the third party administrator for our flex spending account and for the partial self-funding of Health Insurance Plans A and B. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
F.                Approval of Contract with University of Northern Iowa
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the contract with the University of Northern Iowa for student teachers during the 2013-14 school year. Ann Staiert seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
G.               Approval to Settlement with Teamsters Union
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the settlement for the bus drivers as negotiated with the Teamsters Union. The tentative agreement is a two year contract.  For 2013-14 school year the Classification 1 drivers will receive
$31.32 per route and the Classification 2 drivers will receive $42.86 per route. Shuttle trips are paid $10.52 per hour and Activity trips are paid $10.73 per hour with a four hour minimum. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
H.               Approval to Settlement with Glenwood Education Association
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the settlement for the teachers as negotiated with the GEA Union. The base pay and supplemental salary pay was increased. Ann Staiert seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
I.                 Approval of Bread Bid
Henry Clark made a motion to approve the bread bid from Sara Lee/Earthgrains Bakery for the 2013-14 school year. Craig Patzer seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
J.Approval of Milk Bid
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the milk bid from Hiland (Roberts) Dairy for the 2013-14 school year. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
K.               Approval of IAEP Coop Contract
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the food bid portion of the IAEP Coop Contract for the 2013-14 school year. The food bid was awarded to Martin Brothers. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
L.                Approval of Meal Prices
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the increase in lunch prices. Elementary student lunches will increase 10 cents to $2.30; secondary student lunches will increase 20 cents to $2.40; student breakfast will increase 10 cents to $1.55; adult lunches will increase to $3.20 and milk will increase 5 cents to 35 cents. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
M.             Approval of Five Year Maintenance Plan
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the five year maintenance plan as presented. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
N.               Approval of Middle School Industrial Arts Renovation
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve Middle School Industrial Arts Renovation as presented. The building is being renovated to move art, vocal music and the IT department into the Middle School building. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
O.               Approval of Middle School 1986 Addition Renovation
Ann Staiert made a motion  to  approve the Middle School  1986 Additional Renovation  as presented. Four classrooms will be converted into two classrooms. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
P.               Approval to Seal Coat Middle School Rear Parking Lot
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve putting a seal coat on the Middle School rear parking lot for dust control. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
Q.               Approval of West Elementary Window Replacement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve West Elementary window replacement project as presented. Wood casement windows will be replaced with aluminum, tinted, low E thermo pane commercial type windows. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
R.               Approval of Trap Club 28E Agreement
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the revised 28E Agreement between Glenwood Community Schools, Southwest Iowa Sportsman’s Club, Glenwood Police Dept and Mills County Agricultural Extension District for a Trap Club at the high school. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
S.                Approval of MTI Production Contract
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the contract with MTI Productions for the high school musical production of Into The Woods in November 2013. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
T.                Approval of Memo of Understanding with Iowa Western Community College
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Iowa Western Community College for contracted concurrent enrollment courses for the 2013-14 school year. The tuition for classes held at Iowa Western and for classes that are high school instructor delivered has not been set yet. Henry Clark seconded the motion.  All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
U.               Approval of Agreement with Behaven Kids
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the agreement for special education services with Behaven Kids in Omaha, NE.  Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
V.               Approval of Agreement with Shred-It
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the service agreement with Shred-It, Omaha, NE. The agreement is for one time shredding services for the district.  Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried
W.Approval of Contract with Solution Tree
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the contract with Solution Tree for Paul Farmer speak to staff on August 20, 2013. He will speak on how to disseminate information on the topic of PLC. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
X.               Approval of Agreement with Best Care
Ann Staiert made a motion to approve the renewal with Best Care, the district’s employee assistance program. Henry Clark seconded the motion. All voted “aye”.  Motion carried.
Y.                Set Work Session
A work session was set for May 23, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. at the High School Media Center on the Affordable Care Act.
Z.                Discussion on Legislative Priorities
The list of legislative priorities was passed out to the board members to review.  The priorities will be discussed at the June board meeting.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Dave Blum and seconded by Ann Staiert to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:45 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                              Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

May 23, 2013 Special Meeting and Work Session Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Special Meeting and Work Session of the Board of Directors High School Media Center
4:30 P.M. Thursday, May 23, 2013
Call to Order
President Romens called the special meeting and work session to order at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call
The following Board members were present:   President Romens, Ann Staiert, Craig Patzer and Dave Blum. Henry Clark was absent.
Perspective Consulting Partners, Stacy Wanderscheid and Renee McPhee, gave a summary of the Pay of Play Mandate of the Affordable Care Act. They presented an estimated Affordable Care Act compliance status for the Glenwood Community School District showing different options for the school district based on actual figures such as calendar hours worked; full time employees; and variable hour employees.  Non-discrimination testing issues was discussed
New Business
K-12 Math and Business/Computer Curriculum
Craig Patzer made a motion to approve the K-12 Math and Business/Computer curriculum resource purchases in an amount not to exceed $410,000. Dave Blum seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion was made by Ann Staiert and seconded Henry Clark to adjourn the special and work session meeting at 5:45 p.m. All voted “aye”. Motion carried.
Theresa Romens, Board President                                                               Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary

May 23, 2013 Super Board Meeting Minutes

Glenwood Community School District
Super Board Meeting of the Board of Directors High School Media Center
6:00 P.M. Thursday, May 23, 2013
The  Glenwood  Community  School  Board  of  Directors  held  a  Super  Board  meeting  with  the Glenwood City Council and the Glenwood County Supervisors.
Mark Ford was the mediator for the Super Board meeting that started at 6:00 p.m. Each entity gave a report. The county gave an update on the courthouse remodel project and the jail plans. The city gave an update on the pool project, the library remodel and the new city website. The school gave an update on curriculum and technology; calendar start date; new building Principals; and facility improvements planned.
The next meeting will be held at the Engineer’s Office on Thursday, August 29, 2013 from 6:00- 7:00 p.m.
The Super Board meeting was over at 6:50 p.m.
Theresa Romens, President                                                        Shirley Lundgren, Board Secretary