The Superintendent/Designee has the authority to close schools, dismiss early, or begin school late in case of extreme weather or other emergency conditions.  As soon as possible after the decision has been made, the Superintendent/Designee shall arrange to announce the closing via the news media and other school communications.
Make‑up days will be scheduled in order that students will attend school for at least the minimum number of school hours per year prescribed by statute, Iowa Department of Education rules, and Board policy.  On any day when school is dismissed early due to emergency conditions, the portion of that day that school was in session shall be defined as a day of school.
*Revised:  02/07/94
*Reviewed:  04/08/02
*Reviewed:  01/15/07
*Revised:  12/13/10
*Revised:  02/11/13
*Revised: 10/9/17
*Reviewed: 9/12/22
*Reviewed: 10/10/22