*Reviewed: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 10/08/12
*Reviewed: 12/12/2016
*Reviewed: 08/14/17
*Reviewed: 08/16/18
*Reviewed: 08/01/22
Participation in school activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for their lifetimes.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the District throughout the calendar year, whether away from school or at school. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with Board policy and must refrain from activities which are illegal, immoral, or do not reflect the District in a positive manner.
Students who fail to abide by this policy and the rules supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures outlined in the Code of Good Conduct handbook. The Principal will keep records of violations of the good conduct Policy.
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to develop requirements for school activities. Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set out by the District for participation in the activity.
Students may produce official school publications as part of the curriculum under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the principal. Official school publications include material produced in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook or writing classes and distributed to the student body either free or for a fee.
Any expressions made by students in the exercise of free speech, including student expression in official school publications, is not an expression of official school policy. The district, the board, and the district employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students, unless the district employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student speech or expression.
Official school publications are free from prior restraint by district employees or officials except as provided by law. A faculty advisor shall supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law including, but not limited to, the restrictions against unlawful speech. The production of official school publications shall be guided by the law and by the ethical standards adopted by professional associations of societies of journalism.
Persons, other than students, who believe they have been aggrieved by student expression in a student-produced official school publication will follow the grievance procedure outlined in this policy manual. Students who believe their freedom of expression in a student-produced official school publication has been restricted will follow the grievance procedure outlined in this policy manual.
Non‑school‑sponsored publications are subject to the same standards listed. The administration may prohibit the distribution of such publications, unless the students submit a copy for administrative review and approval.
The superintendent is responsible for developing a student publications code. This code will include, but not be limited to, reasonable rules including time, place, and manner of restrictions. The superintendent will also be responsible for distributing this policy and the student publications code to the students and their parents.
*Revised: 01/10/94
*Reviewed: 04/08/02
*Reviewed: 01/15/07
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 10/08/12
*Revised: 11/13/17
*Reviewed: 8/1/22
A. Official School Publications
1. An "official school publication" is material produced by students in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook or writing classes and distributed to students either free or for a fee.
B. Expression in an Official School Publication
1. No student will express, publish or distribute in an official school publication material which is:
a. obscene;
b. libelous;
c. slanderous; or
d. encourages students to:
i. commit unlawful acts;
ii. violate school rules;
iii. cause the material and substantial disruption of the orderly and efficient operation of the school or school activity;
iv. disrupt or interfere with the education program;
v. interrupt the maintenance of a disciplined atmosphere; or
vi. infringe on the rights of others.
2. Official school publications are produced under the supervision of a faculty advisor.
C. Responsibilities of Students
1. Students writing or editing official school publications will assign and edit the news, editorial, and feature contents of the official school publications subject to the limitations of the student publications code and the law.
2. Students will strive to achieve professional standards of accuracy, fairness, objectivity, and thoroughness in each and every aspect of official school publications.
3. Students will strive to achieve professional standards of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling for clarity and accuracy of official school publications.
D. Responsibilities of Faculty Advisors
1. Faculty advisors will supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law including, but not limited to, the restrictions against unlawful speech.
E. Liability
1. Student expression in an official school publication will not be deemed to be an expression of the District. The District, the Board, and the employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students unless the employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student expression. The liability, if any, is only to the extent of interference or alteration of the speech or expression.
F. Appeal Procedure
1. Students who believe they have been unreasonably restricted in their exercise of expression in an official student publication will seek review of the decision through the student grievance procedure (found in policy 104.1R1).
2. Persons who believe they have been aggrieved by a student-produced official student publication will file their complaint through the citizen grievance procedure.
G. Time, Place and Manner of Restrictions on Official School Publications
1. Official student publications may be distributed in a reasonable manner on or off school premises.
2. Distribution in a reasonable manner will not encourage students to:
a. commit unlawful acts;
b. violate school rules;
c. cause the material and substantial disruption of the orderly and efficient
operation of the school or school activity;
d. disrupt or interfere with the education program;
e. interrupt the maintenance of a disciplined atmosphere; or
f. infringe on the rights of others.
*Adopted: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 10/08/12
*Revised 11/13/17
*Revised: 08/01/22
Students may participate in interscholastic activities, including contests or competitions, that are sponsored or administered by organizations registered with the Iowa Department of Education. The governing organizations shall prescribe and implement eligibility requirements for students participating in contests or competitions as prescribed by state guidelines.
Secondary school student curriculum-related groups/organizations and student-initiated non-curriculum-related groups/organizations, upon receiving permission from the principal, may use school facilities for group meetings during non-instructional time. Secondary school student curriculum-related groups/organizations and student-initiated non-curriculum-related groups/organizations are not eligible to use school transportation.
Non-instructional time will mean any time before the first period of the day and after the last period of the day in which any student attends class. Meetings will not interfere with the orderly conduct of the education program or other District operations. It is within the discretion of the Principal to determine whether the meetings will interfere with the orderly conduct of the education program or other District operations. Activities relating to any part of the education program will have priority over the activities of another organization.