School District facilities and equipment will be made available to local nonprofit entities which promote cultural, educational, civic, community or recreational activities. “Entities” will include organizations, groups, individuals, and their agents (as described in 1003.3). Such use will be permitted only when the use does not interfere with or disrupt the education program or a school-related activity, the use is consistent with state law, and will end no later than midnight. It is within the discretion of the Board to allow for-profit entities to use school district facilities and equipment. The Board reserves the right to deny use of the facilities and equipment to an entity. It is within the discretion of the Superintendent/designee to allow use of District facilities and equipment on Sundays provided that no such use shall commence prior to 1:00 p.m. Those wanting to use the facility prior to 1:00 pm on Sunday must seek approval in writing to the Superintendent/building administrator.

Entities that wish to use District facilities or equipment must apply at the main office containing the facility requested. It is the responsibility of the building administrator/designee to determine whether the school district facility or equipment requested is available and whether the application for use meets Board policy and administrative regulations. It is the responsibility of the building administrator/designee to provide application forms, obtain proof of insurance, and draw up the contract for use of school district facilities and equipment.

Use of District facilities and equipment by entities will be supervised by a District employee unless special prior arrangements are made with the building administrator/designee. The District employee will not accept a fee from the entity using District facilities and equipment. If appropriate, the District employee may be paid by the District. The District may recoup the cost of paying the employee by charging a fee to the entity.

Entities that use District buildings or sites must leave the building or site in the same condition it was in prior to its use. Entities that use District equipment must return the equipment in the same working condition it was in prior to its use. Inappropriate use of District facilities, sites or equipment may result in additional fees charged to, or the inability of the entity to use District facilities, sites or equipment in the future.

The Board may allow entities, such as the Boy and Girl Scouts and 4-H, to use the school district facilities and equipment without charge for non-fund raising activities. While such entities may use the facilities and equipment without charge, they may be required to pay a custodial fee.

The administration may deny request or impose additional restrictions when it is deemed in the best interest of the District or the students.

It is the responsibility of the building administrator/designee to develop a fee schedule for the Board's approval and to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

*Revised:  02/11/92
*Reviewed:  04/10/00
*Reviewed:  05/13/02
*Revised:  04/14/03
*Reviewed:  02/12/07
*Revised:  12/13/10
*Revised:  11/09/15
*Revised: 08/14/17
*Revised: 01/13/20
*Revised: 02/10/20


It is the responsibility of the entity using the school facilities to comply with the requirements of the law and school district policy and its supporting administrative regulations.

  1. All uses of tobacco, nicotine, or alcohol will be prohibited in Glenwood Community School District facilities and on any Glenwood Community School District Property.  This includes classrooms, corridors, restrooms, locker rooms, work areas, lunchrooms, offices, lounges, outdoor athletic and recreation facilities, transportation and technology building, maintenance areas, copy center, and all other rooms owned or leased by the District.  Visitors are asked to cooperate with this policy and refrain from using tobacco and alcohol in school facilities and on school district grounds. Persons who do not comply will be asked to leave the facility and the school grounds.
  2. No rent will be charged for meetings when the proceeds go to the school without profits to any individual or non-school sponsoring group, or meetings where the chief purpose is improvement of instruction, or a school program of the city, county, or state.  
  3. The District retains the right to deny the sale of concessions of any kind.
  4. School activities receive preference in dates.
  5. All arrangements for the facility involved by outside of school agencies should be made through the office of the school activities director/principal/designee.
  6. All payments must be made to the Glenwood Community School District and must be submitted to the main office building where the facility is being rented.
  7. Rental of school facilities for Sunday use is allowed.  The use of school facilities on Sunday requires approval by the Activities Director/Designee.
  8. Special arrangements must be made for the use and operation of all school district sound equipment.  Use of the lighting and sound systems in the Glenwood Community High School Auditorium requires the presence of a district approved employee to operate the system.
  9. The gymnasiums will not be rented for martial arts, boxing or wrestling matches where the participants are paid.
  10. An administrator, custodian, or designated and administratively approved staff member will be on duty in the building at all times when school facilities are rented.
  11. Kitchen facilities will not be available for rent without the presence of food services personnel.
  12. For special occasions, requests, or circumstances not covered by these rules, the Superintendent/Designee will consider, but is not required to approve, individual arrangements.
  13. The facility must be used only for the purpose that it was originally intended as set forth with the building principal/designee at the time the rental contract was signed.
  14. School authorities may deny rental of facilities, when in their judgment, the intended use would cause undue wear or damage to the facilities.
  15. All applications for use of school facilities shall be made in writing on the form provided to building principal/designee.  Failure to pay the total fee required within 20 days of the event will result in the denial of future rental requests from a group or individual.
  16. When the request is received at least two weeks prior, complies with regulation guidelines, and there is no objection or concern about the arrangements raised by the Superintendent/Building Principal/Designee or the party desiring the facilities, the principal/designee shall approve the request.
  17. Requests for guidance or appeals regarding any aspect of an application for the use of buildings shall be made first to building principal/designee.

If the principal/designee cannot find a solution, an appeal shall be taken to the Superintendent.

*Revised:  02/11/92
*Reviewed:  04/10/00
*Reviewed:  05/13/02
*Reviewed:  02/12/07
*Revised:  12/13/10
*Revised:  11/09/15
*Revised: 08/14/17
*Reviewed: 02/13/23


ICN is a statewide telecommunications network designed primarily to enhance learning opportunities for students, employees and Board members.  The District recognizes that it is not the only authorized user of ICN and other users will frequently be using the District's ICN facilities.  Sponsored and authorized users of ICN must comply with state and federal law in using ICN.

The building Principal is responsible for coordinating ICN classroom use.  Requests for use of ICN classroom by employees for the educational program are filed with the building Principal.

It is the responsibility of the Entity using ICN classroom to comply with the requirements of the law and District policy and its supporting administrative regulations.

  1. ICN is a limited access network and sponsored or authorized users cannot use the system for profit making ventures.
  2. The use must be consistent with the mission of the sponsored or authorized user. 
  3. Users cannot resell time on ICN.
  4. Sponsored and authorized users are responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Iowa Civil Rights Act.  Sponsored and authorized users are responsible for making the necessary accommodations and are responsible for obtaining and paying for needed interpreters or interpretive equipment.
  5. Sponsored and authorized users are required to stay within ICN classroom and use the most direct route to ICN classroom.  Other District facilities, sites, areas in the District building or equipment are off limits to the authorized users.*
  6. The charge for use of ICN room is $12.50. 
  7. ICN will be available  Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  8. The sponsored or authorized user is responsible for all site and site usage charges.
  9. A District employee will be present in the District facility while ICN is in use.
  10. Food and drink are not permitted in ICN room.
  11. First time use of ICN will require prior training and should be organized through the building Principal.
  12. Use or transmission of copyrighted material, without prior approval of the copyright holder, is strictly prohibited.  Appropriate use of the copyrighted material is the responsibility of the sponsored or authorized user, not the District.
  13. The District reserves the right to amend these rules as necessary to reflect ICN's usage and changes at the state or federal level.
  14. The District reserves the right to charge all costs, including attorneys' fees, that may arise to the authorized user for the sponsored or authorized user's failure to comply with the law, Board policy and administrative regulations.

*Adopted:  03/12/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  11/09/15

*Revised: 09/14/20


The fees for use of school facilities are based on the following classes:

Class A

No fees will be charged to groups in this class unless additional clean-up is necessary, above normal utility expenses are incurred, or damage is done to facilities.  The Superintendent/designee will determine the rate of additional charges if necessary.

  1. Designated school-affiliated organizations and clubs.  Such groups shall include but not be limited to Glenwood Parent Teacher Association, Glenwood Community Booster Club, Glenwood Community Fine Arts Booster, ACES, K Kids, LTD, Glenwood Community Educational Association.

  1. Glenwood, Silver City, Pacific Junction, Mineola, or Mills County governmental units or committees

  1. Glenwood, Silver City, Pacific Junction, or Mineola area youth groups such as Boy and Girl Scouts, local area 4-H Clubs, IA State Extension

  1. Locally sponsored youth athletic feeder programs and clubs. Such groups shall include but not be limited to Glenwood Wrestling Club, Glenwood Volleyball Club, Lil Rams Football, Glenwood Jr. Rams Basketball, Glenwood Soccer Club.

  1. Glenwood City League Basketball, Softball, Baseball & Volleyball

Class B

The rate of rent for groups in this class will align with the specific space rented and the cost of custodial service required rate of $35.00 per hour per custodian as determined by the District designee.  Additional fees may be charged if additional clean-up is necessary, above normal utility expenses are incurred, or damage is done to facilities.  The Superintendent/Designee will determine the rate of additional charges if necessary.

  1. Glenwood, Silver City, Pacific Junction, and Mineola service organizations—formally organized and universally recognized groups which are non-profit and exist primarily to serve the community.  Such groups shall include but not be limited to Glenwood, Silver City, Pacific Junction and Mineola adult service groups such as Rotary,  Lions Club, Kiwanis, Glenwood Chamber of Commerce, Mills County Development Association, ISU County Extension and YMCA.

  2. Churches located within the school district for an event.  For anything on an on-going basis will be considered class C.

  1. School district non-profit organizations such as:

    1. Political Parties

  2. Local chapters of charitable organizations formally organized and universally recognized which are non-profit and exist to provide benefits for residents of the Glenwood Community School District. \      

Class C             

The rate of rent for groups in this class will align with the specific space rented and the cost of custodial service required rate of $35.00 per hour per custodian as determined by the District designee. Additional fees may be charged if additional clean-up is necessary, above normal utility expenses are incurred, or damage is done to facilities.  The Superintendent/Designee will determine the rate of additional charges if necessary.

  1. Businesses located within and paying property taxes in the Glenwood Community School District.

  1. Private individuals, private or social groups, and groups or organizations based inside the Glenwood Community School District shall not be granted rental rights without special approval by the Superintendent/Designee at which time the rental fee shall be set.

  1. Events for profit by private individuals, social groups, and groups or organizations will be charged a higher rate for facility rental if approved by the Superintendent.

  1. Church organizations for anything beyond an event

Class D             

The rate of rent for groups in this class will align with the specific space rented and the cost of custodial service required rate of $35.00 per hour per custodian as determined by the District designee. Additional fees may be charged if additional clean-up is necessary, above normal utility expenses are incurred, or damage is done to facilities.  The Superintendent/Designee will determine the rate of additional charges if necessary. Private individuals, private or social groups, and groups or organizations based outside the Glenwood Community School District shall not be granted rental rights without special approval by the Superintendent/Designee at which time the rental fee shall be set.

Class E

The rate of rent for groups in this class will be $50.00 per event. Additional fees may be charged if additional clean-up is necessary, above normal utility expenses are incurred, or damage is done to facilities.  The Superintendent/Designee will determine the rate of additional charges if necessary.

  1. Camps, Tournaments and Leagues associated with Glenwood Youth Programs grades K-12.


Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
Custodian services per hour (extra hours may be charged for additional cleanup)
Auditorium- per hour (practices, rehearsals or preparation for an event)
Auditorium- Light and sound system (trained staff will operate at a rate of $35.00 per hour)
Gymnasiums all buildings per day
Athletic fields in district per day with no lights
Athletic fields in district per day with use of lights
Use of classroom/cafeteria
Graduation/Event Party-Flat Rate Fee
(this includes rent & custodian fee’s for 3 hours)
Kitchen (Will be billed by Food Service Director)
Use of the Kitchen less than 4 hours
Use of the Kitchen more than 4 hours
Food Service per Employee per hour
*Revised: 02/11/92
*Revised: 04/10/00
*Reviewed: 05/13/02
*Reviewed: 02/12/07
*Revised: 08/09/10
*Revised: 11/08/10
*Revised: 08/15/11
*Reviewed: 11/09/15
*Revised: 08/14/17
*Revised 02/13/23



Agreement for Use of Glenwood School Facilities
Name of Organization/Group: __________________________________Date:__________Time: _______
Contact Person: _______________________________________Phone Number: ___________________
Facility to be used: _______________________Activity or Event: ________________________________
Community organizations and groups may request permission to use school facilities as outlined in school board policies. The Board policies are 1003.1, 1003.1R, 1003.2, 1003.3, 1003.4, and 1003.5.
Organization Class (reference – Board Policy 1003.3)
__Class A       __Class B         __Class C         __Class D        __Class E
Fees: (reference – Board Policy 1003.3)
Custodial Fees per hour
__Class A $0 (only if additional clean-up is necessary) $35.00 per hour​
__Class B $35.00 per hour​
__Class C $35.00 per hour
__​Class D $35.00 per hour​\
__Class E $0 (only if additional clean-up is necessary) $35.00 per hour
Auditorium per hour
__Class A $0.00 per hour
__Class B $0.00 per hour
__Class C $40.00 per hour
__Class D $60.00 per hour
__Class E $50.00 per event
________$35/ hour lights & sound for Auditorium (Additional)
Gymnasiums Per day(All Buildings)
__Class A $0.00 per day
__Class B $0.00 per day
__Class C $75.00 per day
__Class D $100.00 per day
__Class E $50.00 per event
Kitchen Use (all class groups)
__$50 less than 4 hours
__$100 more than 4 hours
__$35 per staff per hour** REQUIRED #_____
Athletic Fields Per day( No Lights)
__Class A $0.00 per day
__Class B $0.00 per day            
__Class C $75.00 per day            
__Class D $100.00 per day        
__Class E $50.00 per event        
________$25/ hour lights (Additional)
Use of Classroom/Cafeteria
__Class A $0.00 per day
__Class B $0.00 per day
__Class C $35.00 per day
__Class D $35.00 per day
__Class E $50.00 per event
Graduation/Event Party-Flate Rate (This includes custodial fees for up to 3 hours.) Custodial Fees will be charged $35 an hour after 3 hours.
__Class A $150.00 per day
__Class B $150.00 per day
__Class C $150.00 per day
__Class D $150.00 per day
__Class E $150.00 per day
***Use of the kitchen facilities needs to be scheduled through the Director of Food Services.
________              TOTAL AMOUNT
Please sign this form and provide proof of liability insurance (as needed) and return the top two copies with your $______ fee to the respective school’s main office.
__ Proof of Liability Insurance
______________________________________              ______________________________________
Signature of User                                Date                          Signature of Administrator
___ Approved                      ___ Disapproved                  Why Disapproved: _________________________________
*Revised: 07/08/13
*Reviewed: 11/09/15
*Revised: 04/04/16
*Revised: 09/12/16
*Revised: 08/14/17
*Reviewed: 02/13/23
Uploaded Files: 

1003.3E2 GHS & West Auditorium Facility Usage Request Sheet

Group/Organization Name: _______________________________________________


Contact Name:______________________________   Phone: _______________________


Contact Email:_________________________________________________________


Date(s) and Time(s) of Auditorium Usage:         ___________________________________



Practice/Rehearsal Time: ________________________________________________

Doors Opening/ Closing: ________________________________________________

Please check all that you will need for your presentation/production:

□ Lights

□ Sound

□ Microphone #___

□ Podium

□ Pre-Show Music

□ Curtains

□ Scenery

□ Sound Effects

□ Box Office

□ Ushers

□ Sound Shells

□ Risers #___

□ Music Stands #___

□ Dressing Room

□ Videotaping


Please be aware that the GHS & West Auditorium does not have a fly system OR Spot Lights.        

Fees:  (reference – Board Policy 1004.3)

____ $35/hour for Custodian     

____ $35/hour for set-up & teardown

____ $30/hour for each cook needed (must be used when kitchen is open)

____ $30/hour HS Auditorium (Nonprofit)(4 hr min)

____ $60/hour HS (Profit - 4 hr min)

____ $20/hour West Aud. (Non-profit)(4 hr min)              

____ $50/hour West (Profit -4 hr min)

____ $50 for use of West kitchen (less than 4 hours)                  

____ $100 for HS kitchen (4 hours plus)

____ $70 for opening and closing                                     

____ $35 for use of a room or cafeteria


____TOTAL AMOUNT        


*Reviewed:  11/09/15

*Revised: 09/12/16

*Revised: 09/14/20


The undersigned, hereafter referred to as "Entity," states it will hold the District, hereafter referred to as "District," harmless from any and all damages and claims that may arise by reason of any negligence on the part of the Entity in the use of any facilities or equipment owned by the District. In case any action is brought therefore against the District or any of its officers, employees, or agents, the entity will assume full responsibility for the legal defense thereof, and upon its failure to do so on property notice, the District reserves the right to defend such action and to charge all costs, including attorneys' fees, to the Entity.
The Entity agrees to furnish and maintain during the usage of the facilities or equipment owned by the District such bodily injury and property damage liability insurance as will protect the Entity and the District from claims or damages for personal injury, including accidental death, and from claims for property damages which may arise from the Entity's use of the District's facilities or equipment whether such operations be by the entity or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Entity.
The Entity will furnish the District with a certificate of insurance acceptable to the District's insurance carrier before the contract is issued.

Dated at ________________, Iowa, on this ________ day of _________________, 20___.


Entity Name  _________________________________________________


Name:  _______________________________, Title:  _________________________


Signature:   _________________________________________________


Address:   ___________________________________________________________


Phone:  _______________________________, Email:  ________________________


District: _________________________________________________


Name:  _______________________________, Title:  Superintendent

Signature:   _________________________________________________



*Adopted: 04/04/16

*Revised: 01/13/20
*Revised: 09/14/20


School personnel will not accept gratuities from organizations that use the facilities.  The cost of service personnel furnished by the school will be charged to the party or parties renting the facilities.  Such costs will be in line with the school's normal operating costs, and will be administered in keeping with the general policies governing the use of school facilities.


*Reviewed:  05/13/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  11/09/15

*Reviewed: 09/14/20