The Board values the participation and the support of the District community "group", including, but not limited to, the Booster Club, Band Parents, and Parent-Teacher Associations, which strive for the betterment of the District and the education program.  The Board will work closely with these groups.

Prior to group's purchase of-or fund raising for the purchase of goods or services for the District, a group will confer with the Superintendent or designee to assist the group in purchasing goods or services to meet the District's needs. Prior to a group’s use of the District’s logo, images, name, pictures, and/or likenesses for a group’s purchases or fundraising, the group will provide to the Superintendent a copy of the group’s intended use of the District’s logo, images, name, pictures, and/or likenesses and receive permission from the Superintendent to do so. Community groups shall provide an accounting of funds identified above to the District on an annual basis or upon request.

Funds raised by group for the District may be kept as part of the accounts of the District. Goods or services purchased by these funds will become and remain the property of the District.

It is the responsibility of the building principal or designee to be the liaison with community groups affiliated with the building principal's attendance center.


*Adopted:  03/12/07

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  11/09/15

*Revised: 11/09/20

*Revised: 11/14/22