As part of the Board’s long range plan for the District’s education program, the board will include the buildings and sites needs for the education program.  The long-term needs for buildings and sites will be discussed and determined by the Board.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide information including, but not limited to, enrollment projections and education program requirements to the Board.




*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

*Revised:  06/14/10

*Reviewed:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Revised: 06/08/20


The Board shall accept as its minimum standards the site specifications issued by the Iowa State Department of Education.  The Board may adopt more rigorous standards over and above the State specifications, if such additional requirements are deemed necessary and beneficial to the District.

*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Reviewed:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Revised: 06/08/20


The Superintendent of schools shall present and make recommendations to the Board of a master site acquisition plan to meet the needs and purposes of the District in future years.

The master site acquisition plan shall be subject to periodic review and updating.  The Superintendent/designee may request the assistance of an architect, a real estate committee, the zoning commission, the urban planning organization and any other person or persons needed in making the master site acquisition plan.

It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish a priority calendar for the acquisition of various sites.  The Board may meet in closed session to discuss potential purchases of sites.

All requirements specified by Iowa law shall be followed in negotiating for and acquiring sites.


*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Revised:  03/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Revised: 06/08/20


Architects shall be interviewed by the Superintendent and any other relevant personnel he/she may designate.  The Superintendent's recommendation shall be presented to the Board for its consideration and official approval before any architect is hired for a specific project under consideration.

*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Reviewed: 06/08/20


The architect shall proceed with preparation of the design specifications and plans after receiving authorization from the Board.

The Superintendent shall provide the architect with educational specifications, financial data, and other pertinent information necessary to the architect's planning.

The architect shall make revisions to the specifications and plans until a consensus of opinion is reached and approval is given by the Board.


*Reviewed: 09/16/02

*Revised:  03/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Reviewed: 06/08/20




The Superintendent and his/her staff, with the help of consultants, citizen advisory groups, and the board, shall prepare educational specifications that will be used by the architect in planning the building.  Educational specifications will be formulated in such a way that they will aid and abet the teaching and learning that will take place in the building that is planned.

The educational specifications should provide the architect with an inventory of program requirements, a statement of functional program relationships, a definition of the number and character of classrooms, a description of needed specialized instructional facilities, the educational requirements for such areas as library, outside activity sites, gymnasium, cafeteria, auditorium, administrative suit, teacher and student service facilities, and public service or community service facilities, as well as any other pertinent information that will help the architect visualize what is expected of the proposed new building, building additions, or renovation.


*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Reviewed: 06/08/20


The Board shall, as needed, use any means of financing construction and site purchase provided for under Iowa law.  The Board may also use money received from gifts, and money derived from the sale of school buildings and/or sites.


*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Reviewed:  02/12/07

 *Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Reviewed: 06/08/20


The Board believes the building plans of the District should provide for the most effective and efficient use of public funds in the operation of the District and its educational program while allowing a variety of contractors to compete for the project.

The Board supports economic development in Iowa, particularly in the District community.  Therefore, all construction contracts shall be made in the District community or in Iowa from Iowa based companies if the bids submitted are comparable in price to those submitted by other bidders and meet the required specifications.

All construction projects undertaken in the name of the District shall be made in accordance with Iowa law and the board's policies.  It shall be the responsibility of the board to approve construction contracts.

Public, competitive sealed bids are required for construction projects, including renovation and repair, with a cost exceeding the statutory minimums required by law.  The public, competitive sealed bid requirement is waived in the case of emergency repairs when the repairs are necessary to prevent the closing of a school.  The AEA administrator will clarify that the emergency repairs are necessary to prevent the closing of a school.  The Superintendent will comply with the competitive quote process for those projects subject to the competitive quote law.

The award of construction contract will be made to the lowest responsible bidder based upon total cost considerations, including, but not limited to, the cost of the construction, the availability of service and/or repair, and completion date.  The Board shall have the right to reject any or all bids and readvertise.  The Superintendent of school shall recommend to the board with whom the contract should be made.  A contract, which has been awarded, may be cancelled by the Board upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, who shall state the reasons for the recommendation to the Board.


*Reviewed:  09/16/02

*Revised:  12/11/06

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 06/08/15

*Revised: 06/08/20