*Revised:  01/14/02

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Reviewed: 12/13/21


The term “licensed personnel" will be used for those employees who must possess teaching or administrative license issued by the Iowa Department of Education in order to hold their positions.


*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Reviewed: 12/13/21


All job applicants will be considered for licensed positions on the basis of the following:

  • Training, experience, and skill;
  • Nature of the occupation;
  • Demonstrated competence; and
  • Possession of, or the ability to obtain, the appropriate state license required for the position.

The Board has the authority to officially employ all licensed staff personnel after receiving a recommendation for action from the Superintendent.  However, the Superintendent may employ a licensed staff member on a temporary basis until a formal recommendation can be made and formal action can be taken by the Board on the position.


*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Revised: 12/13/21



Licensed personnel shall be licensed for the position they hold with the District.  The license shall meet the requirements set out by the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. Each licensed personnel employee shall be responsible for maintaining a current license.  Each licensed employee must present a copy of their current certificate or license to the  Superintendent Administrative Assistant.



*Reviewed:  05/13/02

*Revised:  12/11/06

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Revised: 12/13/21


Evaluation of licensed personnel on their skills, abilities, and competence shall be an ongoing process supervised by the building principals and conducted by approved evaluators. The goal of the formal evaluation of licensed personnel, other than administrators, but including extracurricular personnel, shall be to improve the educational program, to maintain licensed personnel who meet or exceed the board's standards of performance, to clarify each licensed employee's role, to ascertain the areas in need of improvement, to clarify the immediate priorities of the board, and to develop a working relationship between the administrators and other District personnel.

The formal evaluation criteria shall be in writing and approved by the Board. The formal evaluation shall provide an opportunity for the evaluator and the licensed employee to discuss the past year's performance and the future areas of growth. The formal evaluation shall be completed by the evaluator, signed by the licensed employee and filed in the licensed employee's evaluation file.

This policy supports and does not preclude the ongoing informal evaluation of the licensed personnel's skills, abilities and competence.



*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed:  01/09/12

*Reviewed: 12/12/16

*Revised: 12/13/21



Resignations shall be in writing signed by the resigning party and directed to the Superintendent of schools and referred by the Superintendent to the Board with recommendation, as provided by statute.

The resignation must be turned in not later than the last day of the current school year or the date specified by the Board for return of the contract, whichever date occurs first. As per law, teachers are not required to return contracts for twenty-one (21) days or to resign less than twenty-one (21) days after the contract has been offered.

The Board recognizes that there are some circumstances, which force an employee to request a release.  These requests will be considered at any time after the twenty-one (21) days have elapsed for return of contracts or the end of the school year, whichever occurs first; however, the cost of securing a satisfactory replacement will be borne by the licensed employee. 

In the event a personnel member terminates employment without proper release, the Superintendent is directed to advise the Iowa Department of Education for appropriate action by the Department.


*Reviewed:  05/13/02

*Revised:  12/11/06

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised:  01/09/12

*Revised: 12/12/16

*Revised: 03/11/19

*Revised: 12/13/21

401.7 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 LEAVE INCENTIVE OF LICENSED STAFF

I.  Leave Incentive of Professional Staff Members (Teachers)

The Board will offer a leave incentive to any teacher who has served the district as a full time employee for 13-15 consecutive years or more, is at least 55 years of age by June 30th of the school year in which the person intends to leave, and is not subject to discharge for performance or misconduct reasons. 

The request for the leave incentive must be submitted to the Board prior to January 5th in the school year in which the person intends to leave.

Any teacher who has served the district as a full time employee for 15 or more consecutive years will be awarded 80% of the difference between the teaching salary they are receiving in the year in which they leave and the beginning BA (Bachelor of Arts) salary.

Any teacher who has served the district as a full time employee for 14 consecutive years will be awarded 14/15 x 80% of the difference between the teaching salary they are receiving in the year in which they leave and the beginning BA salary.

Any teacher who has served the district as a full time employee for 13 consecutive years will be awarded 13/15 x 80% of the difference between the teaching salary they are receiving in the year in which they leave and the beginning BA salary.

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year the percentage will be zero, and therefore no leave incentive package will exist.

Leave incentive pay will be paid in one lump sum in July to the district’s Special Pay Plan.


II.  Leave incentive of Professional Staff Members (Administration)

The Board will offer a leave incentive to any administrator who has served the district as a full time employee for 13-15 consecutive years or more, is at least 55 years of age by June 30th of the school year in which the person intends to leave, and is not subject to discharge for performance or misconduct reasons. 

The request for the leave incentive must be submitted to the Board prior to January 5th in the school year in which the person intends to leave.

Any administrator who has served the district as a full time employee for 15 consecutive years or more will be awarded 80% of the difference between the teaching salary on Step 20 in the MA + 45 Lane and the beginning BA teaching salary.

Any administrator who has served the district as a full time employee for 14 consecutive years will be awarded 14/15 x 80% of the difference between the teaching salary on Step 20 in the MA + 45 Lane and the beginning BA teaching salary.

Any administrator who has served the district as a full time employee for 13 consecutive years will be awarded 13/15 x 80% of the difference between the teaching salary on Step 20 in the MA + 45 Lane and the beginning BA teaching salary.

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year the percentage will be zero, and therefore no leave incentive package will exist.

Leave incentive pay will be paid in one lump sum in July to the district’s Special Pay Plan.

This policy will terminate effective June 30, 2015.



*Adopted:  01/09/12

*Revised:  01/14/13

*Revised:  02/11/13

*Revised: 10/13/14

*Revised: 12/13/21