803.1E1 Checklist for Project Consideration

Project Description:

  • Description of the project objectives? (project concept)
  • Description of the present conditions? (pictures, maps, sketches, as appropriate)
  • Description of how project aligns with five year plan/other project under consideration?

Methods used to complete the project:

  • How will the project work be organized and scheduled? (Who does what and when?)

Materials required for the project:

  • Complete list of necessary materials? (detailed breakdown of materials; quantities and cost)
  • What is the total value of the materials? (even if donated or supplied by beneficiary)
  • Where will the materials be purchased? (retail outlets, organizations, benefiting group)
  • What funding source will pay for the project? (fundraiser, donations, PPEL, SILO, General Fund)

Resources required for the project:

  • District resources needed if any, please describe (tools, electricity, transportation, etc.)

Time schedule:

  • Projects over $206,000 require a special process refer to 803.1R1
  • Dates for starting and finishing the project.
  • What are the contingency plans in case the dates don’t work out? (plan “B”)

Safety and sanitary considerations:

  • Hazards involving the worksite, materials, tools, weather?

Actions of the District Review Team: (Check those that apply)

  • Project under $25,000. (Superintendent Approval)
  • Project over $25,000. (Board Approval)
  • Project  more than $25,000 and less than $82,000 requires two competitive quotes
  • Projects more than $82,000 but less than $206,000, including school buses require competitive proposals.
  • Projects more than $82,000 may require architect/engineer.
  • Projects $82,000 or more require good faith effort to partner with other political subdivisions
  • Projects costing $206,000 or more, including school buses, require Competitive sealed bids.
  • The purchase will be made from the lowest responsible and responsive bidder based upon total cost considerations including, but not limited to, the cost of the goods and services being purchased, availability of service and/or repair, delivery date, and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.






Signed__________________________________                Date:______________


*Reviewed:  12/13/10

*Revised:  04/11/11

*Revised:  02/13/12

*Revised:  09/16/13

*Revised: 02/09/15

*Reviewed: 07/08/19

*Revised:  01/13/25