The board believes gifts, grants, and bequests to the school district may be accepted when they will further the interests of the school district. The board will have sole authority to determine whether the gift furthers the interests of the school district.

Grants, gifts, and bequests are approved by the board. Once it has been approved by the board, a board member or the superintendent may accept the gift on behalf of the school district.

Gifts, grants, and bequests once accepted on behalf of the school district become the property of the school district. Gifts, grants and bequests are administered in accordance with terms, if any, agreed upon by the board.

Memorials After Student/Staff Death

The Board reserves the right to reject any and all memorials donated or purchased in memory of a current student or current staff member.  Furthermore, the board reserves the right to cause all memorials currently on school properties to be discontinued.  The following memorials are discouraged and may be rejected by the board:

1.     Memorials that contain the picture of the deceased;

2.     Memorials that may alter the conducting of a regular school instructional


3.     Memorials that require the retirement or discontinued use of school


4.     Memorials that require the altering of school property or school publications;

5.     Memorials that require the altering of school activities or the school activities


6.     Memorials that infringe on the separation of church and state and;

7.     Memorials that require the use of public funds to purchase, develop or       




*Revised:  07/15/02

*Reviewed:  12/11/06

*Revised:  09/08/09

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 01/12/15

*Reviewed: 10/14/19

*Revised:  01/13/25