*Reviewed: 08/12/02
*Reviewed: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 12/12/11
*Reviewed: 11/14/16
*Reviewed: 11/08/21
Successful administration is best attained through a team effort by all administrators under the leadership of the Superintendent. The team approach to administration can contribute to better management decisions and a healthier, more productive organization by facilitating communication, encouraging input and the utilization of varied expertise, reinforcing productive behavior, reducing the amount of counterproductive behavior, and inspiring greater commitment to the organization.
It is the Superintendent's responsibility, upon Board approval, to organize, reorganize and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff of the District in a fashion, which in their judgment, best serves the interests of the District.
The composition of the District's bargaining team shall be determined by the Superintendent, subject to Board approval. Factors to be considered in selecting team members shall include:
the individual's familiarity with or expertise in the area represented by the employee groups; and
team continuity and consistency.