Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information on this web site. However, the Glenwood Community School District cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. With respect to information on this website, neither the Glenwood Community School District, nor its students, employees, representatives or Board members make any warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to information available from this web site. Additionally, the Glenwood Community School District assumes no legal liability for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information disclosed herein and does not represent that use of such information would not infringe on privately owned rights.
Reference on this web site to any specific products, process, service, manufacturer, company or trademark does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the Glenwood Community School District.
Links from this web site to external web sites are for the convenience of the user. Such links do not constitute an official endorsement or approval of any web-site, product or service.
*Adopted: 11/12/12
*Revised: 12/10/12
*Reviewed: 05/12/14
*Reviewed: 04/08/19
*Reviewed: 12/09/24
Add URL to Blocked Status Form
Name: ________________________ Position: ___________________Date submitted:________
URL http://___________________________________________________________________
Primary focus of the web site: ____________________________________________________
What material is deemed objectionable: ____________________________________________
Reviewed by: _______________________ Date reviewed: _______________
Action taken:_ ________________________________________________________________
Remove URL from Blocked Status Form
Name: ________________________ Position: ___________________Date submitted:________
URL http://___________________________________________________________________
Primary focus of the web site: ____________________________________________________
Academic value of material being sought: ___________________________________________
Reviewed by: _______________________ Date reviewed: _______________
Action taken:__________________________________________________________________
Bona Fide Research/ Other Lawful Purpose Form for Disabling Internet Filtering Software
Name: ________________________ Position: ___________________Date submitted:________
Reason that requires full access to the internet with no filters:_______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Academic value of material being sought: ___________________________________________
Reviewed by: _______________________ Date reviewed: _______________
Action taken:__________________________________________________________________
I _____________________ accept the responsibility of full access to the internet for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. I understand that I am the only one authorized for full access and will not allow others to use this access for any reason. Once I am completed with this research, I will notify the administration so the filters can be reenabled.
*Adopted: 11/12/12
*Revised: 12/10/12
*Reviewed: 05/12/14
*Reviewed: 04/08/19