All candidates shall have earned a minimum of the appropriate master's degree from an accredited college or university. They must hold a valid certificate covering the area of service from the Iowa Department of Education.
Elementary and secondary school Principals shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of schools for a term not to exceed two (2) years, which term may be renewed annually.
General Functions
Subject to the policies of the Board and to the directives issued by the Superintendent, the Principal shall have charge of their building and grounds, all pupils, teachers, operating personnel and all activities carried on therein or thereon. They shall be directly responsible to the Superintendent of schools or the Superintendent’s designee.
The primary function of the building Principal is to provide leadership that will develop a quality learning environment and program. The building Principal’s other responsibilities includes discipline measures, student records, teacher evaluation and supervision, faculty meetings, arranging for substitute teachers, establishing building schedules, submitting to the Superintendent a budget estimate for their building, supervising and directing the expenditure of the finalized building budget, and other duties as assigned.
Specific Functions
The Principal's Role in School Management
As key administrator of the building, the principal:
The Principal's Role in Leadership
As instructional leader, the Principal:
The Principal's Role in Supervision
As supervisor of the facilities, staff, and program the Principal
The Principal's Role in Evaluation
As the person who is ultimately accountable for the effectiveness of the overall program, the Principal:
The Principal's Role in Communication
As an effective communicator, the Principal:
The Superintendent shall conduct an ongoing process of evaluating the Principals on their skills, abilities, and competence. Annually, the Superintendent will formally evaluate the Principals. The goal of the formal evaluation process is to ensure the education program for the students is carried out, promote growth in effective administrative leadership for the District, clarify the building Principal's role as the Board and the Superintendent see it, ascertain areas in need of improvement, clarify the immediate priorities of the responsibilities listed in the job description, and develop a working relationship between the Superintendent and the Principal.
The formal evaluation shall include written criteria related to the job description. The Superintendent, after receiving input from the building Principals, shall present the formal evaluation instrument to the Board for approval.
The formal evaluation shall also include an opportunity for the building Principal and the Superintendent to discuss the written criteria, the past year's performance and the future areas of growth. The evaluation shall be completed by the Superintendent, signed by the building Principal and filed in the building Principal's personnel file.
It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to conduct formal evaluation of the probationary building Principals and non‑probationary building principals prior to June 15 at a time mutually agreeable to the building principals and the Superintendent.
This policy supports and does not preclude the ongoing informal evaluation of the principal's skills, abilities and competence.