The tentative agenda for each Board meeting shall state the topics for discussion and action at the Board meeting.

The tentative agenda with appropriate enclosures shall be prepared and available for the Board Members to pick up at the Central Office. The Board packets will be completed and available enough in advance of the meeting to allow adequate time for study and review.

The tentative agenda for each regular and special meeting shall be posted at the administrative office at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of said meeting. The agenda shall also be widely distributed to staff requesting it, to citizens requesting it, and to the news media requesting it.

The tentative agenda to be included with the notice given at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting shall be specific enough to properly inform the public of the business before the Board. The tentative agenda can be amended within the twenty-four (24) hour notice period only if good cause exists requiring action on additional matters. If such matters are added, a statement to that effect should be entered in the minutes, and as much advance notice as possible should be given to the public and the media. This is not meant to prevent the Board or members of the public or the staff from introducing items for discussion only; action on discussion items, however, must normally be deferred to a subsequent meeting when the legally required notice can be given.

Action on any item can only take place with items on the agenda as published. These provisions do not preclude the taking of testimony at regularly scheduled meetings on matters not on the agenda, which any member of the public may wish to bring before the Board, provided that no action is taken by the board on such matters at the same meeting at which such testimony is taken.

Individuals or groups who wish to be placed on the agenda under business items should do so by notifying the Superintendent. Requests should include name, address, phone number, organization represented, purpose of the presentation, and pertinent background information. To be included on the regular meeting agenda under business items, notification must be made to the superintendent or his designee not later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting.


*Revised: 12/12/94

*Reviewed: 09/16/02

*Reviewed: 01/10/05

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised:  11/14/11

*Reviewed: 8/8/16

*Reviewed: 08/09/21