Board members, as public officials, should strive to perform all the duties of office in an ethical manner.
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 09/19/11
*Reviewed: 06/13/16
*Revised: 06/15/21
The President of the Board is elected by a majority vote at the organizational or annual Board meeting each year to serve a one-year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as President.
The President, in addition to presiding at the Board meetings, will take an active role in Board decisions by discussing and voting on each motion before the Board in the same manner as other Board members. Before making or seconding a motion, however, the President will turn over control of the meeting to either the Vice-President or other Board member.
The President has the authority to call special meetings of the Board. Prior to Board meetings, the President will consult with the Superintendent on the development of the agenda for the meeting. The President, as the chief officer of the District, will sign employment contracts for all employees other than teachers or support staff, other contracts, and District warrants approved by the Board. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to sign contracts for teachers and support staff, including, bus drivers, custodians, educational associates, and clerical and food service employees. The President will appear on behalf of the school corporation in causes of action involving the District, unless the President must appear individually as a party, in which case, this duty shall be performed by the Secretary.
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 09/19/11
*Reviewed: 06/13/16
*Revised: 02/10/20
*Revised: 06/15/21
The Vice‑President shall serve in the absence of the President and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.
The Vice-President will be elected by a majority vote at the organizational or annual Board meeting each year to serve a one–year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as Vice-President. The Vice-President will take an active role in Board decisions by discussing and voting on matters before the Board in the same manner as other Board members. The Vice-President will accept control of the meeting from the President when the President wishes to make or second a motion.
If the President is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties required, it is the responsibility of the Vice-President to carry out those duties. If the President is unable or unwilling to complete the term of office, the Vice-President will serve as President for the balance of the President’s term of office and a new Vice-President will be elected.
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 09/19/11
*Reviewed: 06/13/16
*Revised: 02/10/20
*Reviewed: 06/15/21
A Secretary may be appointed from employees, other than a position requiring a teaching certificate, or from the public. To finalize the appointment, the Secretary will take the oath of office during the meeting at which the individual was appointed or no later than ten (10) days thereafter. It is the responsibility of the Board to evaluate the Secretary annually.
It is the responsibility of the Secretary, as custodian of the District’s records, to preserve and maintain the records and documents pertaining to the business of the Board; to keep complete minutes of special and regular Board meetings, including closed sessions; to keep a record of the results of regular and special elections; to keep an accurate account of school funds; to sign warrants drawn on the school funds after Board approval; and collect data on truant students. The Secretary will give bond in an amount set by the Board. The cost of the bond will be paid by the District.
It is the responsibility of the Board to appoint a Treasurer. The Board may appoint a Treasurer from its employees, other than a position requiring a teaching certificate, or from the public. To finalize the appointment, the Treasurer will take the oath of office during the meeting at which the individual was appointed or no later than ten days thereafter.
The primary responsibility of the Treasurer, as an appointed school officer, is to administer and maintain compliance with statutory duties as outlined throughout the Iowa Code pertaining to schools. It will also be the responsibility of the Treasurer to work with the Secretary to coordinate the financial records, the financial reports, the cash flow needs and the investment portfolio of the District. The Treasurer will give bond in an amount set by the Board. The cost of the bond will be paid by the District.
*Revised: 12/08/97
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Revised: 10/14/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 09/19/11
*Reviewed: 06/13/16
*Revised: 02/10/20
*Reviewed: 06/15/21
Authority rests with the Board in legal session and not with individual members of the Board, except as authorized by specific Board action or by statute. Each Board member shall function at all times as part of a legislative body and shall meet their legal responsibilities as a trustee of public education.
The Board will make its members, the District staff, and the public aware only the Board acting as a whole has authority to take official action.
*Reviewed: 09/16/02
*Reviewed: 01/10/05
*Revised: 12/13/10
*Reviewed: 09/19/11
*Reviewed: 06/13/16
*Reviewed: 06/15/21