The oath may be administered by a qualified Board member or by the Board secretary during the Board meeting, usually the organizational meeting, in the following form:
Do you solemnly swear you will support the Constitution of the United States, the laws of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and the laws of the State of Iowa, and you will faithfully and impartially, to the best of your ability, discharge the duties of the office of (naming the office) in Glenwood Community School District as now and hereafter required by law?
If a vacancy occurs on the Board, it may be filled by an appointment consistent with Iowa law. If the Board chooses to appoint, the Board Secretary shall post notice of the Board’s intent to fill the vacancy by appointment in the District newspaper of general circulation. The notice must state the electors of the school district have the right to file a petition requiring the vacancy be filled by special election. The Board may appoint to fill the vacancy after the notice is published or after the vacancy occurs, whichever is later. The newly-appointed Board member will hold the position until the next scheduled school election. However, if the next regular school election is within 180 days or less, then an appointment to fill the vacancy until the next regular school election may be made.
If the Board does not fill the vacancy by appointment or if a valid petition is filed within 14 days of notice, the Board secretary will call for a special election to fill the vacancy. Candidates for a seat created by a vacancy must file their nomination papers with the Board secretary consistent with the deadlines provided in Iowa law.
All elections will be held as provided in Iowa law. It is the responsibility of the county commissioner of elections to conduct school elections.
A vacancy will exist if there is a failure to elect at the proper election or to appoint within the time fixed by law; if an incumbent ceases to be a resident of the district or sub‑district; if an incumbent or officer‑elect resigns or passes away; if an incumbent forfeits his office; if a competent tribunal declares his/her office vacant; if an incumbent is convicted of an infamous crime or of any public offense involving the violation of his oath of office; or if a court order removes a Board member for engaging in and having had damages assessed against the Board member for three violations of the open meetings law of the Iowa Code.