Elementary and middle school students living more than two miles from their designated school attendance centers and high school students living more than three miles from their designated attendance centers are entitled to transportation to and from their attendance center at the expense of the school district.


Transportation of students who require special education services will generally be provided as for other students, when appropriate.  Specialized transportation of a student to and from a special education instructional service is a function of that service and, therefore, an appropriate expenditure of special education instructional funds generated through the weighting plan.


Transportation of a student to and from a special education support service is a function of that service, and is specified in the individualized education program (IEP) or the individualized family service plan (IFSP).  When the IEP or IFSP team determines that unique transportation arrangements are required and the arrangements are specified in the IEP or IFSP, the school district will provide one or more of the following transportation arrangements for instructional services and the AEA for support services:


  • Transportation from the student's residence to the location of the special education and back to the student's residence, or child care placement for students below the age of six.
  • Special assistance or adaptations in getting the student to and from and on and off the vehicle, en route to and from the special education.
  • Reimbursement of the actual costs of transportation when by mutual agreement the parents provide transportation for the student to and from the special education.


The school district is not required to provide reimbursement to parents who elect to provide transportation in lieu of agency-provided transportation.


A student may be required, at the Board's discretion, to meet a school vehicle without reimbursement up to three-fourths of a mile.  The Board may require the parent to transport their children up to two miles to connect with school bus vehicles at the expense of the school district when conditions deem it advisable.  It is within the discretion of the Board to determine such conditions.  Parents of students who live where transportation by bus is impracticable or unavailable may be required to furnish transportation to and from the designated attendance center at the expense of the school district.  Parents, who transport their children at the expense of the school district, are reimbursed at the rate per mile set by the state. 


Transportation arrangements made by agreement with a neighboring school district will follow the terms of the agreement.  Students, who choose to attend a school in a school district other than their resident school district, will provide transportation to and from the school at their own expense.


*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Reviewed:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 12/10/18

*Reviewed 10/14/2024


The Board in its discretion may provide school district transportation for extracurricular activities including, but not limited to, transporting student participants and other students to and from extracurricular practices or events and/or transporting equipment necessary for an extracurricular activity to and from extracurricular practices or events. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the Board annually as to whether the school district will provide the transportation authorized in this policy. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to make a recommendation to the Board, as necessary, as to what individuals or group of individuals are eligible to provide transportation and/or drive school district vehicles. In making any recommendation to the Board regarding the transportation of students and/or equipment for extracurricular activities, the Superintendent will consider the financial condition of the school district, the number of students who would qualify for such transportation, the type of equipment to be transferred, any considerations regarding the individuals who would be assigned to drive school district vehicles, and other factors the Board or Superintendent deem relevant.

 Transportation in School District Vehicles: Students participating in and/or attending extracurricular practices or events, other than those held at the school district facilities, may be transported to the extracurricular practice or event by school district transportation vehicles or by another means approved by the Superintendent or activities director. Students who are provided transportation in school district transportation vehicles for extracurricular practices or events will ride both to and from the event in the school vehicle unless arrangements have been made with the activities director prior to the practice or event. A student may travel home from an extracurricular practice or event with that student’s parent/guardian only if the parent/guardian signs the student out with the coach or sponsor following the practice or event. A student may travel home from an extracurricular practice or event with or another student’s parent/guardian only if it has been requested by that student’s parent/guardian and that student's parent/ guardian has made said arrangements with the activities director prior to the extracurricular practice or event. The student or the student’s parent/guardian must provide notice to the coach or activity sponsor of this arrangement prior to the extracurricular practice or event so that the coach or activity sponsor can confirm the arrangement with the activities director. 

Equipment necessary for an extracurricular activity, which may include pre-approved weapons and/or ammunition for the appropriate extracurricular activity, may be transported to the extracurricular practice or event by school district transportation vehicles or by another means approved by the Superintendent or athletic director. If pre-approved weapons and/or ammunition for an extracurricular activity are transported to the extracurricular practice or event by school district transportation vehicles, then the weapons and/or ammunition will always be transported in a separate vehicle from the vehicle transporting students. 

The Board in its discretion may determine that any individual, including but not limited to a coach, activity sponsor or parent, may operate a school vehicle for purposes of transporting students and/or equipment to and from extracurricular activities. Any such individual operating a school vehicle for purposes of transporting students and/or equipment to and from extracurricular activities who is not employed by the school district shall not receive additional compensation for the operation of the school vehicle for said purposes. The Board shall require any such individual operating a school vehicle for purposes of transporting students and/or equipment to and from extracurricular activities to provide evidence that the individual: (1) has a valid driver’s license; (2) has a driving record with minimal violations (i.e., fewer than two (2) moving violations in the previous twelve (12) month period); (3) has valid insurance with coverage and limits deemed acceptable by the District (which is determined to be $20,000 bodily injury coverage limits for any one person in any one accident and $40,000 bodily injury coverage limits for two or more persons in any one accident); and (4) has submitted to and passed a volunteer background check. Annually the Board and/or Superintendent shall provide a list of potential drivers to the school district’s insurance provider to determine whether the individual’s operation of a school district vehicle is covered under the school district’s insurance coverage. 

Transportation in Private Vehicles: A parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring their student is transported to and from an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds. Students participating in and/or attending an extracurricular practice or event that occurs within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds, may use a private vehicle (non-school district transportation) to travel between school and an extracurricular practice or event. Students who use private vehicles may be allowed to transport other students between school and an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries. When the event is off school district facilities or grounds, the student driver must be instructed on safety rules that must be observed and the student must have completed a “Volunteer Driver Verification Statement”. The “Volunteer Driver Verification Statement” shall be signed by the student driver and the student driver’s parent or guardian and shall confirm that the following requirements are met: (1) The student driver has a current, valid driver’s license; (2) The student driver is not subject to any license suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial or bar and not have committed an offense or act which, either alone or with previous offenses or acts, could result in license suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial or bar; (3) The student driver has appropriate safety restraint devices for every rider. (4) The student driver has proof of insurance on the vehicle. (5) The student driver has permission of the owner of the vehicle to operate the vehicle for purposes of transporting other students. (6) The student driver and the student driver’s parent/guardian agree that the fact that the student driver has returned a completed “Volunteer Driver Verification Statement” may be shared with other students and parents of the school district and the student driver and the student driver’s parent or guardian consent to the release of this information.

 A parent or guardian who wants their student to ride with another student driver in a private vehicle between school and an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds, shall contact the athletic director to determine whether the other student has a completed “Volunteer Driver Verification Statement” on file.

 A parent or guardian who does not want their student to ride with any other student driver between school and an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds, may request alternative forms of transportation by submitting a written request to the Superintendent or athletic director. 

The district cannot and does not monitor students driving with other students between school and an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds. The district will not allow or prohibit students from riding with other students between school and an extracurricular practice or event within the school district boundaries, but off school district facilities or grounds. The district cannot and does not guarantee that a student will not decide to ride with other students. The district will only provide a student or parent or guardian who inquires information regarding whether another student has returned a “Volunteer Driver Verification Statement”.


*Adopted: 02/12/07

*Reviewed: 04/12/10

*Revised: 12/13/10

*Revised: 02/13/12

*Reviewed: 04/22/13

*Revised: 11/9/15

*Reviewed: 12/10/18

*Revised: 10/14/19

*Revised:  02/10/25


The school district may use school vehicles for transportation to and from summer extracurricular activities.  The Superintendent will make a recommendation to the board annually regarding their use.


Transportation to and from the student's attendance center for summer school instructional programs is within the discretion of the board.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation regarding transportation of students in summer school instructional programs at the expense of the school district.  In making the recommendation to the board, the superintendent will consider the financial condition of the school district, the number of students involved in summer school programs, and other factors deemed relevant by the board or the superintendent.


*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 12/10/18

*Reviewed 10/14/2024


Only in unusual circumstances will the board make school district transportation vehicles available to local nonprofit entities which promote cultural, educational, civic, community, or recreational activities for transporting to and from nonschool-sponsored activities in the state as long as the transportation does not interfere with or disrupt the education program of the school district and does not interfere with or delay the transportation of students.  The local nonprofit entity must pay the cost of using the school district vehicle as determined by the superintendent.


In the event school district transportation vehicles are made available to local nonprofit entities, it is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations for application for, use of, and payment for using the school district transportation vehicles.



*Adopted:  11/11/2024



Date of Request:                                         Date Vehicle Needed:                         


Number of Riders:                                         Time Needed: From _________ to _________                            

I understand that the use of the buses of the school district shall be in accordance with the following rules and regulations:

Use of the buses fees shall be assessed based upon the actual state transportation report cost per mile.

  1. Requests must be made a minimum of one week in advance.  If the request interferes or conflicts with school district use of the vehicle, the request will be denied. The final decision of whether a request will be granted is within the discretion of the administration.

  2. Requests must be made by recognized youth organizations and/or groups or organizations sponsoring projects in the interest of the local community, state or national benefit or welfare.

  3. The rental period will be negotiated directly with the administration.

  4. Adult chaperones may be required to accompany the bus driver and riders.

  5. All requests will be charged bus and driver fees.

  6. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are prohibited on school district vehicles in accordance with Board Policies 902.8 and 406.4.

  7. Whenever damage caused by vandalism or carelessness results, the group shall reimburse the school district for cost of repairs and may be denied further use of school district vehicles

  8. The person signing this agreement shall be financially responsible for all costs accrued.


(_____ Total Miles Traveled X _____ Cost per Mile) + (_____ Total Hours Traveled X _____ Hourly Cost of Driver) = _____ Total Bus Charge

 _________________________              ___________________________

Superintendent or Designee                                Group Representative


*Adopted:  12/13/10

*Reviewed: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 12/10/18

*Revised:  11/11/24


School district buses will not operate when weather conditions due to fog, rain, snow or other natural elements make it unsafe to do so.  Because weather conditions may vary around the school district and may change quickly, the best judgment possible will be used with the information available.


The final judgment as to when conditions are unsafe to operate will be made by the Superintendent.  The Superintendent will be assisted by the actual "on location" decisions and reports of transportation personnel.


Employees and students will be notified by radio, television, web site, automated phone service and/or text messaging when school is cancelled or temporarily delayed.  When school is cancelled because of weather anywhere in the school district, all schools will be closed.


When weather conditions deteriorate during the day after school has begun, cancellation notices will be announced by radio, television, automated phone service and/or text messaging. Students will be returned to their regular drop-off sites unless weather conditions prevent it. In that case, students will be kept at or return to school until they are picked up by the parents or other arrangement can be made. Should school be cancelled due to weather and weather conditions improve later in the day, activity practices/contests may be held with Superintendent approval through the Activity DIrector's request.



*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 12/10/18

*Reviewed: 10/14/2024


The school district will conduct school bus safe riding practices instruction and emergency safety drills at least twice during the school year for students who utilize school district transportation.

Each school bus vehicle will have, in addition to the regular emergency safety drill, a plan for helping those students who require special assistance to safety during an emergency. This will include, but not be limited to, students with disabilities.

School district vehicle drivers are required to attend each safety drill.

Employees are responsible for instructing the proper techniques to be followed during an emergency, as well as safe riding practices.

All school personnel and designees must wear seat belts while operating school and private vehicles for school functions.  



*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Reviewed:  04/12/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 11/11/19

*Reviewed:  02/10/2025



Students utilizing school transportation will conduct themselves in an orderly manner fitting to their age level and maturity with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of the driver and the other passengers.  Students who fail to behave in an orderly manner will be subject to disciplinary measures.

The driver will have the authority to maintain order on the school vehicle.  It is the responsibility of the driver to report misconduct on the vehicle to the Transportation Department in a timely fashion.

The Board supports the use of video cameras on school buses used for transportation to and from school as well as for field trips, curricular or extra curricular events.  The video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior and may be used as evidence in a student disciplinary proceeding.  The video tapes are student records subject to school district confidentiality, board policy and administrative regulations.

In an effort to provide all school vehicle passengers with the safest and most efficient ride to and from their attendance centers as well as for field trips, curricular or extra curricular events. Bus rules outlined in Board Policy 702.8R1 must be followed at all times.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent or his designee, to develop administrative regulations regarding student conduct and discipline when utilizing school district transportation.


*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Revised:  06/14/10

*Revised:  12/13/10

*Revised: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 11/11/19

*Reviewed:  02/10/25



It is the belief of this department that all passengers can and must behave in a safe and appropriate manner when riding the school bus. Any behavior that may prevent the bus driver from performing their job safely and effectively WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The safety of all passengers is our primary concern.

In an effort to provide all school bus passengers with the safest and most efficient ride to and from their attendance center, the following BUS SAFETY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES must be followed at all times:

  • Follow the directions of the bus driver and bus aide.
  • Stay seated at all times.
  • Keep all body parts inside the bus.
  • Keep feet and legs and school supplies out of the aisle; aisle must remain clear.
  • Sit facing front of bus.
  • No eating or drinking on the bus.
  • No pushing, shoving, or fighting.
  • No inappropriate languages directed to other passengers or the driver.
  • No yelling or screaming. Excessive noise distracts the driver, as well as prevents the driver from hearing important communications from the dispatcher.
  • Band instruments will be allowed as long as aisles are not blocked and there is available space. Pre-approval for large instruments is recommended.
  • No loud/inappropriate music/sound effects from any electronic device.


1ST Violation: Transportation Coordinator will verbally contact parents, assign seating, give written notification to parents

 2nd Violation:  3 day SUSPENSION; written warning, parents contacted by Transportation Department

3rd Violation5 day SUSPENSION; written warning, parents contacted by Transportation Department


The District reserves the right to impose disciplinary consequences up to and including an automatic suspension from school transportation for up to one calendar year based upon the nature and seriousness of the student’s action and/or conduct in each case.


1. Physical harm, injury, or threat to the driver or aide, and/or other students on the bus.

2. Property damage to the school bus by a student.

3. Total disruption and/or refusal to obey the bus driver, the aide, and/or school bus rules.

4. Using inappropriate language directed at another student, the driver, the aide or someone outside the bus. 

5. Extending body parts or objects outside the bus, at the discretion of the Transportation Department due to the severity of the violation.

Please review this information with your child/children so that all passengers can enjoy a safe, positive experience on the school bus. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department at 712-527-4116. Thank you for your understanding and Cooperation.



*Adopted: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 11/11/19

*Revised: 03/09/20


School owned vehicles will be used and driven by school employees to transport students who participate in school sponsored activities and/or equipment for school sponsored activities, unless the administration considers it best to use a private vehicle.

If a private vehicle is used to transport students and/or equipment for school sponsored activities to school sponsored activities, it must be driven by a school employee and/or another individual specifically approved by the Superintendent, and approved in advance by the Superintendent or Principal.

If a private vehicle is used, the rate of reimbursement to the owner shall be the rate per mile established by the State of Iowa.  The district is not required to provide reimbursement to staff who elect to provide transportation in lieu of agency-provided transportation.

The person whose vehicle is being used must provide evidence that the vehicle has valid insurance with coverage and limits deemed acceptable by the District (which is determined to be $20,000 bodily injury coverage limits for any one person in any one accident and $40,000 bodily injury coverage limits for two or more persons in any one accident).

The driver of the vehicle must provide evidence that the individual:  (1) has a valid driver’s license; (2) has a driving record with minimal violations (i.e. fewer than two (2 moving violations in the previous twelve (12) month period; (3) has valid insurance with coverage and limits deemed acceptable by the District (which is determined to be $20,000 bodily injury coverage limits for any one person in any one accident and $40,000 bodily injury coverage limits for two or more persons in any one accident); and (4) has submitted to and passed a volunteer background check.

The school is not responsible for student safety in any instances when students ride in private vehicles driven by anyone but an authorized school employee and/or another individual specifically approved by the Superintendent.  Parents may be asked to provide transportation for school related activities, but shall not be required to do such. 


*Adopted:  02/12/07

*Revised:  06/14/10

*Revised:  10/05/10                     

 *Revised:  05/13/13

*Revised:  08/12/13

*Reviewed: 11/10/14

*Reviewed: 11/11/19

*Revised:  02/10/25